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This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.




Full-time educators


Median salary


Top salary


Median years in district


Median years in Missouri


Troy R-III schools by salary range

This chart shows the relationship between median salary and median years of experience for each school within the district.

Years of experience in Missouri

Troy R-III schools pay by job category


Num. people * Median salary Top salary Median years in district Median years in Missouri
Teacher 431 $45,830.00 $74,870.00 6.0 9.0
Aide 132 $17,852.00 $45,250.00 3.0 3.5
School Principal 26 $88,586.00 $115,877.00 11.5 17.5
Other 19 $30,769.00 $74,870.00 3.0 3.0
Guidance 16 $48,224.00 $72,970.00 10.0 12.0
Ancillary 13 $49,074.00 $69,380.00 9.0 11.0
Multiple Positions 8 $54,952.00 $102,477.00 7.0 14.5
Supervisor 8 $60,749.00 $112,475.00 14.5 19.5
Central Office Admin. 7 $128,500.00 $204,400.00 17.0 26.0
Library 2 $49,480.00 $51,680.00 9.0 9.0

Troy R-III schools

Click on one of the headers below to sort a column


Num. people* Enrollment Median salary Top salary Median years in district Median years in Missouri
Boone Elem. 48 462 $43,474.00 $102,477.00 8.0 9.0
Claude Brown Elementary 36 370 $38,350.00 $97,477.00 4.5 5.5
Cuivre Park Elementary 66 550 $39,925.00 $105,177.00 4.0 6.0
Hawk Point Elem. 11 136 $40,655.00 $69,755.00 4.0 6.0
Lincoln Co Early Childhood Ctr 30 0 $37,650.00 $102,477.00 5.0 6.0
Lincoln Elem. 41 412 $45,620.00 $99,968.00 9.0 9.0
Main Street Elem. 52 430 $45,449.00 $97,477.00 7.0 13.5
Troy Buchanan High 157 1948 $46,974.00 $112,475.00 6.0 10.0
Troy Middle 62 747 $45,152.00 $115,877.00 5.5 7.5
Troy South Middle School 56 746 $47,802.00 $107,977.00 6.5 9.5
Wm. R. Cappel Elem. 52 525 $42,699.00 $95,077.00 5.5 7.0

* — This figure, as well as the median salaries and experience levels listed, excludes all employees whose total full-time equivalency adds up to less than one. Those employees are not listed anywhere in this database.