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This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.

Ft. Zumwalt West High employees classified as teacher

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Name School Regular Salary Total Pay Years in district Years in Missouri Schools
Amlong, Erin Ft. Zumwalt West High $40,110.00 $40,110.00 4 4
Anderson, Heather Ft. Zumwalt West High $78,270.00 $78,270.00 19 20
Atkins, Laura Ft. Zumwalt West High $42,340.00 $42,340.00 8 9
Auten, Jeffrey Ft. Zumwalt West High $60,066.00 $67,839.00 16 21
Baldwin, Sean Ft. Zumwalt West High $54,075.00 $58,095.00 15 15
Bals, Melissa Ft. Zumwalt West High $50,795.00 $50,795.00 11 11
Barban, Kelly Ft. Zumwalt West High $83,192.00 $85,942.00 29 29
Bauer, Andrew Ft. Zumwalt West High $45,940.00 $45,940.00 4 9
Behlmann, David Ft. Zumwalt West High $58,365.00 $58,365.00 17 17
Bohr, Brenda Ft. Zumwalt West High $60,485.00 $60,485.00 14 17
Boschert, Nicole Ft. Zumwalt West High $39,100.00 $44,460.00 4 4
Brinker, Michelle Ft. Zumwalt West High $78,270.00 $83,017.00 17 20
Brockman, Janita Ft. Zumwalt West High $76,287.00 $76,287.00 16 24
Buchner, Jamie Ft. Zumwalt West High $75,837.00 $75,837.00 18 18
Carl, Karen Ft. Zumwalt West High $77,646.00 $77,646.00 23 23
Castle, Cynthia Ft. Zumwalt West High $51,905.00 $51,905.00 13 13
Coleman, Dona Ft. Zumwalt West High $79,979.00 $79,979.00 20 20
Cook, Jennifer Ft. Zumwalt West High $56,245.00 $56,551.00 11 19
Creech, Alexa Ft. Zumwalt West High $39,100.00 $39,100.00 3 4
Cunningham, John Ft. Zumwalt West High $55,160.00 $63,280.00 9 18
Darrah, Lindsay Ft. Zumwalt West High $44,090.00 $47,842.00 5 5
Define, Rachel Ft. Zumwalt West High $43,540.00 $48,632.00 5 5
Deshurley, Keith Ft. Zumwalt West High $75,837.00 $75,837.00 21 21
Deyoung, Michael Ft. Zumwalt West High $78,461.00 $87,683.00 16 28
Duggan Jinga, Sharon Ft. Zumwalt West High $80,363.00 $80,363.00 23 26
Duncan, Matthew Ft. Zumwalt West High $40,120.00 $41,544.00 7 7
Enloe Fritz, Elizbeth Ft. Zumwalt West High $76,787.00 $80,619.00 21 23
Evans, Rachel Ft. Zumwalt West High $51,855.00 $51,855.00 11 11
Faasen, Vicki Ft. Zumwalt West High $75,511.00 $78,536.00 15 15
Farmer, Jill Ft. Zumwalt West High $45,490.00 $45,737.00 8 8
Fink, Steven Ft. Zumwalt West High $38,600.00 $39,020.00 2 2
Fischer, Bradley Ft. Zumwalt West High $75,837.00 $83,877.00 17 21
Fitzpatrick, William Ft. Zumwalt West High $62,333.00 $67,728.00 20 24
France, Christina Ft. Zumwalt West High $50,930.00 $50,930.00 10 10
Frazier, Donald Ft. Zumwalt West High $77,146.00 $79,372.00 18 23
Frazier, Elizabeth Ft. Zumwalt West High $74,696.00 $74,696.00 13 14
Gamache, Amanda Ft. Zumwalt West High $76,787.00 $79,954.00 23 23
Gano, Vernon Ft. Zumwalt West High $57,610.00 $57,610.00 17 18
Gawronski, Denise Ft. Zumwalt West High $76,787.00 $76,787.00 18 23
Gibbs, Jeremy Ft. Zumwalt West High $58,315.00 $58,315.00 15 15
