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This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.

Lafayette Sr. High employees classified as teacher

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Name School Regular Salary Total Pay Years in district Years in Missouri Schools
Ahlers, Curtis Lafayette Sr. High $51,445.00 $51,445.00 8 8
Allen, Scott Lafayette Sr. High $67,162.00 $67,162.00 14 15
Arnet, Lauren Lafayette Sr. High $57,341.00 $58,215.00 7 13
Atkins, Seth Lafayette Sr. High $47,771.00 $47,771.00 2 5
Balog, Brad Multiple Schools $71,599.00 $85,731.00 17 17
Bargeon, Margaret Lafayette Sr. High $47,899.00 $47,899.00 5 5
Beaver, Scott Lafayette Sr. High $54,050.00 $58,228.00 5 5
Becker, John Lafayette Sr. High $52,731.00 $52,731.00 5 9
Benner, Emily Lafayette Sr. High $55,671.00 $64,521.00 11 11
Blackwood, Michael Multiple Schools $62,658.00 $67,586.00 7 15
Bolton, Traci Lafayette Sr. High $68,967.00 $68,967.00 13 18
Briginets, Lyubov Lafayette Sr. High $52,731.00 $52,731.00 9 9
Brown, Samantha Lafayette Sr. High $43,322.00 $43,322.00 1 4
Campbell, Shannon Lafayette Sr. High $57,934.00 $60,659.00 10 10
Carel, James Lafayette Sr. High $63,306.00 $63,306.00 13 13
Choate, David Lafayette Sr. High $63,306.00 $72,386.00 12 13
Clark, Katrina Lafayette Sr. High $47,771.00 $52,293.00 4 5
Cugier, David Lafayette Sr. High $61,684.00 $61,684.00 24 24
Deblasi, Vincent Lafayette Sr. High $45,533.00 $45,533.00 10 10
Decker, Todd Lafayette Sr. High $66,797.00 $66,797.00 11 17
Deken, John Lafayette Sr. High $59,061.00 $59,061.00 5 5
Donovan, Lisa Lafayette Sr. High $77,125.00 $81,125.00 22 22
Eisenhour, Megan Lafayette Sr. High $54,050.00 $54,050.00 10 10
Ell, Douglas Lafayette Sr. High $68,967.00 $68,967.00 19 20
Finley, Meghan Lafayette Sr. High $54,050.00 $63,235.00 4 10
Fischer, Natasha Lafayette Sr. High $52,731.00 $60,477.00 9 9
Fish, Brian Lafayette Sr. High $64,694.00 $69,694.00 12 16
Fowler, Jodie Lafayette Sr. High $62,658.00 $62,658.00 9 15
Gladden, Tracy Lafayette Sr. High $45,533.00 $45,533.00 13 13
Glenn, Susan Lafayette Sr. High $93,662.00 $97,062.00 31 31
Gornet, Theresa Lafayette Sr. High $81,164.00 $84,164.00 29 29
Gray, Crystal Lafayette Sr. High $45,533.00 $45,533.00 16 16
Green, Holly Lafayette Sr. High $46,835.00 $50,327.00 1 4
Guenzler-Heaney, Carrie Lafayette Sr. High $59,061.00 $59,061.00 13 13
Gutowski, Joseph Multiple Schools $59,061.00 $63,862.00 11 13
Hagglund, Erin Lafayette Sr. High $52,731.00 $53,605.00 9 9
Hall, Carrie Lafayette Sr. High $65,205.00 $70,205.00 9 14
Hartley, Paige Lafayette Sr. High $78,270.00 $79,380.00 16 21
Hayes, Terry Lafayette Sr. High $82,484.00 $82,484.00 31 31
Hermach, Cheryl Lafayette Sr. High $75,283.00 $75,283.00 19 24
Hicks, Adam Lafayette Sr. High $45,672.00 $50,785.00 7 7
Holtmann, Scott Lafayette Sr. High $44,079.00 $44,079.00 6 6
Hruby, Stefanie Lafayette Sr. High $55,143.00 $60,373.00 8 8
Imler, Dana Lafayette Sr. High $55,671.00 $55,671.00 1 11
Indelicato-Faw, Dawn Lafayette Sr. High $70,534.00 $70,534.00 14 17
Ingram, Jennifer Lafayette Sr. High $59,061.00 $59,061.00 7 13
Jaycox, Paul Lafayette Sr. High $57,341.00 $63,189.00 12 12
Keathley, Sarah Lafayette Sr. High $57,341.00 $57,341.00 12 12
Keillor, Jennifer Lafayette Sr. High $60,403.00 $60,403.00 10 12
Kemp, Vicki Multiple Schools $73,926.00 $78,926.00 20 23
Kempf, Jessica Lafayette Sr. High $50,190.00 $53,834.00 7 7
Klawiter, Stephen Lafayette Sr. High $75,959.00 $75,959.00 21 21
Koziatek, Marietta Lafayette Sr. High $45,412.00 $45,412.00 9 9
Kraemer, Cathy Lafayette Sr. High $83,731.00 $93,138.00 23 30
Kreienkamp, Donald Lafayette Sr. High $57,934.00 $57,934.00 10 10
Krull, Paul Lafayette Sr. High $90,475.00 $90,475.00 28 33
Lammert, Kristin Lafayette Sr. High $49,957.00 $49,957.00 5 5
Landow, Jeffrey Lafayette Sr. High $52,731.00 $52,731.00 9 9
Landwehr, Matthew Lafayette Sr. High $55,143.00 $63,875.00 9 9
