This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.

Current as of November 2020 • Full-time/part-time status, hire date not provided.

Full-time employees


Median salary


Average salary


Restorative Clinical Sciences

Employees by salary range

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.


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Position Salary Date hired
Ball, John David Prof, Asoc Clincl $101,202.10 Not provided
Barry, Timothy Michael Prof, Ast Clincl $84,621.93 Not provided
Ben Yehuda, Daniel Prof, Ast Clincl $93,262.95 Not provided
Bilyeu, Neal Prof, Ast Clincl $63,791.58 Not provided
Bounds, Dinah Lynn Office Support Assistant IV $25,007.89 Not provided
Darkoue, Yasko Ajjei Yasko Prof, Ast Clincl $92,497.75 Not provided
Dunlap, Shara M Prof, Clincl $99,987.58 Not provided
Ehrenberger, Caryn Joy Prof, Ast Clincl $81,027.18 Not provided
Freeburne, Alex B Programmer Analyst-Speclst $31,983.85 Not provided
Gerhardt, Jared David Prof, Ast Clincl $80,698.00 Not provided
Gilmore, Erin Office Support Assistant Sr $36,910.31 Not provided
Godley, Lance Prof, Ast Clincl $117,688.12 Not provided
Gottman, Eric E Prof, Clincl $134,220.13 Not provided
Hansen, Paul A Prof, Clincl $112,816.70 Not provided
Hoffman, Tamra Jan Instructor, Clincl $57,248.69 Not provided
Hurst, Robert Edward Prof, Ast Clincl $84,685.75 Not provided
Kessler, Susan Keil Prof, Ast Clincl $79,971.81 Not provided
Khan, Maryam Mueen Office Support Assistant IV $24,305.06 Not provided
Leal, Gustavo Adolfo Prof, Ast Clincl $105,622.97 Not provided
Lee, Kay Sohee Dental Hygienist $54,236.96 Not provided
Louie, Alison C Prof, Asoc Clincl $96,874.08 Not provided
McReynolds, Gary D Prof, Asoc Clincl $105,911.01 Not provided
Meredith, Melynda Ann Prof, Ast Clincl $82,184.69 Not provided
Murphy, Michael Prof, Ast Clincl $94,201.57 Not provided
Oakson, James Stephen Prof, Ast Clincl $86,466.01 Not provided
Parkinson, Tressa J. Prof, Clincl $105,091.92 Not provided
Pearson, Douglas A Prof, Ast Clincl $88,244.23 Not provided
Petrie, Cynthia Spiliopoulou Prof, Asoc $192,363.73 Not provided
Prine, Richard G Prof, Ast Clincl $100,090.62 Not provided
Roberson, Tierra Crystal Office Support Assistant IV $30,909.45 Not provided
Russell, Thomas Prof, Ast Clincl $84,248.53 Not provided
Seabaugh, Linda Susan Prof, Ast Clincl $96,863.65 Not provided
Smith, Becky M Prof, Clincl $106,415.15 Not provided
Stevens, Yesim Tunkuc Prof, Asoc Clincl $109,139.33 Not provided
Suchman, Kelly Rodgers Prof, Ast Clincl $110,087.65 Not provided
Thakkar, Bhavika Vasantkumar Prof, Ast Clincl $113,044.09 Not provided
Thomas, Rita Ann Office Support Assistant III $25,843.61 Not provided
Uhlenhake, John Francis Prof, Ast Clincl $88,262.94 Not provided
Weaver, Rosie Office Support Assistant IV $30,655.36 Not provided
Wells, Linda M Prof, Asoc Clincl $155,294.38 Not provided
White, Connie L Prof, Asoc $143,651.21 Not provided
Williams, Derek Randolph Prof, Asoc Clincl $95,542.48 Not provided
Zarrough, Ahmed Prof, Ast Clincl $119,664.34 Not provided

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.