This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.

Current as of July 2021

Full-time employees


Median salary


Average salary


Beckman Institute

Employees by salary range

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.


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Position Salary Date hired ↑
Wszalek, Tracey Mencio Dir, Biomedical Imaging $127,411.44 Aug. 21, 1988
Dahl, Doris K Comnc Coord $63,048.24 Aug. 15, 1990
Marana, Mike R Security Guard Supervisor $51,688.53 Feb. 4, 1991
Taylor, Marc D Sr Syst Engr $78,222.47 Feb. 27, 1994
Fritz, Robert K Dir of Facilities & Planning $130,165.07 Nov. 5, 1995
Chaney, Eric RES SCI $51,051.00 Aug. 18, 1997
Eisenhauer, Kriss Frederick Storekeeper III $51,909.00 Feb. 11, 1998
Helregel, Sandra Kay Office Manager $48,040.20 Feb. 22, 1998
Stone, John Edward Sr Res Prgmr $117,121.80 April 27, 1998
Robinson, Scott J Mgr, Microscopy Suite $83,769.46 Nov. 23, 1998
Russell, Vashoune M Storekeeper II $46,137.00 Dec. 28, 1998
Hardy, David Joseph Sr Res Prgmr $68,172.48 Aug. 21, 1999
Thackeray, Neil L Sr Syst Eng $75,200.56 March 19, 2001
Paritosh, - Sr Res Prgmr $78,133.08 May 17, 2001
Low, Kathy Assistant Dir, Cog Neuroimgng Lab $72,277.81 June 1, 2001
Keleher, Holly Margaret Ann Mag Res Img Technologist $63,862.50 June 28, 2001
Hege, Erik L Dir, Info Tech Serv $115,000.00 July 29, 2002
McKinney, Anne M Prgm Mgr $47,740.56 Aug. 16, 2002
Thompson, Tara Shay Business/Adminv Associate $40,760.93 Sept. 12, 2002
Bee, Charles Mark Instr & Meas Technician II $35,000.73 Nov. 25, 2002
Karres, Dean G Sr Res Prgmr $69,785.06 Jan. 6, 2003
Dodge, Nancy Ruth Mag Res Img Specialist $70,223.08 April 15, 2003
Rife, Melba Harlenna Culinary Worker III $43,700.80 April 16, 2004
Mullins, William Robert Office Manager $43,641.00 April 26, 2004
Mathews, Tracy Kay Account Technician I $39,546.00 Nov. 15, 2004
Johnson, Kara Leigh Assoc Dir for Admin $149,713.31 Jan. 28, 2005
Wallace, Catherine Lee Sr Microscopist $48,051.75 Feb. 17, 2005
Yin, Leilei Sr Microscopist $77,335.11 Feb. 25, 2005
Drake, Steven Jeffrey Creative Spec $65,359.67 Aug. 16, 2005
Wendt, Kelli R Dir Bdgt & Rsrsc Plng $95,790.00 Jan. 29, 2007
Howe, Mindy A Res Coord $49,887.96 Sept. 24, 2007
McCartney, Julie A Administrative Aide $55,964.60 Oct. 8, 2007
Sener, Melih Kemal RES SCI $49,398.84 Jan. 10, 2008
Mukherjee, Prabuddha Imgng Res Sci $66,300.00 Feb. 7, 2008
Zwilling, Christopher Eric Postdoc Res Assoc $49,887.96 Aug. 16, 2008
Patrick, Jaclyn Kelly Dir Beckman Institute HR $92,185.00 Sept. 2, 2008
Spillman, Darold Raymond Business/Adminv Associate $69,996.03 Nov. 3, 2008
Trimmell, Ashley B Senior Coord of Res Prgm $59,302.80 Nov. 6, 2008
Walker, Joshua M Food Service Administrator III $52,108.85 March 17, 2009
Lane, Synthia J Res Coord $52,083.96 Aug. 9, 2010
Xiao, Junhui Sr Database App Prgrmr $96,245.00 Aug. 23, 2010
Goeddel, Dawn Michelle HR Coord $67,666.80 Dec. 30, 2010
Ross, Travis Visualization Laboratory Mgr $63,637.65 Feb. 16, 2011
Harden, T'Chana M Finance Coord $72,828.00 April 11, 2011
Zhang, Dianwen Sr Lt Microsc/Spectroscopist $68,606.15 June 16, 2011
Zimmerman, Benjamin Joseph Postdoc Res Assoc $50,000.00 July 16, 2011
Dobrucka, Iwona Teresa Sr Res Sci* $82,396.17 Aug. 16, 2011
Yeh, Kevin Lee Postdoc Res Assoc $55,000.00 Aug. 17, 2011
Pummill, Candace Theodosia IT SPEC $60,734.37 Jan. 16, 2012
Jones, Patricia Marie Assoc Dir for Research $186,479.01 March 16, 2012

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.