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This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.




Full-time educators


Median salary


Top salary


Median years in district


Median years in Missouri


Kirkwood R-VII schools by salary range

This chart shows the relationship between median salary and median years of experience for each school within the district.

Years of experience in Missouri

Kirkwood R-VII schools pay by job category


Num. people * Median salary Top salary Median years in district Median years in Missouri
Teacher 386 $69,568.00 $104,960.00 9.0 16.0
School Principal 22 $124,629.00 $187,370.00 13.5 21.0
Guidance 20 $76,028.00 $99,464.00 12.0 16.5
Library 8 $73,587.50 $99,464.00 14.5 17.5
Supervisor 7 $68,865.00 $119,183.00 8.0 18.0
Central Office Admin. 5 $153,000.00 $224,950.00 5.0 20.0
Other 5 $58,572.00 $91,555.00 1.0 1.0
Ancillary 2 $66,840.00 $68,240.00 7.5 7.5
Multiple Positions 1 $88,958.00 $88,958.00 17.0 23.0

Kirkwood R-VII schools

Click on one of the headers below to sort a column


Num. people* Enrollment Median salary Top salary Median years in district Median years in Missouri
F. P. Tillman Elem. 38 508 $60,818.00 $132,716.00 6.5 12.0
George R. Robinson Elem. 39 509 $62,975.00 $147,225.00 8.0 14.0
Kirkwood Early Child. Ctr. 13 0 $73,876.00 $124,745.00 13.0 19.0
Kirkwood Sr. High 127 1783 $77,199.00 $187,370.00 13.0 18.0
Nipher Middle 51 728 $75,275.00 $135,901.00 12.0 17.0
North Glendale Elem. 40 605 $68,860.00 $127,813.00 9.0 15.5
North Kirkwood Middle 50 639 $79,783.50 $155,258.00 13.5 18.5
W. W. Keysor Elem. 39 555 $65,256.00 $127,000.00 8.0 12.0
Westchester Elem. 36 538 $61,360.00 $135,901.00 6.5 11.0

* — This figure, as well as the median salaries and experience levels listed, excludes all employees whose total full-time equivalency adds up to less than one. Those employees are not listed anywhere in this database.