Willie Hamilton, 43, was shot in his abdomen Sept. 27 at his home in the 6900 block of Minnesota Avenue in the city's Carondelet neighborhood. He was taken to a hospital in critical condition, but later le left the hospital against doctor's advice, police said, and died on Oct. 2 at his home. The St. Louis Medical Examiner's Office ruled the manner of death a homicide. Before the medical examiner's decision, St. Louis police arrested 27-year-old B.J. Lowe for assault on Oct. 4. Lowe was charged with assault and armed criminal action. On Nov. 21, St. Louis Associate Circuit Judge Catherine Dierker dismissed those charges, saying prosecutors had failed to show good cause why a preliminary hearing should be continued. Christine Bertelson, a spokeswoman for the circuit attorney, said this week, "If new evidence is brought to us regarding this case, our office will consider it in determining whether to file charges." Lowe's defense attorney, Terry Niehoff, said the victim died after checking himself out of the hospital against doctor's orders and then overdosing on fentanyl. Hamilton "would have survived if he had stayed in the hospital," Niehoff argues. "My guy was locked up when (Hamilton) overdosed." On the day Hamilton was shot, the gunman forced his way into the home, police said. Hamilton struggled with the man, police said. The intruder then shot Hamilton and left. A woman, 43, who was at home at the time was uninjured, police said.
Read full storyDied
Sept. 27, 2024
43 years old
6900 block of Minnesota Avenue,
St. Louis city