Daviyon Chairse

Daviyon Chairse was killed after he and his brother, Herman Chairse, took part in an attempted drug-deal robbery in Dellwood on Aug. 11. Herman Chairse, 19, of Dellwood, was charged with second-degree murder, attempted robbery and armed criminal action in connection with the death of his brother. A North County Police Cooperative spokesman did not release Daviyon's age, but said he was considered a juvenile at the time of his death. Second-degree murder in Missouri can apply when a felony crime leads to a death, even if the defendant didn't directly cause the killing. In this case, prosecutors allege Herman Chairse's attempted robbery led to his younger brother's death. Charging documents allege the brothers arranged on Aug. 11 to meet an unknown drug dealer to buy marijuana about 11 p.m. in the 10200 block of Quaker Drive. The spot is about a block away from the brother's Dellwood home, according to charging documents. The documents say an argument broke out when Daviyon Chairse failed to complete a CashApp payment to the dealer, and one of the brothers attempted to grab the marijuana. The brothers then ran from the dealer and Daviyon was fatally shot, the court documents say. Maj. Ron Martin with the North County Police Cooperative said they the department had not identified the drug dealer in the case by Wednesday.

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Aug. 11, 2023








10200 block of Quaker Drive,
St. Louis County