Data received March 2023 • Full-time/part-time status, hire date not provided.

Full-time employees


Median pay


Average pay


Clinical Outcomes

Employees by pay range

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median pay, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.


Click on one of the headers below to sort a column. Data shown reflects actual gross pay for 2022, except where noted otherwise.


Name ↑

Position Gross pay Date hired
Bennett-Blumer, Katy Viola Perform Improv Prof - Quality $69,605 Not provided
Butler, Kelly John Perform Improv Prof - Quality $91,896 Not provided
Crawford, Mason Joseph Perform Improv Prof - Quality $79,285 Not provided
Forsythe, Melina Kathryn Perf Improv Coord - Quality $58,602 Not provided
Hahn, Maegen Verdetta Perform Improv Prof - Quality $80,077 Not provided
Herman, Jason M Perform Improv Prof - Quality $113,633 Not provided
Mock, Benjamin Adam Perform Improv Prof - Quality $79,390 Not provided
Obogo, Douglas Perform Improv Prof - Quality $75,632 Not provided
Tegerdine, Emily Elizabeth Perf Improv Coord - Quality $70,108 Not provided
Tiefenauer, Courtney Claire Perform Improv Prof - Quality $65,735 Not provided
Wu, Liqian Perform Improv Prof - Quality $77,643 Not provided
Zimmerman, Emily Joyce Perform Improv Prof - Quality $72,176 Not provided

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median pay, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.