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This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.

University of Missouri-Columbia / Department

Full-time employees


Median salary


Average salary


Health Mgmt & Informatics

Employees by salary range


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Position Salary Date hired
Alafaireet, Patricia Elaine PROF, AST TEACH $96,299.40 Not provided
Boren, Suzanne Austin PROF, ASOC $122,298.00 Not provided
Bouras, Mohamed ASOC DIR PROGRAM/PROJECT OPS $63,776.52 Not provided
Browne Ii, Albert W PROGRAM/PROJECT SUPPRT COOR SR $66,518.40 Not provided
Hensel, Brian K PROF, AST TEACH $95,472.00 Not provided
Hughes, Kari Dee FIN AND ACCTG ANALYST SR $56,048.28 Not provided
Jackson-Thompson, Jeannette PROF, ASOC RESRCH $106,465.20 Not provided
Joshi, Trupti Subhash PROF, AST $150,000.00 Not provided
Kapp, Julie M PROF, ASOC $117,300.12 Not provided
Khatri, Naresh PROF, ASOC $107,100.00 Not provided
Kim, Min Soon PROF, AST $101,875.92 Not provided
Lemme, Veronica Lynne STUDENT SERVICE COOR SR $47,476.08 Not provided
Mattingly, Jennifer Leigh ASOC DIR PROGRAM/PROJECT OPS $47,476.08 Not provided
Mcdougal, Kathy Helen ASOC DIR PROGRAM/PROJECT OPS $53,532.36 Not provided
Mosa, Abu Saleh Mohammad PROF, AST RESRCH $100,000.08 Not provided
Moxley, David E INSTRUCTOR, CLINCL $84,343.80 Not provided
Nelson, Donald A INSTRUCTOR, ADJUNCT $27,000.00 Not provided
Phillips, Winfred George PROF, ASOC TEACH $97,592.40 Not provided
Popescu, Mihail PROF, ASOC $116,688.12 Not provided
Rold, Nancy Hunt HLTH PRGM SPCLST SR $59,801.76 Not provided
Rossano, Margaret H ACADEMIC ADVISOR $36,982.44 Not provided
Schmaltz, Chester Lee STATISTICIAN SR $72,137.40 Not provided
Sheets, Lincoln Ralph PROF, AST RESRCH $120,000.00 Not provided
Sill, Gerald M PROF, ADJUNCT $27,000.00 Not provided
Simoes, Eduardo J PROFESSOR $286,526.16 Not provided
Sommer, Richard C INSTRUCTOR, ADJUNCT $38,977.32 Not provided
Stulgo, Sue SFTWARE SUPPRT ANALYST-EXPERT $61,782.24 Not provided
Weatherford, Ted DIR I BUSINESS ADMIN $100,000.08 Not provided
Wells, William Thomas PROF, ASOC PROFL PRACTICE $105,463.56 Not provided
Yemane, Saba DB ADMINISTRATOR-PRINCPL $78,951.24 Not provided
Yoo, Ill Hoi PROF, ASOC $112,200.00 Not provided
Yoshida, Yilin FELLOW, POST DOCTORAL $47,476.08 Not provided
Zachary, Iris PROF, AST RESRCH $93,600.00 Not provided
Zohrabian, Armineh PROF, AST $102,000.00 Not provided

* — This figure, as well as the median salaries and experience levels listed, excludes any employee labeled as part-time, temporary or seasonal. If an agency did not specify part-time/full-time status, then employees were excluded if the agency did not provide an annual salary or annualized pay rate. Some employees with part-time designations (such as a city council member) may still be included in the database (if the agency provided those salaries). However, their information is excluded from agency or department totals. For all University of Missouri campuses and entities and for the State of Illinois, FT/PT statuses were not provided. The figures listed exclude hourly employees and only factor in those with salaries of at least $20,000. This adjustment likely excludes hourly employees who work full-time and includes salaried employees who are not full-time, and therefore, the numbers listed aren't comparable to the figures of other agencies.