Lawrence, Rebecca Lafayette Sr. High $63,306.00 $64,106.00 13 13
Lee, Jodie Lafayette Sr. High $50,190.00 $54,080.00 7 7
Lega, Julia Multiple Schools $67,162.00 $71,006.00 16 16
Lewis, Ashley Lafayette Sr. High $54,050.00 $57,940.00 10 10
Loeffler, Kelli Lafayette Sr. High $61,462.00 $61,462.00 12 12
Lofgren, Christopher Lafayette Sr. High $75,959.00 $75,959.00 21 21
Long, Jason Multiple Schools $60,833.00 $68,174.00 4 14
Luerding-Looten, Gina Lafayette Sr. High $90,475.00 $90,475.00 30 30
Mabie, Patricia Lafayette Sr. High $61,462.00 $61,462.00 12 12
Manne, David Lafayette Sr. High $75,093.00 $82,163.00 19 25
Marasigan, Maria Lafayette Sr. High $54,050.00 $55,413.00 10 11
Maricic, Kimberly Lafayette Sr. High $59,699.00 $59,699.00 10 10
Marx, Jeffrey Lafayette Sr. High $77,125.00 $83,450.00 21 24
Mcallister, Mark Lafayette Sr. High $64,694.00 $68,879.00 9 16
Merriott, Amy Lafayette Sr. High $54,050.00 $54,050.00 3 10
Meyer, Denise Lafayette Sr. High $74,282.00 $77,082.00 19 23
Meyer, Donna Lafayette Sr. High $64,081.00 $64,081.00 10 13
Morningstar, Elizabeth Lafayette Sr. High $53,929.00 $53,929.00 9 9
O Connor, Sean Lafayette Sr. High $58,643.00 $63,563.00 9 12
O Donnell, Meghan Lafayette Sr. High $41,844.00 $41,844.00 4 4
O Gorman, Kevin Lafayette Sr. High $44,133.00 $44,133.00 2 2
Obenhaus, Leah Lafayette Sr. High $43,322.00 $43,322.00 1 4
Osborn, Emelia Lafayette Sr. High $45,916.00 $50,101.00 1 3
Oswald, Christine Lafayette Sr. High $57,934.00 $57,934.00 10 10
Overcash, Elizabeth Lafayette Sr. High $45,016.00 $45,697.00 3 3
Paladin, Christopher Multiple Schools $48,739.00 $48,739.00 4 4
Palecek, Kathleen Multiple Schools $47,899.00 $47,899.00 2 5
Patton, Steven Multiple Schools $75,093.00 $80,194.00 13 23
Pautz, Jennifer Lafayette Sr. High $44,887.00 $44,887.00 5 5
Phillips, Danna Lafayette Sr. High $87,238.00 $94,102.00 17 42
Podgornik, Caroline Multiple Schools $75,959.00 $82,061.00 19 21
Posenau, Lauren Lafayette Sr. High $45,412.00 $46,775.00 3 9
Sakowski, Lauren Lafayette Sr. High $64,694.00 $67,530.00 16 16
Schneider, Jason Lafayette Sr. High $75,959.00 $75,959.00 20 22
Schoedel, Joseph Lafayette Sr. High $59,061.00 $64,512.00 13 13
Schroeder, Melissa Lafayette Sr. High $48,966.00 $54,336.00 7 7
Schumacher, Melissa Lafayette Sr. High $64,694.00 $64,694.00 9 16
Shea, Kathryn Lafayette Sr. High $52,731.00 $52,731.00 9 9
Silvernail, Krista Lafayette Sr. High $66,797.00 $66,797.00 21 21
Smith, Nancy Lafayette Sr. High $77,887.00 $92,871.00 24 30
Smith, James Lafayette Sr. High $54,104.00 $54,104.00 1 1
Soucy, Kathleen Lafayette Sr. High $93,662.00 $93,662.00 31 31
Sumner, Jonathan Lafayette Sr. High $52,486.00 $57,599.00 7 7
Tamaroff, Emmanuelle Lafayette Sr. High $60,403.00 $60,403.00 13 13
Taylor, Martin Lafayette Sr. High $81,527.00 $87,440.00 17 27
Title, Sophia Lafayette Sr. High $41,124.00 $41,124.00 1 1
Trott, Brittany Lafayette Sr. High $61,462.00 $61,462.00 12 12
Tucker, Kenneth Lafayette Sr. High $63,306.00 $71,030.00 3 23
Villwock, Magda Lafayette Sr. High $50,078.00 $50,078.00 5 5
Voss, Rick Lafayette Sr. High $83,731.00 $88,844.00 27 27
Warren, Matthew Lafayette Sr. High $69,345.00 $72,989.00 8 16
Whelan, Gretchen Lafayette Sr. High $52,731.00 $54,775.00 9 9
White, Amy Lafayette Sr. High $49,812.00 $50,766.00 10 10
Wier, Joseph Lafayette Sr. High $75,959.00 $75,959.00 18 21
Willard, Nathan Lafayette Sr. High $73,926.00 $73,926.00 20 20
Wiseman, Jim Multiple Schools $45,412.00 $50,525.00 4 20
Witter, David Lafayette Sr. High $53,798.00 $53,798.00 3 16
Wright Kempen, Debbie Lafayette Sr. High $52,662.00 $52,662.00 3 13
Young, Travis Lafayette Sr. High $41,844.00 $41,844.00 3 3
Zang-Berns, Lori Lafayette Sr. High $79,320.00 $84,320.00 17 24
Zimmerman, Cheryl Lafayette Sr. High $57,341.00 $57,341.00 5 5

This excludes all employees whose total full-time equivalency adds up to less than one. Those employees are not listed anywhere in this database.