This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.

Current as of July 2021 • Salaries reflect actual paid totals for the 2020 fiscal year.

Full-time employees


Median salary


Average salary


Department of State Police

Employees by salary range

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.


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Position Salary Date hired
Phillips, Troy R Major $163,000.00 Not provided
Phillips, Shane Building/Grounds Laborer $58,700.00 Not provided
Phillips, Kenneth S Senior Master Trooper $149,000.00 Not provided
Phillips, Jeffery M Building/Grounds Maintenance Worker $44,900.00 Not provided
Pierce, Dustin D Master Sergeant $125,400.00 Not provided
Pierce-Hall, Stekara Trooper First Class $77,100.00 Not provided
Pierson, Heather A Truck Weighing Insp $61,600.00 Not provided
Pierson, Michael R Office Assistant $43,600.00 Not provided
Pignon, Annette Office Specialist $56,500.00 Not provided
Pignon, Jason V Trooper First Class $92,800.00 Not provided
Ping, Jordan P Telecommunicator Specialist $82,400.00 Not provided
Pinto, Marco Antonio Sergeant-State Police $115,300.00 Not provided
Pinto, Alexander R Sergeant-State Police $148,500.00 Not provided
Piotrowski, Krzysztof Trooper First Class $107,000.00 Not provided
Piotrowski, Larry R Senior Inspector $47,400.00 Not provided
Piper, James Gregory Senior Public Service Administr $136,700.00 Not provided
Piper, Craig A Master Trooper $108,400.00 Not provided
Pirie, Tyler Cadet Trainee $42,800.00 Not provided
Pitchford, Dana Shae Forensic Scientist III $126,400.00 Not provided
Plain, Elaine Office Coordinator $58,900.00 Not provided
Plazibat, Stephanie Forensic Scientist I $68,900.00 Not provided
Ploof, Beckie Telecommunicator Specialist $91,700.00 Not provided
Podzorny, David N Trooper First Class $103,200.00 Not provided
Poe, Adam J Public Service Administrator $78,500.00 Not provided
Poggenpohl, Ruth A Office Associate $47,800.00 Not provided
Points, Torrey Master Sergeant $138,000.00 Not provided
Polistina, Haylie G Trooper First Class $74,500.00 Not provided
Pollard, Arleen M Telecommunicator Lead Specialist $96,800.00 Not provided
Pomerance, Marc Grego Forensic Scientist III $114,100.00 Not provided
Pool, Butch D Trooper First Class $110,900.00 Not provided
Pool, Craig A Master Sergeant $144,100.00 Not provided
Pool, Douglas M Master Sergeant $153,700.00 Not provided
Poortinga, James R Master Sergeant $159,600.00 Not provided
Pope, Cheryl Renee Office Assistant $65,200.00 Not provided
Popovich, Gina Telecommunicator Specialist $20,600.00 Not provided
Porebski, Nadine C Telecommunicator Specialist $90,800.00 Not provided
Poulter, Matthew R Sergeant-State Police $109,900.00 Not provided
Powell, Naeemah Forensic Scientist III $111,100.00 Not provided
Powell, Edward W Executive I $57,000.00 Not provided
Powell, Desiree Y Office Associate $29,500.00 Not provided
Power, Robert S Trooper First Class $108,100.00 Not provided
Pratt, Diana Forensic Science Administrator 1 $109,400.00 Not provided
Price, Christopher D Sergeant-State Police $119,400.00 Not provided
Price, John W Captain-State Police $141,500.00 Not provided
Price, Timothy R Sergeant-State Police $99,900.00 Not provided
Price, Tyler J Master Trooper $117,600.00 Not provided
Printz, Karen A H Admin Assistant I $77,600.00 Not provided
Pritchard, Christophe Senior Master Trooper $148,300.00 Not provided
Propst, Ryan C Trooper First Class $105,700.00 Not provided
Provenzale, Jacquelyn Forensic Scientist III $107,600.00 Not provided

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.