This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.



Full-time educators


Median years in district


Median salary



Click on one of the headers below to sort a column. Data shown reflects pay for the 2022-2023 school year, as reported by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Only full-time credentialed educators are included; other employees are not listed in this year's edition of Public Pay.


Name ↑

Position Regular salary Total pay Years in
Years in
Adams, Claire Teacher $49,940 $49,940 5 8
Alsaid, Jessica Aide $20,957 $20,957 6 6
Andrews, Laura Teacher $56,625 $58,235 8 10
Ayers, Julia Teacher $60,915 $60,915 17 17
Babel, Robert Teacher $84,525 $92,736 27 27
Bacon, Joseph Teacher $82,837 $93,220 27 27
Bader, Sharon Teacher $57,661 $60,811 7 24
Baker, Patricia Teacher $80,270 $80,270 24 24
Baldwin, Chad Teacher $58,721 $62,956 8 14
Barbagallo-Young, Silvia Aide $25,562 $25,562 12 12
Barton, Michael Aide $19,377 $19,377 3 3
Baskin, Rebecca Teacher $55,541 $55,541 14 14
Bell, Shereese Other $49,630 $49,630 1 6
Bloebaum, Tina Teacher $83,287 $83,287 26 28
Bone, Ashley Teacher $32,950 $32,950 1 1
Bowman, Tyra Aide $17,946 $17,946 2 2
Brizendine, Rebecca Teacher $59,830 $59,830 9 18
Brophy, Mark Teacher $46,550 $46,803 6 16
Browdy, Rachel Teacher $63,009 $63,009 15 15
Brown, Casey Teacher $53,070 $53,070 11 11
Buschman, Corbin School Principal $95,535 $95,535 7 9
Caimi, Jason Teacher $54,541 $59,161 6 15
Cannon, Scott Teacher $80,270 $80,270 23 23
Chamberlain, Amy Teacher $53,070 $53,770 9 9
Christen, Stevenia Teacher $87,270 $87,270 25 27
Climer Rn, Kelly Other $37,498 $37,498 1 1
Clynes, Scott Teacher $75,837 $79,757 23 26
Cooper, Erin Teacher $43,520 $43,520 4 4
Davidson, Gavin Teacher $46,790 $46,790 2 2
Dillon, Scott Teacher $54,541 $55,134 11 13
Dyal, Amanda Teacher $54,130 $54,130 5 15
Entwistle, Ronald School Principal $135,000 $135,000 9 18
Evans, Samantha Aide $17,946 $17,946 2 2
Farley, Jacob Aide $20,883 $23,823 5 5
Fisher, Nicholas Teacher $55,601 $64,932 7 11
Garland, Leah Teacher $42,400 $42,400 3 3
Gawronski, Denise Teacher $83,787 $83,787 24 29
Gebel, Caleb Teacher $43,410 $43,646 3 3
Gerke, Alec Teacher $45,100 $52,156 8 8
Gerke, Alec Teacher $45,100 $52,156 8 8
Geusz, Ivette Teacher $75,837 $75,837 24 24
Gianini-Fortin, Laura Teacher $63,035 $63,035 14 17
Goforth, Adam Aide $21,741 $27,621 7 7
Graham, Brett Teacher $48,040 $48,040 5 5
Greten, Elizabeth Teacher $48,590 $48,590 2 7
Haferkamp, Deborah Teacher $87,720 $87,720 28 28
Hall, Alana Teacher $57,310 $57,310 11 11
Harshman, Jason Teacher $53,070 $53,647 11 11
Harting, Katelyn Teacher $44,064 $44,960 6 6
Hastings, Jacqueline Teacher $62,375 $68,885 19 19

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median pay, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.