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This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.




Full-time educators


Median salary


Top salary


Median years in district


Median years in Missouri


St. Charles R-VI schools by salary range

This chart shows the relationship between median salary and median years of experience for each school within the district.

Years of experience in Missouri

St. Charles R-VI schools pay by job category


Num. people * Median salary Top salary Median years in district Median years in Missouri
Teacher 461 $54,526.00 $86,500.00 9.0 12.0
Aide 91 $17,951.00 $28,869.00 3.0 3.0
Other 26 $50,277.50 $86,500.00 6.0 6.5
School Principal 21 $117,334.00 $155,580.00 10.0 18.0
Guidance 19 $56,434.00 $86,500.00 5.0 12.0
Supervisor 8 $97,509.50 $123,249.00 14.5 23.5
Library 7 $69,656.00 $86,500.00 12.0 17.0
Central Office Admin. 6 $157,348.50 $196,800.00 7.5 21.5
Multiple Positions 3 $61,924.00 $80,225.00 20.0 20.0
Ancillary 2 $94,647.50 $109,070.00 22.0 24.5

St. Charles R-VI schools

Click on one of the headers below to sort a column


Num. people* Enrollment Median salary Top salary Median years in district Median years in Missouri
Blackhurst Elementary 37 268 $51,867.00 $115,744.00 9.0 9.0
Coverdell Elem. 35 255 $53,196.00 $105,500.00 12.0 14.0
George M. Null Elem. 33 288 $49,398.00 $130,301.00 5.0 7.0
Hardin Middle 70 694 $53,844.50 $144,801.00 9.5 12.0
Harris Elem. 47 434 $50,632.00 $113,092.00 7.0 7.0
Jefferson Intermediate School 80 727 $49,398.00 $119,616.00 6.0 7.5
Lincoln Elem. 25 172 $51,898.00 $132,301.00 8.0 8.0
Monroe Elem. 43 399 $50,632.00 $112,437.00 6.0 7.0
St. Charles High 73 850 $54,526.00 $155,580.00 10.0 12.0
St. Charles West High 67 655 $56,434.00 $133,250.00 12.0 14.0
St.Charles Early Childhood Ctr 43 0 $44,343.00 $112,437.00 3.0 4.0

* — This figure, as well as the median salaries and experience levels listed, excludes all employees whose total full-time equivalency adds up to less than one. Those employees are not listed anywhere in this database.