This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.

Data received January 2022

Full-time employees


Number of departments


Median pay


Average pay


Des Peres

Employees by pay range

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median pay, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.


Click on one of the headers below to sort a column. Data shown reflects actual gross pay for 2021, except where noted otherwise.


FT employeesempl. Median pay Average pay Median experience Top earner
Lodge Operations 12 $58,374 $56,910 11.0 $76,766
Public Safety Shift A 12 $91,998 $89,762 9.0 $108,341
Public Safety Shift B 12 $91,580 $90,407 9.5 $116,971
Public Safety Shift C 10 $90,211 $86,580 9.0 $128,178
Public Safety Admin 9 $108,530 $97,994 20.0 $133,856
Streets 8 $55,123 $55,029 6.0 $89,807
Lodge Custodial/Maintenance 6 $56,631 $58,894 17.0 $74,733
Parks 6 $61,706 $66,741 20.0 $88,272
Public Safety Detectives/Mall Officers 5 $71,268 $63,006 2.0 $95,771
Finance 4 $67,021 $78,142 9.5 $117,768
Public Works 4 $55,936 $65,763 4.5 $110,078
City Administration 3 $94,740 $104,033 6.0 $160,842
Public Safety Dispatch 3 $32,158 $29,846 7.0 $34,508
Courts 2 $38,775 $38,775 18.5 $63,151
IT 1 $88,582 $88,582 7.0 $88,582
MPIR 1 $73,272 $73,272 29.0 $73,272
Prosecuting Attorney's Office 1 $28,006 $28,006 9.0 $28,006

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or pay salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.