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This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.




Full-time educators


Median salary


Top salary


Median years in district


Median years in Missouri


Ladue schools by salary range

This chart shows the relationship between median salary and median years of experience for each school within the district.

Years of experience in Missouri

Ladue schools pay by job category


Num. people * Median salary Top salary Median years in district Median years in Missouri
Teacher 321 $69,024.00 $102,289.00 9.0 14.0
Aide 23 $17,763.00 $24,563.00 1.0 1.0
School Principal 15 $120,354.00 $147,984.00 6.0 18.0
Guidance 15 $65,482.00 $103,943.00 5.0 13.0
Multiple Positions 8 $85,369.00 $96,870.00 16.5 19.5
Central Office Admin. 7 $157,536.00 $214,000.00 10.0 23.0
Other 5 $65,112.00 $86,229.00 2.0 10.0
Library 2 $117,895.50 $130,612.00 20.5 29.0
Supervisor 1 $122,535.00 $122,535.00 3.0 17.0

Ladue schools

Click on one of the headers below to sort a column


Num. people* Enrollment Median salary Top salary Median years in district Median years in Missouri
Conway Elem. 33 347 $70,025.00 $132,096.00 11.0 14.0
Ladue Fifth Grade Center 29 343 $73,892.00 $132,096.00 13.0 14.0
Ladue Horton Watkins High 97 1318 $72,017.00 $147,984.00 7.0 14.0
Ladue Middle 85 980 $72,017.00 $135,031.00 8.0 14.0
Old Bonhomme Elem. 42 438 $58,057.00 $123,477.00 5.5 9.5
Reed Elem. 38 394 $63,364.50 $138,945.00 7.5 13.0
Spoede Elem. 42 416 $61,423.50 $139,924.00 8.0 11.5

* — This figure, as well as the median salaries and experience levels listed, excludes all employees whose total full-time equivalency adds up to less than one. Those employees are not listed anywhere in this database.