Select a district
Academie Lafayette
Academy For Integrated Arts
Adair Co. R-I
Adair Co. R-II
Adrian R-III
Advance R-IV
Affton 101
Albany R-III
Allen Village
Altenburg 48
Alton R-IV
Appleton City R-II
Arcadia Valley R-II
Archie R-V
Ash Grove R-IV
Atlanta C-3
Aurora R-VIII
Ava R-I
Avenue City R-IX
Avilla R-XIII
B. Banneker Academy
Bakersfield R-IV
Ballard R-II
Bell City R-II
Belleview R-III
Belton 124
Bernie R-XIII
Bevier C-4
Billings R-IV
Bismarck R-V
Blackwater R-II
Blair Oaks R-II
Bloomfield R-XIV
Blue Eye R-V
Blue Springs R-IV
Bolivar R-I
Boncl R-X
Boonville R-I
Bosworth R-V
Bowling Green R-I
Bradleyville R-I
Branson R-IV
Braymer C-4
Breckenridge R-I
Bronaugh R-VII
Brookfield R-III
Brookside Charter Sch.
Brunswick R-II
Buchanan Co. R-IV
Bucklin R-II
Bunker R-III
Butler R-V
Cabool R-IV
Cainsville R-I
Calhoun R-VIII
Callao C-8
Camdenton R-III
Cameron R-I
Campbell R-II
Canton R-V
Cape Girardeau 63
Carl Junction R-I
Carondelet Leadership Academy
Carrollton R-VII
Carthage R-IX
Caruthersville 18
Cassville R-IV
Center 58
Centerville R-I
Central R-III
Centralia R-VI
Chadwick R-I
Chaffee R-II
Charleston R-I
Chilhowee R-IV
Chillicothe R-II
Citizens Of The World Charter
City Garden Montessori
Clark Co. R-I
Clarksburg C-2
Clarkton C-4
Clearwater R-I
Clever R-V
Climax Springs R-IV
Clinton Co. R-III
Cole Camp R-I
Cole Co. R-I
Cole Co. R-V
Columbia 93
Community R-VI
Concordia R-II
Confluence Academies
Cooper Co. R-IV
Cooter R-IV
Couch R-I
Cowgill R-VI
Craig R-III
Crane R-III
Crawford Co. R-I
Crawford Co. R-II
Crocker R-II
Crossroads Charter Schools
Crowder College
Crystal City 47
Dadeville R-II
Dallas Co. R-I
Davis R-XII
Delasalle Charter School
Delta C-7
Delta R-V
Dent-Phelps R-III
Desoto 73
Dexter R-XI
Diamond R-IV
Division Of Youth Service
Dixon R-I
Doniphan R-I
Dora R-III
Drexel R-IV
Dunklin R-V
Eagle College Prep Endeavor
East Buchanan Co. C-1
East Carter Co. R-II
East Lynne 40
East Newton Co. R-VI
East Prairie R-II
El Dorado Springs R-II
Eldon R-I
Elsberry R-II
Eminence R-I
Everton R-III
Ewing Marion Kauffman School
Excelsior Springs 40
Exeter R-VI
Fair Grove R-X
Fair Play R-II
Fairfax R-III
Fairview R-XI
Farmington R-VII
Fayette R-III
Ferguson-Florissant R-II
Festus R-VI
Fordland R-III
Forsyth R-III
Fort Osage R-I
Fox C-6
Francis Howell R-III
Franklin Co. R-II
Fredericktown R-I
Frontier Schools
Ft. Zumwalt R-II
Fulton 58
Gainesville R-V
Galena R-II
Gallatin R-V
Gasconade C-4
Gasconade Co. R-I
Gasconade Co. R-II
Gateway Science Acad/St Louis
Genesis School Inc.
Gideon 37
Gilliam C-4
Gilman City R-IV
Glenwood R-VIII
Golden City R-III
Gordon Parks Elem.
