This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.

Full-time employees


Median salary


Average salary



Employees by salary range

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.


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Position Salary Date hired ↑
O'Brien, Nancy Patricia Prof Lib / Educ & Soc Sci Lib* $124,773.00 Jan. 21, 1977
Maher, William J Prof of Library Admin* $125,181.00 Dec. 1, 1977
Loftiss, Jeffrey W Library Specialist $45,571.50 Jan. 16, 1980
Burnette, Margaret H Assoc Prof Library Admin $76,063.00 July 13, 1981
Buss, William M Senior Library Specialist $50,778.00 Oct. 20, 1981
Mann, Scott Eldon Senior Library Specialist $50,778.00 Nov. 25, 1985
Romero, Lisa A Assoc Prof Lib / Comnc Librn $84,377.00 March 18, 1986
Cole, Timothy W Prof University Library* $126,546.00 Aug. 21, 1988
Sroka, Marek Prof Univ Library* $101,637.00 Oct. 30, 1989
Soule, Michael R Senior Library Specialist $50,778.00 Oct. 9, 1990
Cotter, James I Senior Library Specialist $50,778.00 Jan. 2, 1991
McGowan, Sheila E Library Operations Associate $53,059.50 April 8, 1992
Homerding, Gregg Michael Library Operations Associate $53,059.50 July 22, 1992
Clark, Lonnie E Library Specialist $46,234.50 Feb. 16, 1993
Nakea, Cindy A Library Assistant $46,367.10 Oct. 5, 1993
Clayton, Kathryn Ann Senior Library Specialist $50,778.00 Feb. 7, 1994
Webb, Tonya L Library Operations Associate $53,059.50 March 28, 1994
Butler, David M Library Assistant $46,367.10 March 28, 1994
Szylowicz, Caroline Assoc Prof /Kolb &Proust Librn* $74,311.00 July 1, 1994
Schlembach, Mary C Assoc Prof Univ Library $93,662.00 Aug. 21, 1994
Pherigo, David W Specialist, Library $45,571.50 Oct. 31, 1994
Shelburne, Wendy Allen Assoc Prof Lib /Elect Rsrc Lib $78,467.00 Dec. 21, 1995
Degutis, Martha J Senior Library Specialist $50,778.00 May 6, 1996
Brownlee, Bernita Lorraine Senior Library Specialist $50,778.00 June 4, 1996
Adamczyk, Jan Senior Library Specialist $50,778.00 Oct. 21, 1996
Qi, Xiaoping Senior Library Specialist $50,778.00 Jan. 6, 1997
Johnson, Jenny Marie Assoc Prof Lib /Map & Geog Lib $82,912.00 Feb. 10, 1997
Revell, Zoe P Library Operations Associate $56,082.00 March 3, 1997
Robinson, Margo Marie Library Specialist $45,571.50 May 12, 1997
Wright, Rebecca C Senior Library Specialist $50,778.00 June 9, 1997
Crook, Marla K Senior Library Specialist $50,310.00 Aug. 5, 1997
Bermudez, Jose D Specialist, Library $45,571.50 Oct. 20, 1997
Jones, Debbie M Specialist, Library $45,571.50 Dec. 15, 1997
Schutz, Virginia K Senior Library Specialist $50,310.00 Jan. 5, 1998
Prom, Christopher John Prof Univ Lib* $125,885.00 Aug. 21, 1998
Birgerson, Susanne Michele Senior Library Specialist $50,778.00 Sept. 2, 1998
Graves, Carl N Library Assistant $40,168.18 Sept. 14, 1998
Burner, Becky S Senior Library Specialist $50,778.00 Aug. 23, 1999
Laskowski, Mary S Prof Univ Library* $120,895.00 Sept. 1, 1999
Ward, David Henry Assoc Prof Univ Library* $112,991.00 Sept. 21, 1999
Miller, Lisa C Senior Library Specialist $50,778.00 Sept. 27, 1999
Baker, Stephanie R Lib Info System Spec $78,435.00 Jan. 31, 2000
Weible, Cherie' L Assoc Prof Univ Library $99,306.00 Feb. 7, 2000
Hynes, Tony James Library Operations Associate $53,059.50 June 9, 2000
Armstrong, Anne Rebecca Dept Affl $91,638.83 Aug. 1, 2000
Tracy, Daniel Assoc Prof University Library* $88,750.00 Aug. 21, 2000
Carns, Paula Mae Assoc Prof Univ Library* $86,425.00 Aug. 21, 2000
Agassi, Nazanine Senior Library Specialist $50,778.00 Sept. 1, 2000
Gregory, Wendy Library Operations Associate $53,059.50 Sept. 11, 2000
Machula, Lincoln Library Specialist $45,571.50 Oct. 23, 2000

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.