This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.



Full-time educators


Median years in district


Median salary



Click on one of the headers below to sort a column. Data shown reflects pay for the 2022-2023 school year, as reported by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Only full-time credentialed educators are included; other employees are not listed in this year's edition of Public Pay.



Position Regular salary Total pay Years in
Years in
Ganaway, Alexandria Aide $19,257 $19,257 1 1
Kirkbride, Alisa Teacher $44,101 $46,096 3 7
Mellon, Amy Other $47,964 $47,964 7 7
Gross, Andre Aide $22,508 $22,508 7 7
Hunt, Andrew Teacher $51,948 $55,653 1 19
Fadness, Angela Teacher $49,679 $49,679 7 24
Menear, Anne Teacher $66,910 $66,910 2 18
Vestal, Anthony Teacher $49,679 $60,424 17 17
Peeper, Audrea Aide $19,454 $19,454 1 1
Colbert, Brandie Teacher $39,736 $41,731 2 2
Hunt, Bridgett Teacher $44,762 $44,762 8 8
Blanford, Camille Teacher $36,954 $42,654 2 2
Cross, Cheryl Teacher $55,963 $55,963 2 10
Lambert, Christopher Teacher $67,908 $73,309 7 7
McDowell, Cody Teacher $48,945 $57,085 8 14
Walk, Curtis Supervisor $81,763 $81,763 2 17
Heimann, Dale Teacher $46,807 $49,847 16 18
Owens, Dalton Teacher $50,424 $50,424 16 16
Linss, Daniel Teacher $49,679 $51,674 6 11
Gurley, Davis Teacher $38,078 $41,118 2 2
Jenkins, Dawn Teacher $63,042 $63,042 1 27
Hill-Haag, Deborah School Principal $108,209 $108,209 2 25
Ingebritson, Drew Teacher $38,078 $38,078 2 4
Beaston, Emily Teacher $42,807 $43,307 5 5
Craig, Hanna Teacher $44,101 $44,101 1 7
Casey, Hawk Teacher $45,433 $45,933 8 9
Armstrong, Heather Teacher $36,954 $40,659 1 1
Crabtree, Jacqueline Aide $22,732 $22,732 2 2
Shipley, Jared Teacher $42,174 $44,549 4 4
Vancleve, Jared Teacher $51,180 $54,220 20 20
Engel, Jeff Teacher $55,963 $63,358 11 21
Parks, Jeffrey Teacher $63,419 $68,820 3 3
Christy, Jennifer Teacher $54,321 $54,821 4 17
Muse, Jeremy Teacher $39,736 $39,736 1 4
Morris, Jessica Other $17,916 $17,916 5 5
Hill, Jill Teacher $42,174 $42,174 2 7
Ebert, Karen Teacher $38,000 $38,000 6 6
Schmidt, Kathleen Teacher $39,149 $39,149 3 3
Brandon, Kathy Library $51,948 $57,486 11 13
Brandon, Kathy Teacher $51,948 $57,486 11 13
Bailey, Ken Supervisor $74,258 $79,258 28 28
Brown, Kimberly Teacher $53,518 $53,518 2 2
Samuels, Kristofer Teacher $36,954 $43,034 1 1
Perry, Kyler Teacher $39,736 $39,736 3 3
Collier, Leeann Teacher $55,963 $55,963 23 23
Lute, Linda Teacher $55,963 $55,963 25 29
Snider, Lisa Teacher $55,963 $55,963 2 18
Kirkendoll, Luke Teacher $51,180 $51,180 15 18
Carasco, Madeline Teacher $39,736 $39,736 4 4
Cato, Mechelle Aide $17,585 $17,585 1 1

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median pay, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.