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This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.

University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign / Department

Full-time employees


Median salary


Average salary


School of Chemical Sciences

Employees by salary range


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Position Salary Date hired
Boone, Anita Lynn SPONSORED RES BUS ANLYS $60,781.80 Not provided
Brownfield, Shane Ryan SAFETY OFFICER I $39,791.19 Not provided
Cagle, Karri E TECHNICIAN II, ACCOUNT $40,825.20 Not provided
Chenoweth, Leslie A HUMAN RESOURCE ASSOCIATE $55,898.65 Not provided
Craig, Jeffrey D DISTRIBUTION CLERK $37,951.56 Not provided
Cruzan, Danielle Susanne OFFICE SUPPORT ASSISTANT $30,597.58 Not provided
Davis, Michelle Ann CLERK, ADMINISTRATIVE $43,793.78 Not provided
Dedo, Wolali A ACAD ADVR $49,449.60 Not provided
Dong, Feng SR SOFTWARE ENGR $86,903.55 Not provided
Eggett, William R FACILITIES MANAGER $49,801.35 Not provided
Eves, Elizabeth Diane RES SPEC $48,909.78 Not provided
Freiman, Jonathan Conrad HUMAN RESOURCE ASSOCIATE $55,898.65 Not provided
Fulton, Brian Robert ASST DIR SS FACILTS $65,199.30 Not provided
Gao, Yi-Gui RES SPEC $47,950.76 Not provided
Gibbs, Andrew M GLASS BLOWER $54,375.75 Not provided
Gray, Danielle L RES CHEMIST $70,846.92 Not provided
Gregory, Beth A STOREKEEPER II $43,368.00 Not provided
Haley, Kara SPONSORED RES BUS ANLYS $52,025.10 Not provided
Hallock, Michael J RES PRGMR $66,525.17 Not provided
Harland, Michael Allen SUPERVISOR, RESEARCH LAB SHOP $85,911.19 Not provided
Hewitt, Mark A INFO TECH SPEC $53,854.74 Not provided
Hire, David W MAKER, INSTRUMENT $79,638.00 Not provided
Hubert, Tracie L ADMINISTRATOR II, SYSTEMS $45,845.66 Not provided
Johnson, Christine Muree ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN I $34,423.48 Not provided
Johnstone, Bradley RES PRGMR $61,245.39 Not provided
Kappes, Cheryl L OFFICE MANAGER $55,060.20 Not provided
Karki, Urbashi SOFTWARE ENGR $73,736.57 Not provided
Kroha, Kyle Jane PHYSICAL SCIENCE TECH ASST $44,350.11 Not provided
Kutz, Elaina D ACAD ADVR $49,449.60 Not provided
Lamb, Nancy Lynn CLERK, DISTRIBUTION $38,955.01 Not provided
Li, Pengfei SPECTROMETRIST $51,000.00 Not provided
Loudermilk, Dorothy R MEDIA/COMNC SPEC $62,482.29 Not provided
Lu, Crislyn RES SPEC $47,975.00 Not provided
Lutz, Brad A SENIOR LABORATORY MECHANIC $70,629.00 Not provided
Luyando, Kenneth N STOREKEEPER I $36,640.50 Not provided
Maze, Julie Ann ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II $36,252.58 Not provided
Mcmasters, Sandra Kay RES SPEC IN LIFE SCI $64,675.19 Not provided
Mynatt, Susan Lynn SPONSORED RES BUS ANLYS $53,604.02 Not provided
Nelsen, Gayle Lynn ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE $47,950.76 Not provided
Northen, Kenton James LABORATORY MECHANIC $61,444.50 Not provided
Olson, Dean DIR, NMR LAB $93,930.26 Not provided
Pogorelov, Taras V SR RES SCI* $70,534.19 Not provided
Rhoton, James M CLERK, ADMINISTRATIVE $49,910.10 Not provided
Rosheck, John Burton RES ENGR $80,629.23 Not provided
Russell, Jennifer Rae ASSOC DIR OF HR $77,265.00 Not provided
Sage-Karlson, Lori L ASSISTANT, PROGRAM ADMIN $55,118.00 Not provided
Simpson, Patricia Lynn Blum DIR ACAD ADVS & CAREER COUNS $78,382.77 Not provided
Smith, Mary Lynnae SR BUS ANLYS* $76,853.64 Not provided
Smith, Roger W MAKER, INSTRUMENT $79,638.00 Not provided
Southern, Karla Ann BUSINESS/ADMINV ASSOCIATE $58,789.68 Not provided
Spinner, David Todd ACAD ADVR $53,446.78 Not provided
Spinner, Holly Christine SPONSORED RES BUS ANLYS $61,611.38 Not provided
Stevens, Donald Chad DIR FACPS $81,374.98 Not provided
Subedi, Kiran RES SPEC $59,236.50 Not provided
Sun, Furong SPECTROSCOPIST $71,973.05 Not provided
Sutrisno, Andre SPECTROSCOPIST $77,265.00 Not provided
Thompson, Michael ELEC INSTR DESIGNER $82,694.09 Not provided
Wallbaum, Charles DIR OF COMPUTER SERVICES $89,217.81 Not provided
Webb, Kyle Leon ASSISTANT, PHYSICAL SCIENCE TE $48,110.22 Not provided
Widup, Zachary R ELECTRONICS ENGINEER ASSISTANT $51,510.00 Not provided
Wilson, Thomas E MAKER, INSTRUMENT $79,638.00 Not provided
Woods, Toby RES SPEC $47,950.76 Not provided
Wooldridge, Charles Kenneth OPERATIONS MANAGER $103,340.63 Not provided
Yao, Haijun SPECTROMETRIST $54,632.13 Not provided
Zhang, Chen SR RES SPEC $62,848.20 Not provided
Zhu, Lingyang SPECTROSCOPIST $100,091.02 Not provided

* — This figure, as well as the median salaries and experience levels listed, excludes any employee labeled as part-time, temporary or seasonal. If an agency did not specify part-time/full-time status, then employees were excluded if the agency did not provide an annual salary or annualized pay rate. Some employees with part-time designations (such as a city council member) may still be included in the database (if the agency provided those salaries). However, their information is excluded from agency or department totals. For all University of Missouri campuses and entities and for the State of Illinois, FT/PT statuses were not provided. The figures listed exclude hourly employees and only factor in those with salaries of at least $20,000. This adjustment likely excludes hourly employees who work full-time and includes salaried employees who are not full-time, and therefore, the numbers listed aren't comparable to the figures of other agencies.