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This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.

Francis Howell High employees classified as teacher

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Name School Regular Salary Total Pay Years in district Years in Missouri Schools
Aebischer, Jessica Francis Howell High $65,305.00 $65,305.00 13 13
Anders, Larry Francis Howell High $90,737.00 $97,977.00 29 29
Appleton, Brian Francis Howell High $69,301.00 $69,301.00 16 16
Baker, Holly Francis Howell High $82,821.00 $82,821.00 22 25
Bange, Katherine Francis Howell High $64,025.00 $64,025.00 12 12
Beckham, Patrick Francis Howell High $41,287.00 $41,287.00 3 5
Beckmann, Jennifer Francis Howell High $44,218.00 $44,218.00 5 5
Benson, Kenneth Francis Howell High $67,418.00 $67,418.00 12 14
Berendzen, Samuel Francis Howell High $59,512.00 $59,512.00 13 23
Blessman, Debra Francis Howell High $55,564.00 $55,564.00 15 20
Bocek, Lara Francis Howell High $72,216.00 $72,216.00 24 33
Bohning, Steven Francis Howell High $63,898.00 $63,898.00 20 20
Burch, Ashley Francis Howell High $46,005.00 $46,005.00 6 7
Carlson, Tracy Francis Howell High $59,148.00 $59,148.00 8 8
Carmi, Holly Francis Howell High $46,185.00 $46,185.00 5 8
Causey, John Francis Howell High $62,645.00 $62,645.00 19 19
Chen, Wan-Tzu Multiple Schools $47,479.00 $47,479.00 2 2
Cissell, Darin Francis Howell High $67,942.00 $67,942.00 15 15
Clawson, Courtney Multiple Schools $50,005.00 $50,005.00 3 4
Cole, Edward Francis Howell High $42,112.00 $42,112.00 1 5
Cowdry, Audrey Francis Howell High $50,384.00 $50,384.00 3 8
Dumas, Melissa Multiple Schools $55,628.00 $55,628.00 13 13
Dunaway, Michele Francis Howell High $79,605.00 $79,605.00 10 24
Elifritz, Marvin Francis Howell High $86,167.00 $86,167.00 17 31
Ellison, Jamie Francis Howell High $70,687.00 $70,687.00 17 17
Ellrich, Kyle Francis Howell High $47,479.00 $47,479.00 1 3
Enright, Michael Francis Howell High $65,305.00 $65,305.00 10 12
Eubanks, Janet Francis Howell High $86,167.00 $86,167.00 20 23
Fitzpatrick, Karey Francis Howell High $56,740.00 $56,740.00 12 14
Flores, Jennifer Francis Howell High $70,687.00 $70,687.00 15 17
Francis, Cassandra Francis Howell High $73,543.00 $73,543.00 19 19
Frankenberg, Natalie Francis Howell High $70,142.00 $70,142.00 16 16
Gelnett, Catherine Francis Howell High $59,032.00 $59,032.00 16 16
Graham, Tracy Francis Howell High $67,942.00 $67,942.00 12 15
Halloran, Erika Francis Howell High $64,025.00 $64,025.00 12 12
Henley, Mark Francis Howell High $83,828.00 $83,828.00 25 25
Heskin, Michele Francis Howell High $64,025.00 $64,025.00 9 12
Horn, Kayla Multiple Schools $41,287.00 $41,287.00 4 4
Irizarry, Karen Francis Howell High $72,260.00 $72,260.00 19 22
Jobe, Jamie Francis Howell High $47,479.00 $47,479.00 4 4
Jones, Lisa Francis Howell High $84,477.00 $84,477.00 26 26
Kaatman, Adam Francis Howell High $47,479.00 $47,479.00 1 1
Klein, Carolyn Francis Howell High $53,468.00 $53,468.00 11 11
Kohler, Samuel Francis Howell High $60,331.00 $60,331.00 9 9
Krumm, Alyse Francis Howell High $49,396.00 $49,396.00 7 7
Latham, Lisa Francis Howell High $53,902.00 $53,902.00 8 16
Leonard, Maren Francis Howell High $42,112.00 $42,112.00 5 6