Grain Valley R-V
Grand Center Arts Academy
Grandview C-4
Grandview R-II
Green City R-I
Green Forest R-II
Green Ridge R-VIII
Greenfield R-IV
Greenville R-II
Grundy Co. R-V
Guadalupe Centers Schools
Hale R-I
Halfway R-III
Hallsville R-IV
Hamilton R-II
Hancock Place
Hannibal 60
Hardeman R-X
Hardin-Central C-2
Harrisburg R-VIII
Harrisonville R-IX
Hartville R-II
Hawthorn Leadership Schl Girls
Hayti R-II
Henry Co. R-I
Hermitage R-IV
Hickman Mills C-1
Hickory Co. R-I
Higbee R-VIII
High Point R-III
Hillsboro R-III
Hogan Preparatory Academy
Holcomb R-III
Holden R-III
Holliday C-2
Hollister R-V
Hope Leadership Academy
Houston R-I
Howell Valley R-I
Hudson R-IX
Humansville R-IV
Hurley R-I
Iberia R-V
Independence 30
Iron Co. C-4
Jackson R-II
Jamestown C-1
Jasper Co. R-V
Jefferson C-123
Jefferson City
Jefferson Co. R-VII
Jefferson College
Johnson Co. R-VII
Joplin Schools
Junction Hill C-12
Kansas City 33
Kc International Academy
Kearney R-I
Kelso C-7
Kennett 39
Keytesville R-III
King City R-I
Kingston 42
Kingston K-14
Kingsville R-I
Kipp St Louis Public Schools
Kipp: Endeavor Academy
Kirbyville R-VI
Kirksville R-III
Kirkwood R-VII
Knob Noster R-VIII
Knox Co. R-I
La Monte R-IV
La Plata R-II
La Salle Charter School
Laclede Co. C-5
Laclede Co. R-I
Lafayette Co. C-1
Lafayette Preparatory Academy
Lakeland R-III
Lamar R-I
Laquey R-V
Laredo R-VII
Lathrop R-II
Lawson R-XIV
Lebanon R-III
Lee A. Tolbert Com. Academy
Lee'S Summit R-VII
Leesville R-IX
Leeton R-X
Leopold R-III
Lesterville R-IV
Lewis Co. C-1
Lexington R-V
Liberal R-II
Liberty 53
Licking R-VIII
Lift For Life Academy
Lincoln R-II
Lindbergh Schools
Linn Co. R-I
Livingston Co. R-III
Lockwood R-I
Logan-Rogersville R-VIII
Lone Jack C-6
Lonedell R-XIV
Louisiana R-II
Lutie R-VI
Macks Creek R-V
Macon Co. R-I
Macon Co. R-IV
Madison C-3
Malden R-I
Malta Bend R-V
Manes R-V
Mansfield R-IV
Maplewood-Richmond Heights
Marceline R-V
Maries Co. R-I
Maries Co. R-II
Marion C. Early R-V
Marion Co. R-II
Marionville R-IX
Mark Twain R-VIII
Marquand-Zion R-VI
Marshfield R-I
Maryville R-II
Maysville R-I
Mcdonald Co. R-I
Meadow Heights R-II
Meadville R-IV
Mehlville R-IX
Meramec Valley R-III
Mexico 59
Miami R-I
Miami R-I
Mid-Buchanan Co. R-V
Middle Grove C-1
Midway R-I
Milan C-2
Miller Co. R-III
Miller R-II
Mirabile C-1
Missouri City 56
Mo Schls For The Sev Disabled
Mo School For The Blind
Mo School For The Deaf
Monett R-I
Moniteau Co. R-I
Moniteau Co. R-V
Monroe City R-I
Montgomery Co. R-II
Montrose R-XIV
Morgan Co. R-I
Morgan Co. R-II
Mound City R-II
