This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.

Current as of July 2021 • Department not provided.

Full-time employees


Median salary


Average salary


St. Louis Sheriff

Employees by salary range

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.


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Position Salary Date hired ↑
Hanley, George Major $86,008.00 March 31, 1975
Webbe, Lynn Deputy $54,418.00 Feb. 5, 1979
Vehlewald, Gary T. Deputy $53,352.00 Sept. 21, 1981
Lammert, Martin S. Major $81,016.00 Nov. 9, 1982
Tator, Joseph E. Deputy $53,326.00 March 14, 1983
Davis, Felicia. Captain $58,266.00 June 4, 1984
Hogan, Tarnmy R. Captain $65,052.00 May 16, 1988
Jones, Brian L. Deputy $46,358.00 Jan. 17, 1989
Horan, Scott A. Sergeant $58,916.00 Nov. 1, 1989
Burrow Jr., Adam L. Deputy $44,512.00 Sept. 10, 1990
Beine, John A. Deputy $48,256.00 Sept. 17, 1990
Jones Jr., Charles Sergeant $46,358.00 Nov. 16, 1992
Kehoe-Roop, Dawn M. Captain $57,122.00 Nov. 16, 1992
Hogan, Cornelius J. Lieutenant $56,602.00 Aug. 3, 1993
Yasharahla, Yosef H. Deputy $41,912.00 Jan. 11, 1994
Irby, Wilbert M. Deputy $42,770.00 Jan. 18, 1994
Meyer, Kevin G. Sergeant $47,294.00 April 11, 1994
Hop&Ood, Stanley P. Deputy $44,512.00 Aug. 15, 1994
Goins Jr., Benjamin L. Deputy $48,256.00 Aug. 15, 1994
Petty, Valerie Deputy $42,770.00 Jan. 8, 1996
Honer, Wayne C. Deputy $46,358.00 July 6, 1997
Lalumandier, Mark A. Deputy $51,220.00 Oct. 20, 1997
Phillips, Richard J. Deputy $46,358.00 Nov. 10, 1997
Borisch Jr., James W. Lieutenant $45,786.00 Dec. 21, 1997
Evans, Anthony B. Lieutenant $49,660.00 Feb. 17, 1998
Castellano, John Deputy $41,080.00 Aug. 24, 1998
Kehoe, Mary E. Deputy $45,422.00 April 5, 1999
Mathina, Michael W. Deputy $41,912.00 June 7, 1999
Haill, Timothy G. Lieutenant $52,000.00 Sept. 20, 1999
Gamache, Michael T. Lieutenant $58,942.00 Sept. 20, 1999
Riley, Neil A. Deputy $41,912.00 Nov. 22, 1999
Berra, Stephen D. Deputy $41,080.00 Jan. 31, 2000
Jackson, Gary Deputy $39,442.00 Feb. 23, 2000
Koenig, Alexandra M. Sergeant $43,134.00 April 17, 2000
Anderson, Vernon Deputy $40,248.00 Oct. 2, 2000
Perry,Terrell J. Deputy $39,442.00 Jan. 9, 2001
Buchanan, James A. Sergeant $47,294.00 Feb. 27, 2001
Wilkes,Cynthia E. Deputy $40,248.00 July 23, 2001
Cashen, Sherry M. Deputy $38,662.00 March 13, 2002
Norise, Chapelle C. Deputy $41,080.00 March 17, 2003
Montgomery, Jeffrey A. Deputy $38,662.00 Feb. 2, 2004
Boyd, Dennis L. Deputy $37,154.00 Aug. 30, 2004
Parker, Frank J. Sergeant $42,770.00 Nov. 1, 2004
Stokes, Theodore Deputy $38,662.00 Nov. 8, 2004
Galli, Joseph A. Deputy $40,248.00 Jan. 3, 2005
Quigley, David T. Deputy $37,882.00 Sept. 12, 2005
Keys, Vanessa L. Deputy $37,882.00 Sept. 12, 2005
Brison, Michael J. Deputy $36,400.00 Oct. 7, 2005
Barrett Jr., Michael J. Deputy $38,662.00 Jan. 17, 2006
Betts, Howard C. Deputy $37,882.00 June 5, 2006

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.