This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.

Current as of February 2021

Full-time employees


Number of departments


Median salary


Average salary


Special School District of St. Louis County

Employees by salary range

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.


Click on one of the headers below to sort a column in ascending or descending order.


FT employees ↓ Median salary Average salary Median experience Top earner
Partner Districts-Sped 3,080 $51,350.98 $51,962.70 8.0 $142,702.14
SSD School & Programs 581 $37,634.25 $46,647.90 7.0 $150,000.03
Early Childhood Special Ed 325 $48,397.97 $52,248.73 9.0 $115,000.08
Physical/Occupational Therapy 165 $75,356.06 $75,099.05 14.0 $112,641.94
Evaluation 151 $66,567.02 $68,964.27 8.0 $113,326.30
CTE Schools & Programs 134 $68,599.44 $69,525.44 11.0 $115,000.08
Transportation 106 $21,228.00 $29,890.54 13.0 $135,697.74
Social Work 85 $66,567.02 $71,198.02 7.0 $103,135.50
Transition Services 82 $59,970.46 $59,077.92 13.0 $124,452.22
Student Services Admin 68 $60,197.90 $67,073.57 7.5 $150,000.03
Planning & Development 57 $82,148.98 $81,949.09 13.0 $150,000.03
Human Resources 32 $53,153.69 $63,431.29 12.5 $164,999.95
Assistive Technology 21 $82,148.98 $72,485.05 14.0 $95,748.02
Facilities 19 $49,004.80 $56,716.60 6.0 $110,313.01
Accounting/Payroll 18 $60,632.83 $67,923.62 13.5 $114,031.63
Adult Education 18 $69,777.44 $71,655.59 7.5 $109,272.18
Technology Support 17 $59,595.74 $62,181.51 6.0 $96,308.78
Music Therapy 13 $61,567.06 $64,006.60 13.0 $86,568.05
Distribution Center 12 $59,508.80 $59,287.37 15.5 $88,971.58
Student Records/Intake 12 $46,924.80 $52,247.26 12.5 $95,401.70
Federal Program 9 $75,356.06 $76,992.77 16.0 $95,061.02
Technology Development 8 $85,223.74 $88,302.16 13.5 $115,245.52
Technology Infrastructure 8 $78,168.17 $76,241.23 6.0 $99,554.83
Audiology 7 $64,762.99 $71,477.83 10.0 $95,061.02
Communications 7 $64,881.65 $81,149.92 11.0 $150,000.03
Snap - 94 - 142 7 $72,017.09 $78,793.01 19.0 $121,310.57
CTE Administration 6 $73,574.49 $82,891.16 11.0 $150,000.03
Student Data/Core Data 6 $55,528.30 $57,708.63 8.5 $75,000.02
Business & Finance Admin 5 $76,811.49 $86,760.91 2.0 $164,999.95
Purchasing 5 $49,920.00 $60,544.64 5.0 $98,079.07
Benefits/Risk Management 4 $55,368.04 $60,613.23 1.5 $85,000.03
Homebound 4 $73,806.41 $80,444.73 18.0 $125,410.90
Executive Administration 3 $80,888.91 $136,328.05 18.0 $249,900.14
Partner Districts - Admin 3 $134,999.90 $110,114.65 2.0 $150,000.03
Legal Services/Compliance 2 $89,555.86 $89,555.86 12.0 $130,356.51
SSD Building Administration 2 $108,499.98 $108,499.98 14.0 $164,999.95
Technology Administration 2 $98,956.21 $98,956.21 11.0 $143,270.82
Operational Support 1 $48,739.60 $48,739.60 17.0 $48,739.60

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.