Mountain Grove R-III
Mountain View-Birch Tree R-III
Mt. Vernon R-V
Naylor R-II
Neelyville R-IV
Nell Holcomb R-IV
Neosho School District
Nevada R-V
New Bloomfield R-III
New Franklin R-I
New Haven
New Madrid Co. R-I
New York R-IV
Newburg R-II
Newtown-Harris R-III
Niangua R-V
Nixa Public Schools
Nodaway-Holt R-VII
Norborne R-VIII
Normandy Schools Collaborative
North Andrew Co. R-VI
North Callaway Co. R-I
North Daviess R-III
North Harrison R-III
North Kansas City 74
North Mercer Co. R-III
North Nodaway Co. R-VI
North Pemiscot Co. R-I
North Platte Co. R-I
North Shelby
North Side Community School
North St. Francois Co. R-I
North Wood R-IV
Northeast Nodaway Co. R-V
Northeast Randolph Co. R-IV
Northeast Vernon Co. R-I
Northwest R-I
Northwestern R-I
Norwood R-I
Oak Grove R-VI
Oak Hill R-I
Oak Ridge R-VI
Odessa R-VII
Oran R-III
Orchard Farm R-V
Orearville R-IV
Oregon-Howell R-III
Orrick R-XI
Osage Co. R-I
Osage Co. R-II
Osage Co. R-III
Osborn R-O
Otterville R-VI
Ozark R-VI
Ozarks Technical Comm College
Palmyra R-I
Paris R-II
Park Hill
Parkway C-2
Pathway Academy
Pattonsburg R-II
Pattonville R-III
Pemiscot Co. R-III
Pemiscot Co. Spec. Sch. Dist.
Perry Co. 32
Pettis Co. R-V
Pettis Co. R-XII
Phelps Co. R-III
Pierce City R-VI
Pike Co. R-III
Pilot Grove C-4
Plainview R-VIII
Plato R-V
Platte Co. R-III
Pleasant Hill R-III
Pleasant Hope R-VI
Pleasant View R-VI
Polo R-VII
Poplar Bluff R-I
Potosi R-III
Prairie Home R-V
Preclarus Mastery Academy
Premier Charter School
Princeton R-V
Purdy R-II
Putnam Co. R-I
Puxico R-VIII
Ralls Co. R-II
Raymondville R-VII
Raymore-Peculiar R-II
Raytown C-2
Reeds Spring R-IV
Renick R-V
Republic R-III
Rich Hill R-IV
Richards R-V
Richland R-I
Richland R-IV
Richmond R-XVI
Richwoods R-VII
Ridgeway R-V
Ripley Co. R-III
Ripley Co. R-IV
Risco R-II
Riverview Gardens
Rock Port R-II
Rockwood R-VI
Rolla 31
Roscoe C-1
Salem R-80
Salisbury R-IV
Santa Fe R-X
Sarcoxie R-II
Savannah R-III
School Of The Osage
Schuyler Co. R-I
Scotland Co. R-I
Scott City R-I
Scott Co. Central
Scott Co. R-IV
Scuola Vita Nuova
Sedalia 200
Senath-Hornersville C-8
Seneca R-VII
Seymour R-II
Shawnee R-III
Shelby Co. R-IV
Sheldon R-VIII
Shell Knob 78
Sherwood Cass R-VIII
Sikeston R-6
Silex R-I
Skyline R-II
Smithton R-VI
Smithville R-II
South Callaway Co. R-II
South Harrison Co. R-II
South Holt Co. R-I
South Iron Co. R-I
South Nodaway Co. R-IV
South Pemiscot Co. R-V
Southern Boone Co. R-I
Southern Reynolds Co. R-II
Southland C-9
Southwest Livingston Co. R-I
Southwest R-V
Sparta R-III
Specl. Sch. Dst. St. Louis Co.
