This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.

Current as of July 2021 • Full-time/part-time status not provided. Totals are gross school year 2020-2021.

Full-time employees


Number of departments


Median salary


Average salary


Francis Howell School District

Employees by salary range

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.


Click on one of the headers below to sort a column in ascending or descending order.


FT employees ↓ Median salary Average salary Median experience Top earner
Transportation Office 164 $29,391.57 $31,451.63 3.0 $87,559.92
Howell North 149 $62,075.04 $60,820.47 14.0 $144,539.04
Howell Central 145 $60,104.88 $61,112.08 12.0 $151,223.04
Howell High 141 $60,736.96 $61,810.39 14.0 $142,867.92
Fairmount Elementary 126 $54,092.54 $54,001.77 8.0 $129,473.90
Admin Building 109 $58,926.48 $68,783.27 10.0 $219,642.96
Becky-David Elementary 96 $59,885.52 $57,134.43 15.0 $122,815.92
Castlio Elementary 94 $61,271.26 $59,172.82 14.0 $127,829.04
Warren Elementary 88 $59,901.00 $58,832.79 13.0 $139,525.92
Central Elementary 87 $58,023.12 $58,216.67 13.0 $124,000.08
Henderson Elementary 83 $59,183.04 $55,867.95 10.0 $121,995.12
Independence Elementary 83 $58,023.12 $57,203.88 11.0 $141,197.04
John Weldon Elementary 78 $59,741.04 $58,043.09 14.0 $130,652.08
Harvest Ridge Elementary 77 $56,267.16 $54,959.27 8.0 $129,499.92
Howell Middle 77 $64,189.92 $61,236.77 13.0 $129,395.83
Bryan Middle 76 $65,625.58 $61,777.47 14.5 $131,171.04
Hollenbeck Middle 70 $60,624.00 $59,163.83 10.0 $144,539.04
Barnwell Middle 68 $63,681.52 $63,541.93 15.0 $144,539.04
Saeger Middle 68 $62,057.60 $62,247.86 12.0 $139,525.92
Fob 48 $36,080.12 $44,609.33 9.0 $119,994.96
Daniel Boone Elementary 46 $57,193.96 $60,579.74 10.0 $139,525.92
Early Childhood - Meadows Pkwy 45 $56,005.98 $54,208.13 14.0 $111,045.12
Early Childhood - Hackmann 29 $48,552.00 $50,828.51 15.0 $82,507.92
Burbes Building 27 $42,390.40 $45,184.47 6.0 $89,476.56
Early Childhood - Central 26 $50,327.88 $48,548.30 17.0 $86,391.12
Westwood Trail Academy 16 $53,604.00 $57,479.39 3.5 $142,653.75
Howell Union 14 $64,272.84 $65,403.65 10.0 $129,499.92
Family Education Center 10 $38,157.47 $45,539.15 12.0 $122,430.96
Mail 5 $22,481.85 $22,830.49 4.0 $25,000.01
Print Shop 2 $40,732.86 $40,732.86 14.0 $60,383.72

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.