University City
Current as of March 2021
Full-time employees
Number of departments
Median salary
Average salary
University City
Employees by salary range
Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.
Click on one of the headers below to sort a column in ascending or descending order.
FT employees | Median salary | Average salary | Median experience | Top earner | |
Administration | 50 | $72,824.96 | $79,542.00 | 5.0 | $173,399.98 |
Community Development | 15 | $54,238.60 | $57,272.40 | 6.0 | $103,456.86 |
Community Development/Facilities Maintenance | 1 | $33,723.56 | $33,723.56 | 5.0 | $33,723.56 |
Finance | 6 | $57,402.67 | $64,372.71 | 7.5 | $104,128.96 |
Human Resources | 3 | $63,250.98 | $61,941.45 | 26.0 | $68,334.76 |
Information Technology | 1 | $80,725.84 | $80,725.84 | 7.0 | $80,725.84 |
Legislation | 8 | $26.00 | $8,956.94 | 8.0 | $71,473.48 |
Library | 15 | $45,259.50 | $51,355.20 | 17.0 | $98,397.00 |
Municipal Court | 5 | $46,031.96 | $37,617.79 | 4.0 | $61,711.52 |
Parks, Recreation and Forestry/Park Maint, Admin and Forestry | 15 | $54,238.60 | $55,557.11 | 8.0 | $103,456.86 |
Parks, Recreation, and Forestry/Centennial Commons | 2 | $68,036.28 | $68,036.28 | 14.0 | $86,876.40 |
Parks, Recreation, and Forestry/Golf | 3 | $64,797.20 | $59,895.94 | 13.0 | $68,037.06 |
Police | 91 | $62,871.90 | $66,896.17 | 6.0 | $133,890.90 |
Public Works/Admin. & Engineering | 5 | $64,797.20 | $69,689.93 | 11.0 | $110,247.80 |
Public Works/Facilities Maintenance | 5 | $43,040.66 | $47,003.32 | 21.0 | $54,238.60 |
Public Works/Fleet Maintenance | 5 | $62,788.18 | $65,232.70 | 22.0 | $75,010.78 |
Public Works/Solid Waste Management | 13 | $54,238.60 | $54,493.10 | 20.0 | $84,762.34 |
Public Works/Street Maintenance | 8 | $52,543.66 | $54,629.80 | 15.5 | $76,881.74 |
Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.