Spickard R-II
Spokane R-VII
Spring Bluff R-XV
Springfield R-XII
St Louis Lang Immersion School
St. Charles R-VI
St. Clair R-XIII
St. Elizabeth R-IV
St. James R-I
St. Joseph
St. Louis City
St. Louis College Prep
Stanberry R-II
State Fair Community College
Ste. Genevieve Co. R-II
Steelville R-III
Stewartsville C-2
Stockton R-I
Stoutland R-II
Strafford R-VI
Strain-Japan R-XVI
Strasburg C-3
Sturgeon R-V
Success R-VI
Summersville R-II
Sunrise R-IX
Swedeborg R-III
Sweet Springs R-VII
Taneyville R-II
Tarkio R-I
Thayer R-II
The Arch Community School
The Biome
Thornfield R-I
Tina-Avalon R-II
Tipton R-VI
Trenton R-IX
Tri-County R-VII
Troy R-III
Twin Rivers R-X
Union R-XI
Union Star R-II
University Academy
University City
Valley Park
Valley R-VI
Van Buren R-I
Van-Far R-I
Verona R-VII
Walnut Grove R-V
Warren Co. R-III
Warrensburg R-VI
Warsaw R-IX
Waynesville R-VI
Weaubleau R-III
Webb City R-VII
Webster Groves
Wellington-Napoleon R-IX
Wellsville Middletown R-I
Wentzville R-IV
West Nodaway Co. R-I
West Plains R-VII
West Platte Co. R-II
West St. Francois Co. R-IV
Westran R-I
Westview C-6
Wheatland R-II
Wheaton R-III
Willard R-II
Willow Springs R-IV
Windsor C-1
Winfield R-IV
Winona R-III
Winston R-VI
Woodland R-IV
Worth Co. R-III
Wright City R-II Of Warren Co.
Zalma R-V
Search employees in all districts
Search employees in all districts
Select a district
Academie Lafayette
Academy For Integrated Arts
Adair Co. R-I
Adair Co. R-II
Adrian R-III
Advance R-IV
Affton 101
Albany R-III
Allen Village
Altenburg 48
Alton R-IV
Appleton City R-II
Arcadia Valley R-II
Archie R-V
Ash Grove R-IV
Atlanta C-3
Aurora R-VIII
Ava R-I
Avenue City R-IX
Avilla R-XIII
B. Banneker Academy
Bakersfield R-IV
Ballard R-II
Bell City R-II
Belleview R-III
Belton 124
Bernie R-XIII
Bevier C-4
Billings R-IV
Bismarck R-V
Blackwater R-II
Blair Oaks R-II
Bloomfield R-XIV
Blue Eye R-V
Blue Springs R-IV
Bolivar R-I
Boncl R-X
Boonville R-I
Bosworth R-V
Bowling Green R-I
Bradleyville R-I
Branson R-IV
Braymer C-4
Breckenridge R-I
Bronaugh R-VII
Brookfield R-III
Brookside Charter Sch.
