This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.

Current as of July 2021

Full-time employees


Median salary


Average salary


Interdis Health Sci Institute

Employees by salary range

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.


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Position ↓ Salary Date hired
Sarol, Jesus Natividad Sr Res Biostatistician $80,000.00 Sept. 16, 2019
Minehart, Meredith Susan Spec Assistant Educ Initiatives* $85,745.61 Aug. 26, 2013
Barnes, Brandi Nicole Res Devlp Mgr Health Disparities $78,000.00 Nov. 5, 2018
Lukacena Buzzetta, Kaylee Marie Res Devlp Mgr $60,000.00 Jan. 16, 2020
Lafferty, Susan Res Devlp Mgr $78,982.00 April 16, 2005
Berg, Margret Ellen Res Devlp Mgr $74,438.96 Jan. 14, 2002
Kaur, Amandeep Res Biostatistician $67,600.00 July 23, 2018
Lore, Michelle H Redcap App Spec $58,000.00 Jan. 25, 2016
Summers, Leta L Program Coordinator $61,450.00 Oct. 14, 2002
Hassevoort, Kelsey M Postdoc Res Assoc $60,000.00 Aug. 16, 2012
Ondish, Peter R Postdoc Res Assoc $60,000.00 Aug. 16, 2013
Wirth, Hannah Pace Office Administrator $48,225.23 Jan. 5, 2009
Nelson, Kacey Lee Health Res Graphic Design Coord $60,320.00 June 18, 2018
Melton, Bridget A Dir of Stratg Plng & Comnc $86,700.00 Aug. 7, 2017
Clay-Moore, Amy Renee Keniley Comnc Coord $57,680.00 Aug. 8, 2014
Carson, Lea Ann Clinical Partners Coord - Ihsi $62,998.79 Aug. 24, 1999
Carson, Lea Ann Clin Partnerships Mgr $72,000.00 Aug. 24, 1999
Abrahamson, Amy Sue Bus & Fin Spec $57,120.00 Feb. 10, 2014
Alvarez Mingote, Cristina Assoc Dir, Center Soc & Behav Sci $85,000.00 Aug. 16, 2008
Snyder, Gillian Assistant Dir for Res $108,000.00 Aug. 9, 2011
Miller, Deborah S Assistant Dir for Clin Partnership $97,500.00 Oct. 27, 1995
Frerichs, Daniele Lynn Assistant Dir for Admn $112,000.00 Dec. 4, 2006

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.