This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.

Current as of July 2021

Full-time employees


Median salary


Average salary


Crop Sciences

Employees by salary range

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.


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Position Salary Date hired ↑
Below, Frederick E Prof of Plant Physiology $100,859.27 May 31, 1978
Juvik, John A Prof of Plant Genetics $133,479.64 Aug. 21, 1982
Tammen, Anna M Office Administrator $58,391.36 July 28, 1985
Seebauer, Juliann Rose Prin Res Spec $58,504.18 June 6, 1987
Rayburn, A Lane Prof of Cytogenetics $107,699.04 Aug. 21, 1988
Cary, Troy R Prin Res Spec in Agr $71,908.98 June 21, 1992
Hager, Aaron G Assoc Prof $94,565.17 May 10, 1993
Joos, Darin K Prin Res Spec in Agri $68,394.12 Aug. 21, 1994
Branham, Bruce E PROF $110,510.51 Aug. 21, 1995
Wiesbrook, Michelle L Ext Spec $60,303.46 Jan. 6, 1997
Tranel, Patrick J Prof of Molecular Weed Sci $127,619.17 July 21, 1997
Diers, Brian W Prof of Soybean Breeding $135,464.68 May 21, 1998
Greer, Kristin Danielle Sr Res Spec $53,272.56 May 24, 1998
Bollero, German A Prof, Biometry* $203,197.20 July 21, 1998
Miles, Jean L Office Manager $49,340.85 Nov. 8, 1998
Long, Stephen P PROF $320,629.94 Jan. 11, 1999
Johnson, Martin L Sr Res Spec in Agri $50,870.76 April 12, 1999
Henry, Brian Richard Res Spec in Agr $42,529.83 May 1, 1999
Babadoost, Mohammad Prof, Vegetable & Fruit $107,131.51 June 21, 1999
Riechers, Dean Edward Prof, Weed Physio $99,614.43 Aug. 16, 1999
Harvey, Linda G Office Manager $49,342.80 Aug. 30, 1999
Moose, Stephen Patrick Prof of Maize Functional $116,903.16 Sept. 21, 1999
Lambert, Kris Nicholas Assoc Prof, Nematology $84,051.39 Jan. 6, 2000
Mies, Timothy A Dir, Energy Farm Oper $107,677.19 May 25, 2000
Kemplin, Linda J Sr HR Generalist $62,625.74 Oct. 16, 2000
Colgrove, Kamron Bridge Res Assoc $58,350.00 June 1, 2001
Riggins, Chance Res Assistant Prof $78,240.75 Aug. 15, 2001
Ames, Keith A Prin Res Spec $61,840.56 Oct. 19, 2001
Sharp, William Res Spec in Agri $44,477.10 March 4, 2002
Bohn, Martin O Assoc Prof $85,939.00 April 3, 2002
Jones, Sarah I Sr Res Spec $52,733.84 Aug. 21, 2002
Caetano-Anolles, Gustavo PROF $163,753.62 Jan. 21, 2003
Colgrove, Alison Sr Res Spec $46,552.20 June 23, 2003
Villamil, Maria Bonita Assoc Prof $99,269.55 Aug. 16, 2003
Taylor, Andrea F Teaching Assistant Prof $78,222.96 Aug. 21, 2003
Schultz, Sarah Jane Sr Res Spec in Agri $55,000.00 May 16, 2004
Hudson, Matthew Prof, Bioinformatics $133,284.89 Aug. 16, 2004
Davis, Adam PROF* $172,537.50 Feb. 16, 2005
Parks, Gregory W Mgr of Syst Serv $83,341.44 Oct. 7, 2005
Cleveland, Travis E Ext Spec $57,655.56 Feb. 15, 2006
Warsaw, Bryan K Res Spec $57,035.23 March 1, 2006
Zhao, Youfu PROF $110,489.49 July 1, 2006
Wallace, Michael Patrick Res Spec $55,000.00 Jan. 1, 2007
Black, Jennifer Kay Accountant I $46,232.67 Jan. 16, 2007
Shafer, Jeremy M Coord, Res&Educ Field Stations $68,173.61 Jan. 22, 2007
Decker, William Charles Res Spec in Agri $54,641.64 March 24, 2008
Behnke, Gevan D Postdoc Res Assoc $52,020.00 May 16, 2008
Handal, Elias Asaad Sr Res Spec $44,336.34 May 20, 2008
Lee, Dokyoung PROF $123,480.37 Aug. 16, 2008
Kaiser, Christopher M Res Spec $52,020.00 April 10, 2009

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.