Brunswick R-II
Buchanan Co. R-IV
Bucklin R-II
Bunker R-III
Butler R-V
Cabool R-IV
Cainsville R-I
Calhoun R-VIII
Callao C-8
Camdenton R-III
Cameron R-I
Campbell R-II
Canton R-V
Cape Girardeau 63
Carl Junction R-I
Carondelet Leadership Academy
Carrollton R-VII
Carthage R-IX
Caruthersville 18
Cassville R-IV
Center 58
Centerville R-I
Central R-III
Centralia R-VI
Chadwick R-I
Chaffee R-II
Charleston R-I
Chilhowee R-IV
Chillicothe R-II
Citizens Of The World Charter
City Garden Montessori
Clark Co. R-I
Clarksburg C-2
Clarkton C-4
Clearwater R-I
Clever R-V
Climax Springs R-IV
Clinton Co. R-III
Cole Camp R-I
Cole Co. R-I
Cole Co. R-V
Columbia 93
Community R-VI
Concordia R-II
Confluence Academies
Cooper Co. R-IV
Cooter R-IV
Couch R-I
Cowgill R-VI
Craig R-III
Crane R-III
Crawford Co. R-I
Crawford Co. R-II
Crocker R-II
Crossroads Charter Schools
Crowder College
Crystal City 47
Dadeville R-II
Dallas Co. R-I
Davis R-XII
Delasalle Charter School
Delta C-7
Delta R-V
Dent-Phelps R-III
Desoto 73
Dexter R-XI
Diamond R-IV
Division Of Youth Service
Dixon R-I
Doniphan R-I
Dora R-III
Drexel R-IV
Dunklin R-V
Eagle College Prep Endeavor
East Buchanan Co. C-1
East Carter Co. R-II
East Lynne 40
East Newton Co. R-VI
East Prairie R-II
El Dorado Springs R-II
Eldon R-I
Elsberry R-II
Eminence R-I
Everton R-III
Ewing Marion Kauffman School
Excelsior Springs 40
Exeter R-VI
Fair Grove R-X
Fair Play R-II
Fairfax R-III
Fairview R-XI
Farmington R-VII
Fayette R-III
Ferguson-Florissant R-II
Festus R-VI
Fordland R-III
Forsyth R-III
Fort Osage R-I
Fox C-6
Francis Howell R-III
Franklin Co. R-II
Fredericktown R-I
Frontier Schools
Ft. Zumwalt R-II
Fulton 58
Gainesville R-V
Galena R-II
Gallatin R-V
Gasconade C-4
Gasconade Co. R-I
Gasconade Co. R-II
Gateway Science Acad/St Louis
Genesis School Inc.
Gideon 37
Gilliam C-4
Gilman City R-IV
Glenwood R-VIII
Golden City R-III
Gordon Parks Elem.
Grain Valley R-V
Grand Center Arts Academy
Grandview C-4
Grandview R-II
Green City R-I
Green Forest R-II
Green Ridge R-VIII
Greenfield R-IV
Greenville R-II
Grundy Co. R-V
Guadalupe Centers Schools
Hale R-I
Halfway R-III
Hallsville R-IV
Hamilton R-II
Hancock Place
Hannibal 60
Hardeman R-X
Hardin-Central C-2
Harrisburg R-VIII
Harrisonville R-IX
Hartville R-II
Hawthorn Leadership Schl Girls
Hayti R-II
Henry Co. R-I
Hermitage R-IV
Hickman Mills C-1
Hickory Co. R-I
Higbee R-VIII
High Point R-III
Hillsboro R-III
Hogan Preparatory Academy
Holcomb R-III
Holden R-III
Holliday C-2
Hollister R-V
Hope Leadership Academy
Houston R-I
Howell Valley R-I
Hudson R-IX
Humansville R-IV
Hurley R-I
Iberia R-V
Independence 30
Iron Co. C-4
Jackson R-II
Jamestown C-1
Jasper Co. R-V
Jefferson C-123
Jefferson City
Jefferson Co. R-VII
Jefferson College
Johnson Co. R-VII
Joplin Schools
Junction Hill C-12
