School teacher pay in the St. Louis region

Find earnings information for credentialed teachers and principals.

Data shown reflects pay for the 2022-2023 school year, except where noted otherwise.

Comparison of pay to experience

This chart shows the relationship between median salary and median years of experience in Missouri for full-time educators at St. Louis-area school districts and charter schools.

Years of experience in Missouri

St. Louis-area school districts and charter schools

The salary data in this section comes from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and it only includes full-time credentialed educators. Please see the About page for other important explanations and caveats.

District Year FT teachersteachers Median salary Median years
in district ↓
Median years
in Missouri
Top earner
Hancock Place School District 2022-2023 121 $70,000 17.0 17.0 $259,385
Strain-Japan School District 2022-2023 9 $35,756 13.0 20.0 $62,063
Fox School District 2022-2023 1,161 $56,454 12.0 13.0 $229,175
Rockwood School District 2022-2023 1,684 $66,596 12.0 14.0 $255,000
Parkway School District 2022-2023 1,647 $69,350 11.0 15.0 $291,906
Windsor School District 2022-2023 311 $53,400 11.0 13.0 $157,400
Festus School District 2022-2023 277 $59,750 11.0 16.0 $175,000
Ferguson-Florissant School District 2022-2023 902 $66,728 10.0 13.0 $254,090
Francis Howell School District 2022-2023 1,715 $62,075 10.0 13.0 $205,000
Hillsboro School District 2022-2023 304 $51,550 10.0 13.0 $171,598
Webster Groves School District 2022-2023 381 $71,570 10.0 15.0 $245,321
Fort Zumwalt R-II School District 2022-2023 2,109 $52,145 9.0 11.0 $211,835
Ladue School District 2022-2023 417 $75,931 9.0 15.0 $253,689
Clayton School District 2022-2023 308 $83,199 9.0 18.0 $230,050
Kirkwood School District 2022-2023 476 $73,751 9.0 14.0 $250,213
Jefferson County R-VII School District 2022-2023 106 $49,930 9.0 14.0 $167,000
Washington School District 2022-2023 450 $51,652 9.0 13.0 $202,325
Mehlville School District 2022-2023 902 $61,250 9.0 13.0 $262,003
Franklin County School District 2022-2023 20 $40,050 8.5 12.0 $80,000
Brentwood School District 2022-2023 101 $68,013 8.0 16.0 $207,818
Lindbergh Schools 2022-2023 549 $62,368 8.0 12.0 $233,950
Pattonville School District 2022-2023 576 $69,385 8.0 13.0 $245,000
Valley Park School District 2022-2023 85 $70,127 8.0 13.0 $200,000
Special School District of St. Louis County 2022-2023 4,781 $58,199 8.0 8.0 $264,000
St. Charles School District 2022-2023 643 $57,402 8.0 10.0 $211,917
Sullivan School District 2022-2023 242 $47,175 8.0 11.0 $155,864
Elsberry School District 2022-2023 89 $41,550 8.0 13.0 $120,483
Meramec Valley School District 2022-2023 331 $50,220 8.0 12.0 $175,000
Jennings School District 2022-2023 184 $74,282 7.5 19.0 $205,000
Spring Bluff School District 2022-2023 22 $48,100 7.5 14.5 $92,207
