Applied Research Institute
Current as of July 2021
Full-time employees
Median salary
Average salary
Applied Research Institute
Employees by salary range
Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.
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Position ↓ | Salary | Date hired | |
Price, Nathaniel A | Weatherization Tech Trainer | $69,680.00 | April 22, 2019 |
Overman, Bryan | Weatherization Tech Trainer | $69,360.00 | June 10, 2019 |
Witmer, Ann-Perry | Vst Res Sci | $87,500.00 | Aug. 26, 2013 |
Refi, Justin Douglas | Sr Software Engr | $93,600.00 | April 29, 2019 |
Wolff, John Matthew | Sr Software Engineer | $75,013.00 | Jan. 11, 2018 |
Aboukhatwa, Mohamed | Sr Res Sci | $105,000.00 | Dec. 2, 2009 |
Sun, Yigang | Sr Res Sci | $91,700.00 | Aug. 25, 2003 |
Krogstad, Daniel Vincent | Sr Res Sci | $100,000.00 | Aug. 18, 2014 |
Pietrowicz, Mary B | Sr Res Sci | $102,000.00 | Feb. 3, 2020 |
Merrin, Zachary Mahler | Research Engineer | $72,828.00 | Sept. 19, 2011 |
Gilleade, Kiel M | Res Engr | $67,500.00 | Aug. 22, 2016 |
Filippini, Heather Rose | Prin Res Sci | $129,609.00 | Feb. 2, 2015 |
Yedetore, Jagadeesh | Prin Res Engr | $145,373.00 | Oct. 1, 2014 |
Kataria, Cara Yang | Postdoc Res Assoc | $43,000.00 | Aug. 16, 2014 |
Sharma, Pallavi | Postdoc Res Assoc | $43,000.00 | Aug. 22, 2012 |
Chapman, Kristopher Lee | Office Support Specialist | $37,535.68 | Dec. 5, 2016 |
Bedient, Pamela S | Office Administrator | $47,845.10 | July 1, 2008 |
Gloss, Stacy L | Mgr, Spec Res Proj & Prgms | $70,000.00 | June 6, 2014 |
Shupe, Lori Ann | Mgr, Educ Res & Trng | $70,000.00 | Dec. 13, 2004 |
Johnson, Nicole Eddington | Managing Dir | $137,500.00 | May 11, 2020 |
Azer, Magdi Naim | Assoc Dir Mfg Sci | $214,900.00 | March 2, 2015 |
Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.