Kansas City 33
Kc International Academy
Kearney R-I
Kelso C-7
Kennett 39
Keytesville R-III
King City R-I
Kingston 42
Kingston K-14
Kingsville R-I
Kipp St Louis Public Schools
Kipp: Endeavor Academy
Kirbyville R-VI
Kirksville R-III
Kirkwood R-VII
Knob Noster R-VIII
Knox Co. R-I
La Monte R-IV
La Plata R-II
La Salle Charter School
Laclede Co. C-5
Laclede Co. R-I
Lafayette Co. C-1
Lafayette Preparatory Academy
Lakeland R-III
Lamar R-I
Laquey R-V
Laredo R-VII
Lathrop R-II
Lawson R-XIV
Lebanon R-III
Lee A. Tolbert Com. Academy
Lee'S Summit R-VII
Leesville R-IX
Leeton R-X
Leopold R-III
Lesterville R-IV
Lewis Co. C-1
Lexington R-V
Liberal R-II
Liberty 53
Licking R-VIII
Lift For Life Academy
Lincoln R-II
Lindbergh Schools
Linn Co. R-I
Livingston Co. R-III
Lockwood R-I
Logan-Rogersville R-VIII
Lone Jack C-6
Lonedell R-XIV
Louisiana R-II
Lutie R-VI
Macks Creek R-V
Macon Co. R-I
Macon Co. R-IV
Madison C-3
Malden R-I
Malta Bend R-V
Manes R-V
Mansfield R-IV
Maplewood-Richmond Heights
Marceline R-V
Maries Co. R-I
Maries Co. R-II
Marion C. Early R-V
Marion Co. R-II
Marionville R-IX
Mark Twain R-VIII
Marquand-Zion R-VI
Marshfield R-I
Maryville R-II
Maysville R-I
Mcdonald Co. R-I
Meadow Heights R-II
Meadville R-IV
Mehlville R-IX
Meramec Valley R-III
Mexico 59
Miami R-I
Miami R-I
Mid-Buchanan Co. R-V
Middle Grove C-1
Midway R-I
Milan C-2
Miller Co. R-III
Miller R-II
Mirabile C-1
Missouri City 56
Mo Schls For The Sev Disabled
Mo School For The Blind
Mo School For The Deaf
Monett R-I
Moniteau Co. R-I
Moniteau Co. R-V
Monroe City R-I
Montgomery Co. R-II
Montrose R-XIV
Morgan Co. R-I
Morgan Co. R-II
Mound City R-II
Mountain Grove R-III
Mountain View-Birch Tree R-III
Mt. Vernon R-V
Naylor R-II
Neelyville R-IV
Nell Holcomb R-IV
Neosho School District
Nevada R-V
New Bloomfield R-III
New Franklin R-I
New Haven
New Madrid Co. R-I
New York R-IV
Newburg R-II
Newtown-Harris R-III
Niangua R-V
Nixa Public Schools
Nodaway-Holt R-VII
Norborne R-VIII
Normandy Schools Collaborative
North Andrew Co. R-VI
North Callaway Co. R-I
North Daviess R-III
North Harrison R-III
North Kansas City 74
North Mercer Co. R-III
North Nodaway Co. R-VI
North Pemiscot Co. R-I
North Platte Co. R-I
North Shelby
North Side Community School
North St. Francois Co. R-I
North Wood R-IV
Northeast Nodaway Co. R-V
Northeast Randolph Co. R-IV
Northeast Vernon Co. R-I
Northwest R-I
Northwestern R-I
Norwood R-I
Oak Grove R-VI
Oak Hill R-I
Oak Ridge R-VI
Odessa R-VII
Oran R-III
Orchard Farm R-V
Orearville R-IV
Oregon-Howell R-III
Orrick R-XI
Osage Co. R-I
Osage Co. R-II
Osage Co. R-III
Osborn R-O
Otterville R-VI
Ozark R-VI
Ozarks Technical Comm College
Palmyra R-I
Paris R-II
Park Hill
Parkway C-2
Pathway Academy
Pattonsburg R-II
Pattonville R-III
Pemiscot Co. R-III
Pemiscot Co. Spec. Sch. Dist.
