This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.

Data received January 2022

Full-time employees


Number of departments


Median pay


Average pay


Lindbergh School District

Employees by pay range

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median pay, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.


Click on one of the headers below to sort a column. Data shown reflects actual gross pay for 2021, except where noted otherwise.


FT employeesempl. Median pay Average pay Median experience Top earner
HS Teacher 126 $63,179 $66,282 8.0 $109,138
Sperreng Teacher 58 $62,137 $64,831 7.0 $102,422
Dressel Teacher 47 $58,056 $62,650 10.0 $101,915
Truman Teacher 46 $60,380 $64,592 7.0 $94,558
Sappington Teacher 37 $59,374 $57,761 8.0 $97,091
Concord Teacher 35 $63,290 $64,775 14.0 $94,288
Long Teacher 33 $55,019 $57,826 9.0 $88,315
Crestwood Teacher 32 $60,997 $66,129 13.0 $97,071
Early Childhood Education 30 $47,126 $49,827 16.0 $132,150
Kennerly Teacher 28 $60,660 $65,202 7.0 $96,722
Facilities 26 $50,285 $51,747 7.5 $104,872
HS Custodian 15 $33,499 $33,605 5.0 $42,331
Office Personnel 15 $47,631 $50,331 6.0 $93,480
Community Education 13 $40,572 $41,924 6.0 $70,122
HS Office Personnel 12 $38,946 $39,343 9.5 $53,002
Technology 12 $55,954 $61,515 16.5 $101,427
Administrator 10 $134,319 $135,721 16.0 $225,600
Other 9 $66,487 $71,115 6.0 $99,260
HS Administrator 6 $106,899 $112,241 6.0 $147,395
HS Guidance 6 $68,812 $74,751 8.0 $105,436
Sperreng Custodian 5 $32,135 $34,799 4.0 $43,373
Truman Custodian 5 $30,044 $32,072 4.0 $40,794
Truman Office Personnel 5 $34,177 $34,801 13.0 $43,653
Dressel Custodian 4 $32,157 $34,813 5.5 $43,930
Dressel Teacher Assistant 4 $22,366 $23,084 9.0 $26,185
HS Spec 4 $52,415 $53,271 8.0 $59,182
Security 4 $48,202 $48,126 7.0 $66,600
Sperreng Office Personnel 4 $39,223 $40,100 16.0 $53,756
Community Relations 3 $75,087 $74,714 8.0 $106,358
HS Teacher Assistant 3 $23,160 $24,201 13.0 $27,797
Kennerly Custodian 3 $33,268 $33,493 9.0 $37,254
Sappington Custodian 3 $33,057 $33,452 6.0 $34,532
Sperreng Administrator 3 $115,625 $114,394 4.0 $131,556
Sperreng Guidance 3 $75,729 $69,674 11.0 $85,709
Sperreng Spec 3 $60,134 $59,327 4.0 $66,323
Truman Guidance 3 $56,600 $63,042 8.0 $77,012
Concord Custodian 2 $40,171 $40,171 20.5 $41,028
Concord Guidance 2 $53,676 $53,676 4.5 $55,513
Concord Teacher Assistant 2 $26,953 $26,953 9.0 $27,068
Copy Center 2 $55,072 $55,072 22.0 $61,055
Crestwood Spec 2 $56,145 $56,145 9.0 $61,349
Dressel Administrator 2 $108,024 $108,024 21.0 $118,698
Dressel Guidance 2 $64,225 $64,225 12.5 $76,309
ECE Custodian 2 $31,183 $31,183 4.0 $31,849
HS Nurse 2 $44,731 $44,731 6.0 $46,922
Kennerly Spec 2 $60,442 $60,442 5.5 $62,159
Long Custodian 2 $31,326 $31,326 3.0 $33,352
Long Spec 2 $64,192 $64,192 2.5 $67,267
Sappington Guidance 2 $59,984 $59,984 3.5 $62,838
Sappington Teacher Asst 2 $21,902 $21,902 2.0 $22,789
Substitute Teacher 2 $23,150 $23,150 1.5 $23,419
Truman Administrator 2 $118,203 $118,203 17.0 $136,057
Classfied Cost Reduction Plan 1 $25,668 $25,668 30.0 $25,668
Concord Administrator 1 $124,509 $124,509 24.0 $124,509
Concord Nurse 1 $43,297 $43,297 4.0 $43,297
Concord Office Personnel 1 $40,238 $40,238 5.0 $40,238
Concord Spec 1 $93,427 $93,427 30.0 $93,427
Crestwood Administrator 1 $115,400 $115,400 2.0 $115,400
Crestwood Custodian 1 $36,208 $36,208 10.0 $36,208
Crestwood Guidance 1 $68,983 $68,983 7.0 $68,983
Crestwood Nurse 1 $43,005 $43,005 2.0 $43,005
Crestwood Office Personnel 1 $42,572 $42,572 18.0 $42,572
Custodian 1 $32,442 $32,442 4.0 $32,442
Dressel Nurse 1 $43,605 $43,605 5.0 $43,605
Dressel Office Personnel 1 $38,653 $38,653 8.0 $38,653
Dressel Spec 1 $95,861 $95,861 31.0 $95,861
ECE West Custodian 1 $32,434 $32,434 7.0 $32,434
Foundation 1 $54,041 $54,041 4.0 $54,041
Kennerly Administrator 1 $117,840 $117,840 24.0 $117,840
Kennerly Guidance 1 $81,345 $81,345 14.0 $81,345
Kennerly Nurse 1 $42,756 $42,756 3.0 $42,756
Kennerly Office Personnel 1 $40,774 $40,774 9.0 $40,774
Kennerly Teacher Assistant 1 $23,368 $23,368 8.0 $23,368
Long Administrator 1 $118,698 $118,698 5.0 $118,698
Long Building Aide 1 $20,232 $20,232 25.0 $20,232
Long Guidance 1 $75,686 $75,686 28.0 $75,686
Long Nurse 1 $49,131 $49,131 11.0 $49,131
Long Office Personnel 1 $56,629 $56,629 26.0 $56,629
Sappingtion Spec 1 $56,579 $56,579 2.0 $56,579
Sappington Administrator 1 $120,614 $120,614 7.0 $120,614
Sappington Nurse 1 $51,712 $51,712 14.0 $51,712
Sappington Office Personnel 1 $51,359 $51,359 23.0 $51,359
Sperreng Nurse 1 $51,188 $51,188 18.0 $51,188
Supply/Distribution 1 $27,319 $27,319 8.0 $27,319
Truman Nurse 1 $47,476 $47,476 16.0 $47,476
Truman Spec 1 $65,399 $65,399 14.0 $65,399
Truman Teacher Assistant 1 $27,468 $27,468 2.0 $27,468

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or pay salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.