Beckman Institute
Current as of July 2021
Full-time employees
Median salary
Average salary
Beckman Institute
Employees by salary range
Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.
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Position | Salary ↑ | Date hired | |
Marana, Mike R | Security Guard Supervisor | $51,688.53 | Feb. 4, 1991 |
Eisenhauer, Kriss Frederick | Storekeeper III | $51,909.00 | Feb. 11, 1998 |
Choi, Hong Gu | Postdoc Res Assoc | $52,000.00 | July 6, 2020 |
Ivy, Sandra F | Fin Spec | $52,000.00 | Feb. 16, 2015 |
McKinley, Kelly Ann | Coord of Res Prgm | $52,000.00 | June 16, 2014 |
Lane, Synthia J | Res Coord | $52,083.96 | Aug. 9, 2010 |
Walker, Joshua M | Food Service Administrator III | $52,108.85 | March 17, 2009 |
Yeh, Kevin Lee | Postdoc Res Assoc | $55,000.00 | Aug. 17, 2011 |
McCartney, Julie A | Administrative Aide | $55,964.60 | Oct. 8, 2007 |
Kopmann, Nichole Lynn | Grants & Contracts Spec | $56,000.00 | June 10, 2019 |
Talukdar, Mohammed Tanveer | Vst Res Anlys | $56,100.00 | Sept. 10, 2014 |
De Carvalho Maia, Julio Daniel | Res Prgrmr | $56,512.44 | July 6, 2018 |
Sprowles, Jenna Leigh Nelms | Postdoc Res Assoc | $57,120.00 | Jan. 7, 2019 |
Monroy, Guillermo Luciano | Postdoc Res Assoc | $58,000.00 | Aug. 3, 2020 |
Kendrick, Lanata Delores | Grants & Contracts Spec | $58,926.68 | Nov. 6, 2017 |
Trimmell, Ashley B | Senior Coord of Res Prgm | $59,302.80 | Nov. 6, 2008 |
Johnson, Brian | IT SPEC | $59,344.22 | Nov. 5, 2012 |
Dulas, Michael R | Vst Res Sci | $59,500.00 | Aug. 16, 2014 |
Zurauskas, Mantas | Imgng Res Sci | $60,000.00 | Feb. 20, 2019 |
Wakefield, Mary Catherine | Res Proj Mgr | $60,000.00 | March 16, 2017 |
Pummill, Candace Theodosia | IT SPEC | $60,734.37 | Jan. 16, 2012 |
Chaddock-Heyman, Laura | Vst Res Spec | $62,424.00 | Nov. 25, 2020 |
Dahl, Doris K | Comnc Coord | $63,048.24 | Aug. 15, 1990 |
Carlisle, Malinda N | New Media Design Spec | $63,048.24 | June 25, 2012 |
Ross, Travis | Visualization Laboratory Mgr | $63,637.65 | Feb. 16, 2011 |
Keleher, Holly Margaret Ann | Mag Res Img Technologist | $63,862.50 | June 28, 2001 |
Majumdar, Shreyan | RES SCI | $65,000.00 | Aug. 30, 2013 |
Drake, Steven Jeffrey | Creative Spec | $65,359.67 | Aug. 16, 2005 |
Olson, Stacy Renee | Administrative Assistant | $66,200.16 | July 5, 2017 |
Mukherjee, Prabuddha | Imgng Res Sci | $66,300.00 | Feb. 7, 2008 |
Goeddel, Dawn Michelle | HR Coord | $67,666.80 | Dec. 30, 2010 |
Schwarb Rohrig, Hillary Dorothy | Research Scientist | $68,000.00 | June 18, 2012 |
Hardy, David Joseph | Sr Res Prgmr | $68,172.48 | Aug. 21, 1999 |
Zhang, Dianwen | Sr Lt Microsc/Spectroscopist | $68,606.15 | June 16, 2011 |
Boone, Anita Lynn | Grants & Contracts Coord | $69,360.00 | Aug. 12, 2013 |
Karres, Dean G | Sr Res Prgmr | $69,785.06 | Jan. 6, 2003 |
Spillman, Darold Raymond | Business/Adminv Associate | $69,996.03 | Nov. 3, 2008 |
Lucic, Ana | Vst Res Data Mgr & Anlys | $70,000.00 | Sept. 16, 2019 |
Aksamitiene, Edita | RES SCI | $70,000.00 | Aug. 1, 2019 |
Dodge, Nancy Ruth | Mag Res Img Specialist | $70,223.08 | April 15, 2003 |
Villamizar Valero, Jose Luis | Sr Syst Engr | $72,000.00 | July 13, 2020 |
Low, Kathy | Assistant Dir, Cog Neuroimgng Lab | $72,277.81 | June 1, 2001 |
Harden, T'Chana M | Finance Coord | $72,828.00 | April 11, 2011 |
Haley, Kara | Grants & Contracts Coord | $73,150.00 | Aug. 19, 2015 |
Thackeray, Neil L | Sr Syst Eng | $75,200.56 | March 19, 2001 |
Yin, Leilei | Sr Microscopist | $77,335.11 | Feb. 25, 2005 |
Paritosh, - | Sr Res Prgmr | $78,133.08 | May 17, 2001 |
Taylor, Marc D | Sr Syst Engr | $78,222.47 | Feb. 27, 1994 |
Barker, Stephen M | Sr Web App Devlpr | $80,000.00 | April 15, 2019 |
Dobrucka, Iwona Teresa | Sr Res Sci* | $82,396.17 | Aug. 16, 2011 |
Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.