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This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.

Discovery Ridge Elementary employees classified as teacher

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Name School Regular Salary Total Pay Years in district Years in Missouri Schools
Anzalone, Christina Discovery Ridge Elementary $42,992.00 $43,786.00 7 7
Barrett, Callee Discovery Ridge Elementary $40,993.00 $40,993.00 3 3
Baumer, Kimberly Discovery Ridge Elementary $68,250.00 $68,250.00 13 19
Bayless, Sarah Discovery Ridge Elementary $55,244.00 $57,151.00 8 13
Bierbaum, Katherine Discovery Ridge Elementary $45,352.00 $45,352.00 5 5
Briggs, Paige Discovery Ridge Elementary $40,197.00 $40,197.00 1 4
Bunch, Patti Discovery Ridge Elementary $54,539.00 $56,988.00 9 10
Burkemper, Lindsay Discovery Ridge Elementary $54,539.00 $55,135.00 3 3
Clanton, Laurie Discovery Ridge Elementary $56,620.00 $57,216.00 11 14
Cohea, Sarah Discovery Ridge Elementary $39,209.00 $40,371.00 1 2
Delcour, Elizabeth Discovery Ridge Elementary $54,539.00 $55,160.00 10 10
Engelage, Karen Discovery Ridge Elementary $47,848.00 $47,848.00 12 13
Gau, Kathleen Discovery Ridge Elementary $64,936.00 $64,936.00 13 24
Gerson, Sarah Discovery Ridge Elementary $56,554.00 $59,363.00 9 9
Hale, Tara Discovery Ridge Elementary $64,087.00 $64,087.00 12 18
Hansen, Melissa Discovery Ridge Elementary $44,682.00 $44,682.00 4 4
Hasekamp, Christin Discovery Ridge Elementary $40,197.00 $41,835.00 5 5
Heath, Meghan Discovery Ridge Elementary $42,178.00 $43,777.00 8 8
Ivancic, Cynthia Discovery Ridge Elementary $45,355.00 $45,355.00 9 10
Joerling, Brandee Discovery Ridge Elementary $64,218.00 $64,218.00 14 14
Jones, Heidi Discovery Ridge Elementary $69,082.00 $69,082.00 12 27
Klaas, Joshua Discovery Ridge Elementary $51,209.00 $53,021.00 10 10
Klaus, Sarah Discovery Ridge Elementary $40,700.00 $40,700.00 1 1
Kliethermes, Megan Discovery Ridge Elementary $56,554.00 $56,554.00 7 9
Kuhn, Tiffany Discovery Ridge Elementary $64,218.00 $67,291.00 13 13
Ladymon, Katie Discovery Ridge Elementary $40,197.00 $41,915.00 5 5
Legrand, Ashley Discovery Ridge Elementary $47,275.00 $47,275.00 1 6
Lewis, Abigail Discovery Ridge Elementary $38,725.00 $38,725.00 1 1
Lillibridge, Lora Discovery Ridge Elementary $38,725.00 $38,725.00 1 1
Llewellyn, Amanda Discovery Ridge Elementary $44,022.00 $44,022.00 2 2
Lueking, Kaci Discovery Ridge Elementary $49,863.00 $49,863.00 2 8
Lunders, Michelle Discovery Ridge Elementary $43,766.00 $43,766.00 4 8
Lynch, Laura Discovery Ridge Elementary $60,974.00 $60,974.00 14 18
Malensky, Courtney Discovery Ridge Elementary $38,725.00 $38,725.00 1 1
Marren, Katherine Discovery Ridge Elementary $49,863.00 $50,657.00 8 8
Mathison, Janel Discovery Ridge Elementary $56,620.00 $56,620.00 3 16
May, Leslie Discovery Ridge Elementary $56,620.00 $56,620.00 3 16
Mazzola, Martha Discovery Ridge Elementary $56,012.00 $56,012.00 9 11
Mccarty, Heather Discovery Ridge Elementary $46,171.00 $46,171.00 8 16
Meyer, Ronda Discovery Ridge Elementary $71,733.00 $73,850.00 17 21
Micke, Veronica Discovery Ridge Elementary $49,863.00 $51,570.00 9 9
Mikes, Lisa Discovery Ridge Elementary $69,106.00 $70,278.00 5 17
Militzer, Jennifer Discovery Ridge Elementary $47,275.00 $47,275.00 3 6
Niebur, Ryan Discovery Ridge Elementary $44,022.00 $44,022.00 2 2
Noonan, Kala Discovery Ridge Elementary $44,682.00 $44,682.00 4 4
Noonan, Amy Discovery Ridge Elementary $47,275.00 $47,275.00 6 7
Ohlms, Kayla Discovery Ridge Elementary $40,700.00 $40,700.00 1 5
Olson, Erin Discovery Ridge Elementary $44,022.00 $44,022.00 2 2
Otte, Patricia Discovery Ridge Elementary $64,218.00 $64,218.00 3 22
Porter, Kimberly Discovery Ridge Elementary $53,902.00 $53,902.00 1 15
Poston, Jaimie Discovery Ridge Elementary $53,105.00 $53,105.00 6 9
Redman, Ashley Discovery Ridge Elementary $42,232.00 $42,232.00 2 5
Reilly, Margaret Discovery Ridge Elementary $44,682.00 $44,682.00 3 3
Sevier, Christopher Discovery Ridge Elementary $40,197.00 $44,961.00 5 5
Swinney, Cortney Discovery Ridge Elementary $40,700.00 $40,700.00 4 5
Ventimiglia, Jeanette Discovery Ridge Elementary $38,725.00 $38,725.00 1 1
Woodring, Jordin Discovery Ridge Elementary $47,275.00 $47,275.00 2 5
Zoellner, Emily Discovery Ridge Elementary $58,081.00 $60,900.00 10 10

This excludes all employees whose total full-time equivalency adds up to less than one. Those employees are not listed anywhere in this database.