This helmet looked so cool that kids expected it to do more than just make a few noises and raise its shield when they put it on. It might make a good pretend-play toy for a child who is really into space and astronauts, but by itself, there wasn't much to engage the testers.
Other toys for ages 4-5
Bryce Coachman, 2, Florissant
Scarlett Schroeder, 3, South St. Louis County
Otis Luke, 2, St. Louis
Camren Griffin, 5, St. Louis
Gabriella Cook, 5, Florissant
Hannah-Michael Hubbard, 4, Creve Coeur
Vincenzo Wilson, 5, Shiloh
Kylee Batty, 7, St. Louis
Levi Draper, 6, Florissant
Matthew Carlson, 6, Collinsville
Rylie Sparks, 7, Sullivan
Ali Geminn, 9, Edwardsville
Hayden Hewgley, 10, Fenton
Rylan Wilson, 10, St. Louis