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This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.

University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign / Department

Full-time employees


Median salary


Average salary


Agr & Consumer Economics

Employees by salary range


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Position Salary Date hired
Althouse, Mark Adam PRGM COORD $71,395.00 Not provided
Alvarez Mingote, Cristina RES SPEC $61,691.00 Not provided
Ando, Amy W PROF $135,577.00 Not provided
Arends-Kuenning, Mary Paula ASSOC PROF $97,779.16 Not provided
Batts, Ryan M EXT SPEC, FARM & FIN MGMT $48,039.00 Not provided
Baylis, Katherine R ASSOC PROF $118,484.00 Not provided
Bohn, Andrea B VST ASSOC DIR, INGENAES $99,929.00 Not provided
Bullock, David S PROF* $121,912.08 Not provided
Chong, Ian G MGR-SYSTEMS SERVICES $81,664.00 Not provided
Chowa, Clodina VST AGR EXT SPEC $75,930.00 Not provided
Christensen, Peter ASST PROF* $106,616.00 Not provided
Coppess, Jonathan CLIN ASST PROF, LAW&POLICY $96,200.00 Not provided
Cornelius, Margaret Murray VST PRGRM COORD $41,000.00 Not provided
Crost, Benjamin ASST PROF $115,156.00 Not provided
Dall'Erba, Sandy ASSOC PROF $113,878.00 Not provided
Ellison, Brenna ASST PROF $96,026.00 Not provided
Endres, A Bryan PROF $120,075.00 Not provided
Finnegan, Ann Butler DIR, UGRAD ADMISS & ADV $91,263.00 Not provided
Fitzgerald, Melinda Jo ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II $36,252.45 Not provided
Fox, John Andrew PROF* $172,550.00 Not provided
Frerichs, Daniele Lynn ASST HEAD, BUS & STRATG PLNG $95,339.00 Not provided
Garcia, Philip PROF* $156,085.96 Not provided
Goldsmith, Peter D PROF $118,500.08 Not provided
Golish, Kelly TAX MATERIALS SPEC $64,362.00 Not provided
Gramig, Benjamin ASSOC PROF $140,000.00 Not provided
Gundersen, Craig PROF $168,875.00 Not provided
Hafermann, Julie C BUS & FIN COORD $70,755.00 Not provided
Harding, Daniel B ASST DIR, TAX SCH INFO TECH $70,389.00 Not provided
Harmon, Allison Louise OFFICE MANAGER $37,245.00 Not provided
Hatolkar, Neha Uday APPLICATION DEVELOPER $63,510.00 Not provided
Heap, Marshall TAX CONTENT DEVEL/INST SPEC $80,800.00 Not provided
Helton, Caroline Alyse ACADEMIC ADVISOR $55,550.00 Not provided
Ho, Hitomi RES SPEC $53,530.00 Not provided
Hubbs, Joseph CLIN ASST PROF, AG COMM MKTS $90,900.00 Not provided
Irwin, Scott H PROF* $216,733.00 Not provided
Jiao, Hongxia VST EXT & RES SPEC $52,798.00 Not provided
Jones, Maria VST PROJ SPEC $53,020.00 Not provided
Keane, Rosemary B VST OUTREACH & COMM SPEC $53,000.00 Not provided
Khanna, Madhu PROF* $188,936.00 Not provided
King, Susan Beth OFFICE SUPPORT SPECIALIST $39,824.98 Not provided
Kobel, Therese B DIRECTOR, TAX SCHOOL $99,676.00 Not provided
Kuethe, Todd Henry CLIN ASST PROF, LAND ECONOMICS $95,591.00 Not provided
Lee, Han Bum POSTDOC RES ASSOC $52,798.00 Not provided
Lemoine, Craig DIR FIN PLAN PRGRM $105,000.00 Not provided
Lo, Alexander C TCH ASSOC $46,009.00 Not provided
Lyons, Angela Christine ASSOC PROF $103,876.00 Not provided
Mallory, Mindy L ASSOC PROF $110,743.00 Not provided
Marsh, Gina R ASST DIR, MARKETING/LOGISTICS $49,995.00 Not provided
Mcnamara, Paul E ASSOC PROF $129,384.00 Not provided
Michelson, Hope C ASST PROF $100,510.00 Not provided
Moore, Austen VST RES SPEC $76,356.00 Not provided
Myers, Erica ASST PROF $106,616.00 Not provided
Nelson, Charles H ASSOC PROF $99,918.08 Not provided
Nordin, Stacia VST NUTRITION EDUC SPEC $86,537.00 Not provided
Onal, Hayri PROF $122,710.00 Not provided
Paulson, Nicholas D ASSOC PROF $114,039.00 Not provided
Robe, Michel Andre PROF $225,000.00 Not provided
Rogalla, Valerie TCH ASSOC $46,304.04 Not provided
Schimpler, Carolyn J ASST DIR-TAX MATERIALS $76,838.00 Not provided
Schnitkey, Gary Donald PROF $124,974.00 Not provided
Serra Devesa, Maria Teresa ASSOC PROF $110,853.00 Not provided
Sherrick, Bruce J PROF* $160,000.04 Not provided
Sibande, Lonester VST MON, EVAL & LEARN OFFICER $36,213.00 Not provided
Splittstoesser, Pamela S GRAD PROGRMS COORD $63,221.00 Not provided
Stites, Donna L ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK $59,168.06 Not provided
Stoddard, Paul B LECTURER IN AGBUS $97,052.00 Not provided
Strick, Mary-Catherine VST RES COORD $51,546.00 Not provided
Swanson, Krista Joy VST RES SPEC $65,000.00 Not provided
Tamimie, Courtney A ASSOC DIR $71,500.00 Not provided
Turner, Donyetta K STAFF CLERK $37,988.08 Not provided
Warmbier, Melissa K OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR $56,048.25 Not provided
Winter-Nelson, Alex E PROF $159,829.00 Not provided
Xie, Qianting DATA SPEC $42,000.00 Not provided
Xu, Yilan ASST PROF $90,934.00 Not provided

* — This figure, as well as the median salaries and experience levels listed, excludes any employee labeled as part-time, temporary or seasonal. If an agency did not specify part-time/full-time status, then employees were excluded if the agency did not provide an annual salary or annualized pay rate. Some employees with part-time designations (such as a city council member) may still be included in the database (if the agency provided those salaries). However, their information is excluded from agency or department totals. For all University of Missouri campuses and entities and for the State of Illinois, FT/PT statuses were not provided. The figures listed exclude hourly employees and only factor in those with salaries of at least $20,000. This adjustment likely excludes hourly employees who work full-time and includes salaried employees who are not full-time, and therefore, the numbers listed aren't comparable to the figures of other agencies.