Gough, Eric Ft. Zumwalt West High $80,270.00 $84,913.00 18 21
Gough, Carey Ft. Zumwalt West High $78,270.00 $78,695.00 16 18
Gryseels, Kimberly Ft. Zumwalt West High $50,820.00 $50,820.00 5 19
Guittar, Erica Ft. Zumwalt West High $44,090.00 $44,090.00 3 3
Hahn, Dawn Ft. Zumwalt West High $79,840.00 $79,840.00 16 27
Hall, Abby Ft. Zumwalt West High $44,590.00 $44,590.00 4 7
Hanneke, Shayla Ft. Zumwalt West High $38,600.00 $41,414.00 1 2
Hardy, Lee Ft. Zumwalt West High $61,570.00 $67,761.00 18 18
Hasekamp, Kimberly Ft. Zumwalt West High $58,390.00 $58,390.00 19 19
Hayden, Mike Ft. Zumwalt West High $83,192.00 $84,666.00 24 24
Hayes, Daniel Ft. Zumwalt West High $78,647.00 $93,265.00 20 27
Haynes, William Ft. Zumwalt West High $49,870.00 $53,622.00 5 10
Hermann, Mrs. Ft. Zumwalt West High $80,270.00 $80,270.00 21 21
Hobson, Carolyn Ft. Zumwalt West High $43,540.00 $43,540.00 3 3
Horner, Tyler Ft. Zumwalt West High $44,090.00 $48,512.00 5 5
Hruby, Brian Ft. Zumwalt West High $38,600.00 $45,032.00 2 2
Hudson, Lynn Ft. Zumwalt West High $55,135.00 $59,021.00 15 15
Huff, Casey Ft. Zumwalt West High $57,255.00 $57,255.00 10 16
Jackson, Marie Ft. Zumwalt West High $56,245.00 $57,585.00 17 17
Johnson, Laura Ft. Zumwalt West High $49,870.00 $49,870.00 10 10
Jones, Brooke Ft. Zumwalt West High $38,600.00 $41,548.00 2 2
Kile, Jerry Ft. Zumwalt West High $57,610.00 $66,454.00 18 18
Klem, Alice Ft. Zumwalt West High $82,003.00 $82,003.00 24 24
Klingensmith, Cheryl Ft. Zumwalt West High $47,130.00 $47,130.00 1 24
Koch, Wendy Ft. Zumwalt West High $61,570.00 $61,570.00 18 18
Koehler, Terisa Ft. Zumwalt West High $39,620.00 $39,620.00 5 5
Koeneker, Sarah Ft. Zumwalt West High $49,735.00 $50,005.00 11 11
Kreamalmeyer, Corbin Ft. Zumwalt West High $43,040.00 $43,040.00 1 3
Kretz, Mary Ft. Zumwalt West High $60,566.00 $60,566.00 22 22
Krueger, Amanda Ft. Zumwalt West High $52,915.00 $52,915.00 11 11
Lefors, Andrew Ft. Zumwalt West High $48,810.00 $52,428.00 10 10
Lehmann, Sylvia Ft. Zumwalt West High $52,990.00 $53,566.00 13 14
Lowe, Kevin Ft. Zumwalt West High $44,040.00 $50,874.00 7 7
Luetkenhaus, Patricia Ft. Zumwalt West High $83,192.00 $88,165.00 25 26
Malach, Julie Ft. Zumwalt West High $60,510.00 $62,922.00 14 18
Mankus, Nicole Ft. Zumwalt West High $55,060.00 $55,359.00 12 12
Marquez, Loran Ft. Zumwalt West High $51,855.00 $60,498.00 11 11
Martin, Sarah Ft. Zumwalt West High $76,696.00 $76,696.00 17 21
Meder, Adriana Ft. Zumwalt West High $50,820.00 $50,820.00 12 12
Meyer, David Ft. Zumwalt West High $54,075.00 $54,369.00 15 15
Micheletti, Brandon Ft. Zumwalt West High $39,600.00 $39,600.00 4 4
Mitchell, Lauren Ft. Zumwalt West High $47,750.00 $47,750.00 10 10
Molina, Emily Ft. Zumwalt West High $54,075.00 $54,075.00 15 15
Moore, Tammy Ft. Zumwalt West High $62,018.00 $62,018.00 18 25
Moyer, Keith Ft. Zumwalt West High $48,130.00 $56,974.00 4 9