De Soto School District 2022-2023 271 $45,676 7.0 12.0 $160,185
Wentzville School District 2022-2023 1,882 $58,690 7.0 11.0 $235,000
Ritenour School District 2022-2023 506 $64,651 7.0 12.0 $270,232
St. Clair School District 2022-2023 282 $41,961 6.0 9.0 $144,835
Maplewood-Richmond Heights School District 2022-2023 173 $61,878 6.0 14.0 $196,730
Northwest School District 2022-2023 643 $48,635 6.0 10.0 $180,000
Lonedell School District 2022-2023 39 $43,190 6.0 10.0 $114,802
Union School District 2022-2023 321 $49,950 6.0 11.0 $192,600
Missouri School for the Blind 2022-2023 29 $57,360 6.0 8.0 $109,200
New Haven School District 2022-2023 57 $40,425 6.0 13.0 $104,000
Bayless School District 2022-2023 143 $55,926 6.0 10.0 $188,600
Orchard Farm School District 2022-2023 270 $55,100 6.0 7.0 $191,100
Hazelwood School District 2022-2023 1,480 $64,291 6.0 15.0 $278,987
University City School District 2022-2023 258 $61,630 6.0 11.0 $218,166
Warren County R-III School District 2022-2023 328 $46,426 6.0 10.0 $166,464
Dunklin School District 2022-2023 191 $47,500 6.0 9.0 $166,829
Affton School District 2022-2023 228 $56,580 6.0 12.0 $221,708
Riverview Gardens School District 2022-2023 432 $54,600 5.0 5.0 $260,004
Normandy Schools Collaborative 2022-2023 281 $58,459 5.0 7.0 $175,000
Crystal City School District 2022-2023 64 $42,940 5.0 5.0 $115,618
Wright City School District 2022-2023 194 $48,835 5.0 8.0 $174,720
Troy School District 2022-2023 770 $45,024 5.0 6.0 $221,414
Confluence Academies 2022-2023 260 $52,886 4.0 8.0 $149,460
Lafayette Preparatory Academy 2022-2023 30 $52,062 4.0 7.5 $137,917
Premier Charter School 2022-2023 150 $46,844 4.0 6.5 $152,696
The Soulard School 2022-2023 17 $41,359 4.0 4.0 $65,520
St. Louis Public Schools 2022-2023 1,887 $49,469 4.0 4.0 $270,772
Winfield School District 2022-2023 171 $37,600 4.0 5.0 $131,840
Grandview School District 2022-2023 76 $35,800 4.0 5.0 $159,133
Silex School District 2022-2023 48 $38,600 3.5 9.0 $98,560
Gateway Science Academy/St. Louis 2022-2023 175 $49,350 3.0 8.0 $95,000
Sunrise School District 2022-2023 48 $35,750 3.0 6.0 $153,170
North Side Community School 2022-2023 45 $48,192 3.0 4.0 $170,000
Hawthorn Leadership School Girls 2022-2023 20 $57,000 2.0 5.0 $152,250
The Biome 2022-2023 24 $55,088 2.0 2.5 $120,698
La Salle Charter School 2022-2023 16 $51,252 2.0 3.5 $103,968
City Garden Montessori 2022-2023 63 $41,712 2.0 6.0 $108,105
Momentum Academy 2022-2023 89 $45,000 2.0 2.0 $160,000
Atlas Public Schools 2022-2023 33 $48,709 2.0 6.0 $165,000
KIPP St. Louis Public Schools 2022-2023 364 $46,642 2.0 3.0 $115,000
St. Louis Language Immersion School 2022-2023 56 $50,540 2.0 8.0 $154,989
Lift for Life Academy 2022-2023 113 $43,400 2.0 5.0 $138,600
Kairos Academies 2022-2023 90 $47,565 1.0 4.0 $175,000
The Leadership School 2022-2023 3 $43,500 1.0 7.0 $52,000