Perry Co. 32
Pettis Co. R-V
Pettis Co. R-XII
Phelps Co. R-III
Pierce City R-VI
Pike Co. R-III
Pilot Grove C-4
Plainview R-VIII
Plato R-V
Platte Co. R-III
Pleasant Hill R-III
Pleasant Hope R-VI
Pleasant View R-VI
Polo R-VII
Poplar Bluff R-I
Potosi R-III
Prairie Home R-V
Preclarus Mastery Academy
Premier Charter School
Princeton R-V
Purdy R-II
Putnam Co. R-I
Puxico R-VIII
Ralls Co. R-II
Raymondville R-VII
Raymore-Peculiar R-II
Raytown C-2
Reeds Spring R-IV
Renick R-V
Republic R-III
Rich Hill R-IV
Richards R-V
Richland R-I
Richland R-IV
Richmond R-XVI
Richwoods R-VII
Ridgeway R-V
Ripley Co. R-III
Ripley Co. R-IV
Risco R-II
Riverview Gardens
Rock Port R-II
Rockwood R-VI
Rolla 31
Roscoe C-1
Salem R-80
Salisbury R-IV
Santa Fe R-X
Sarcoxie R-II
Savannah R-III
School Of The Osage
Schuyler Co. R-I
Scotland Co. R-I
Scott City R-I
Scott Co. Central
Scott Co. R-IV
Scuola Vita Nuova
Sedalia 200
Senath-Hornersville C-8
Seneca R-VII
Seymour R-II
Shawnee R-III
Shelby Co. R-IV
Sheldon R-VIII
Shell Knob 78
Sherwood Cass R-VIII
Sikeston R-6
Silex R-I
Skyline R-II
Smithton R-VI
Smithville R-II
South Callaway Co. R-II
South Harrison Co. R-II
South Holt Co. R-I
South Iron Co. R-I
South Nodaway Co. R-IV
South Pemiscot Co. R-V
Southern Boone Co. R-I
Southern Reynolds Co. R-II
Southland C-9
Southwest Livingston Co. R-I
Southwest R-V
Sparta R-III
Specl. Sch. Dst. St. Louis Co.
Spickard R-II
Spokane R-VII
Spring Bluff R-XV
Springfield R-XII
St Louis Lang Immersion School
St. Charles R-VI
St. Clair R-XIII
St. Elizabeth R-IV
St. James R-I
St. Joseph
St. Louis City
St. Louis College Prep
Stanberry R-II
State Fair Community College
Ste. Genevieve Co. R-II
Steelville R-III
Stewartsville C-2
Stockton R-I
Stoutland R-II
Strafford R-VI
Strain-Japan R-XVI
Strasburg C-3
Sturgeon R-V
Success R-VI
Summersville R-II
Sunrise R-IX
Swedeborg R-III
Sweet Springs R-VII
Taneyville R-II
Tarkio R-I
Thayer R-II
The Arch Community School
The Biome
Thornfield R-I
Tina-Avalon R-II
Tipton R-VI
Trenton R-IX
Tri-County R-VII
Troy R-III
Twin Rivers R-X
Union R-XI
Union Star R-II
University Academy
University City
Valley Park
Valley R-VI
Van Buren R-I
Van-Far R-I
Verona R-VII
Walnut Grove R-V
Warren Co. R-III
Warrensburg R-VI
Warsaw R-IX
Waynesville R-VI
Weaubleau R-III
Webb City R-VII
Webster Groves
Wellington-Napoleon R-IX
Wellsville Middletown R-I
Wentzville R-IV
West Nodaway Co. R-I
West Plains R-VII
West Platte Co. R-II
West St. Francois Co. R-IV
Westran R-I
Westview C-6
Wheatland R-II
Wheaton R-III
Willard R-II
Willow Springs R-IV
Windsor C-1
Winfield R-IV
Winona R-III
Winston R-VI
Woodland R-IV
Worth Co. R-III
Wright City R-II Of Warren Co.
Zalma R-V
Rodgers, Suzanne
Parkway C-2
Claymont Elem.
Degree earned:
Extended contract pay:
Extra duty pay:
Total pay (all combined):
Years in district:
Years in MO schools:
Multiple position detail:
Pay rates for individual employees are broken down by regular salary, extended contract salary and extra duty salary. Total pay includes all three of those added together. Extended contract salary is pay received by non-administrators for working more than a nine-month term. Extra duty salary reflects pay for additional activities – such as coaching an athletic team – that are not included in an educator’s regular duties. It is possible that data entry errors occurred when districts reported salaries to DESE. If you have any questions about the data or see an incorrect salary listed, please email