Moyer, Nicole Ft. Zumwalt West High $50,820.00 $53,634.00 12 12
Mueller, Thomas Ft. Zumwalt West High $75,837.00 $75,837.00 20 20
Murray, Jerrie Ft. Zumwalt West High $40,400.00 $40,400.00 1 12
Myers, Lillian Ft. Zumwalt West High $39,100.00 $41,914.00 3 3
Nadler, Danielle Ft. Zumwalt West High $44,940.00 $45,897.00 9 9
Nielsen, Beth Ft. Zumwalt West High $56,195.00 $56,195.00 15 15
Noonan, Elizabeth Ft. Zumwalt West High $51,880.00 $56,302.00 12 12
Nowack, Neil Ft. Zumwalt West High $53,526.00 $65,418.00 13 13
O'Connor, Jaimie Ft. Zumwalt West High $43,540.00 $43,540.00 4 4
Obryan, Michael Ft. Zumwalt West High $52,990.00 $56,876.00 13 16
Obryan, Kelly Ft. Zumwalt West High $55,160.00 $56,299.00 13 16
Oetting, Ryan Ft. Zumwalt West High $54,050.00 $61,487.00 14 14
Ofem, Katie Ft. Zumwalt West High $39,110.00 $39,110.00 1 1
Olson, Mark Ft. Zumwalt West High $56,220.00 $61,119.00 11 17
Pecoraro, Angela Ft. Zumwalt West High $62,832.00 $62,832.00 19 19
Pike, Benjamin Ft. Zumwalt West High $39,100.00 $43,522.00 4 4
Price, Bruce Ft. Zumwalt West High $83,192.00 $83,192.00 21 30
Robinson, Mary Kay Ft. Zumwalt West High $78,647.00 $85,777.00 20 30
Rodgers, Kayla Ft. Zumwalt West High $39,100.00 $39,100.00 2 3
Rueschhoff, Lisa Ft. Zumwalt West High $78,647.00 $79,971.00 22 26
Ruhland, Sarah Ft. Zumwalt West High $43,540.00 $43,540.00 4 4
Sander, Mary Ft. Zumwalt West High $47,750.00 $47,750.00 7 7
Santen, Laura Ft. Zumwalt West High $41,420.00 $41,420.00 2 17
Shaw, Nicole Ft. Zumwalt West High $51,880.00 $51,880.00 12 12
Short, Julie Ft. Zumwalt West High $39,100.00 $46,683.00 4 4
Siebels, Michael Ft. Zumwalt West High $44,090.00 $47,976.00 5 5
Spies, Mike Ft. Zumwalt West High $50,820.00 $50,820.00 12 12
Staudt, Bonnie Ft. Zumwalt West High $56,145.00 $56,145.00 13 13
Stockton, Megan Ft. Zumwalt West High $40,110.00 $40,110.00 4 4
Swingler, Michelle Ft. Zumwalt West High $54,000.00 $54,000.00 11 12
Trost, Kimberly Ft. Zumwalt West High $51,905.00 $52,469.00 13 13
Twichell, Ron Ft. Zumwalt West High $82,794.00 $82,794.00 19 25
Valdez, Jorge Ft. Zumwalt West High $44,090.00 $44,090.00 5 5
Vandervort, Nancy Ft. Zumwalt West High $58,340.00 $58,340.00 11 16
Vick, Maurice Ft. Zumwalt West High $73,837.00 $78,259.00 20 20
Voelker, Matthew Ft. Zumwalt West High $62,832.00 $65,365.00 16 19
Wallis, Matt Ft. Zumwalt West High $43,540.00 $43,540.00 4 4
Waring, Deborah Ft. Zumwalt West High $77,146.00 $77,146.00 17 23
Watsonweir, Nancy Ft. Zumwalt West High $81,777.00 $81,777.00 27 27
Weber, Julie Ft. Zumwalt West High $48,810.00 $48,810.00 10 10
Williams, Jami Ft. Zumwalt West High $52,965.00 $52,965.00 13 13
Woodward, Jennifer Ft. Zumwalt West High $76,696.00 $76,696.00 19 21
Zerr, Andrew Ft. Zumwalt West High $39,100.00 $42,048.00 3 4

This excludes all employees whose total full-time equivalency adds up to less than one. Those employees are not listed anywhere in this database.