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time teachers or median pay, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.

Top earners at each district

Name District Position Total pay Years at district
Carl, Kevin Hancock Place School District Central Office Admin. $259,385 12
Vandegriffe, Kathy Strain-Japan School District Central Office Admin. $62,063 3
Fregeau, Paul Fox School District Central Office Admin. $229,175 2
Cain, Curtis Rockwood School District Central Office Admin. $255,000 1
Marty, Keith Parkway School District Central Office Admin. $291,906 12
King, Jason Windsor School District Central Office Admin. $157,400 1
Ruess, Nicholle Festus School District Central Office Admin. $175,000 16
Davis, Joseph Ferguson-Florissant School District Central Office Admin. $254,090 8
Roumpos, Kenneth Francis Howell School District Central Office Admin. $205,000 3
Isaacson, Jonathan Hillsboro School District Central Office Admin. $171,598 15
Simpson, John Webster Groves School District Central Office Admin. $245,321 18
Dubray, Bernard Fort Zumwalt R-II School District Central Office Admin. $211,835 41
Wipke, James Ladue School District Central Office Admin. $253,689 4
Patel, Nisha Clayton School District Central Office Admin. $230,050 2
Ulrich, David Kirkwood School District Central Office Admin. $250,213 3
Johnston, Clint Jefferson County R-VII School District Central Office Admin. $167,000 13
Kephart, Jennifer Washington School District Central Office Admin. $202,325 2
Gaines, Christopher Mehlville School District Central Office Admin. $262,003 8
Oetterer, Kathy Franklin County School District School Principal $80,000 27
Lane, Dale Brentwood School District Central Office Admin. $207,818 6
Lake, Tony Lindbergh Schools Central Office Admin. $233,950 5
Nelson, Barry Pattonville School District Central Office Admin. $245,000 26
Dilg, Timothy Valley Park School District Central Office Admin. $200,000 4
Keenan, Elizabeth Special School District of St. Louis County Central Office Admin. $264,000 4
Sefrit, Jason St. Charles School District Central Office Admin. $211,917 7
Thornsberry, Jana Sullivan School District Central Office Admin. $155,864 27
Reller, Tim Elsberry School District Central Office Admin. $120,483 13
Schwierjohn, Carrie Meramec Valley School District Central Office Admin. $175,000 5
Knight, Paula Jennings School District Central Office Admin. $205,000 2
Jenkins, Jeannie Spring Bluff School District Central Office Admin. $92,207 16
Isaacson, Josh De Soto School District Central Office Admin. $160,185 11
Tormala, Danielle Wentzville School District Central Office Admin. $235,000 1
Kilbride, Christopher Ritenour School District Central Office Admin. $270,232 24
Kruse, Kyle St. Clair School District Central Office Admin. $144,835 7
Jamison, Bonita Maplewood-Richmond Heights School District Central Office Admin. $196,730 2
Hecktor, Jennifer Northwest School District Central Office Admin. $180,000 1
Ulrich, Jenny Lonedell School District Central Office Admin. $114,802 14
Hayes, Scott Union School District Central Office Admin. $192,600 7
Barney, Geoffrey Missouri School for the Blind Central Office Admin. $109,200 8
Hoener, Joshua New Haven School District Central Office Admin. $104,000 10
Ruzicka, Amelia Bayless School District Central Office Admin. $188,600 15
Steinhoff, Wade Orchard Farm School District Central Office Admin. $191,100 12
Collins-Hart, Nettie Hazelwood School District Central Office Admin. $278,987 7
Hardin, Sharonica University City School District Central Office Admin. $218,166 7
Klinginsmith, Gregg Warren County R-III School District Central Office Admin. $166,464 9
Freeman, Clinton Dunklin School District Central Office Admin. $166,829 6
Bracht, Nathan Affton School District Central Office Admin. $221,708 11
Pruitt-Adams, Joylynn Riverview Gardens School District Central Office Admin. $260,004 2
Pusateri, Phillip Normandy Schools Collaborative Central Office Admin. $175,000 10
Holdinghausen, Matthew Crystal City School District Central Office Admin. $115,618 20
Berger, Christopher Wright City School District Central Office Admin. $174,720 3
Penny, Mark Troy School District Central Office Admin. $221,414 12
Hopper, Shane Confluence Academies Supervisor $149,460 4
Ranney, Sarah Lafayette Preparatory Academy School Principal $137,917 9
Frugo, Julie Premier Charter School Central Office Admin. $152,696 23
Bishop, Shenika The Soulard School School Principal $65,520 3
Adams, Kelvin St. Louis Public Schools Central Office Admin. $270,772 15
Hamlett, Rod Winfield School District Central Office Admin. $131,840 1
Zoph, Matthew Grandview School District Central Office Admin. $159,133 23
Heggemann, Nicholas Silex School District Central Office Admin. $98,560 1
Celik, Nuh Gateway Science Academy/St. Louis School Principal $95,000 10
Spurgin, Armand Sunrise School District Central Office Admin. $153,170 9
Thaman, Douglas North Side Community School Central Office Admin. $170,000 1
Morgan, Daphne Hawthorn Leadership School Girls School Principal $152,250 4
Harris, Julie The Biome School Principal $120,698 3
Cobb, Lauren La Salle Charter School School Principal $103,968 4
Isom, Crystal City Garden Montessori School Principal $108,105 3
Ming, Miranda Momentum Academy Central Office Admin. $160,000 3
Heckendorn, Colby Atlas Public Schools Central Office Admin. $165,000 2
Patton, Tiffany KIPP St. Louis Public Schools School Principal $115,000 1
Hill, Meghan St. Louis Language Immersion School Central Office Admin. $154,989 11
Noble, Katrice Lift for Life Academy Central Office Admin. $138,600 18
Graham, Khalil Kairos Academies Central Office Admin. $175,000 1
Browning, Jill The Leadership School Teacher $52,000 1