Linneman, Kimberly Francis Howell High $64,025.00 $64,025.00 12 12
Longton, Wilda Francis Howell High $81,198.00 $81,198.00 24 24
Looten, Keith Francis Howell High $82,184.00 $82,184.00 20 24
Malawey, Mark Francis Howell High $87,213.00 $87,213.00 27 27
Martell, Christa Francis Howell High $84,477.00 $84,477.00 20 26
Mcvicar, Douglas Francis Howell High $83,220.00 $83,220.00 31 33
Miller, John Francis Howell High $65,305.00 $65,305.00 11 13
Miller, Christopher Multiple Schools $65,176.00 $65,176.00 11 19
Muehling, Janet Francis Howell High $80,572.00 $80,572.00 24 24
Muench, Michael Francis Howell High $57,988.00 $57,988.00 7 7
Oehrlein, Sarah Francis Howell High $44,218.00 $44,218.00 3 6
Parkinson, Sharon Francis Howell High $54,474.00 $54,474.00 8 18
Pointer, Jennifer Francis Howell High $61,537.00 $61,537.00 6 6
Power, Louise Francis Howell High $73,543.00 $73,543.00 17 19
Queen, Brittany Francis Howell High $42,112.00 $42,112.00 5 5
Rendine, Jacqueline Francis Howell High $42,112.00 $42,112.00 5 6
Renken, Rebecca Francis Howell High $82,184.00 $82,184.00 14 29
Riegler, Brandi Francis Howell High $49,396.00 $49,396.00 2 7
Robben, Mary Alice Francis Howell High $94,402.00 $94,402.00 29 33
Rupp, Lori Francis Howell High $82,821.00 $82,821.00 19 25
Samuelson, Laura Francis Howell High $57,809.00 $57,809.00 17 24
Schmidt, Sarah Francis Howell High $53,468.00 $53,468.00 11 11
Schottmueller, Katherine Francis Howell High $62,769.00 $62,769.00 4 10
Schulte, Dana Francis Howell High $59,148.00 $59,148.00 1 7
Seifert, Sandra Francis Howell High $69,301.00 $69,301.00 11 15
Sewing, Sandra Francis Howell High $78,043.00 $82,194.00 22 22
Sims, Michelle Francis Howell High $60,213.00 $65,017.00 13 17
Snyder, James Francis Howell High $55,627.00 $55,627.00 1 16
Sotheran, Samantha Francis Howell High $47,479.00 $47,479.00 4 4
Storm, Michael Francis Howell High $73,399.00 $73,399.00 15 32
Storts, Bobby Francis Howell High $60,464.00 $60,464.00 13 13
Stotts, Kathleen Francis Howell High $65,305.00 $65,305.00 13 13
Stroh, Lisa Francis Howell High $56,851.00 $56,851.00 6 6
Stroh, Kevin Francis Howell High $65,305.00 $65,305.00 13 13
Struckhoff, Kelly Francis Howell High $41,287.00 $41,287.00 2 5
Sullivan, Meghan Francis Howell High $49,396.00 $49,396.00 7 7
Svitak, Paula Francis Howell High $63,898.00 $63,898.00 20 20
Tillman, Jennifer Francis Howell High $78,043.00 $78,043.00 13 23
Turpin, Michael Francis Howell High $83,220.00 $83,220.00 23 32
Walker, Lane Francis Howell High $69,301.00 $69,301.00 9 14
Wayne, Carl Francis Howell High $65,305.00 $65,305.00 13 13
West, Eric Francis Howell High $64,418.00 $64,418.00 25 25
Wheeler, Sean Francis Howell High $52,419.00 $52,419.00 4 9
Wierzbicki, Zachary Francis Howell High $44,690.00 $44,690.00 5 5
Wight-Burnette, Shirley Francis Howell High $88,891.00 $88,891.00 26 34
Williamson, Dane Francis Howell High $52,640.00 $52,640.00 4 4
Wunderlich, Suzanne Francis Howell High $76,365.00 $76,365.00 29 30
Wylie, Loretta Francis Howell High $53,902.00 $53,902.00 16 16
Zimmerman, Darwin Francis Howell High $81,198.00 $81,198.00 24 24

This excludes all employees whose total full-time equivalency adds up to less than one. Those employees are not listed anywhere in this database.