This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.



Full-time educators


Median years in district


Median salary



Click on one of the headers below to sort a column. Data shown reflects pay for the 2022-2023 school year, as reported by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Only full-time credentialed educators are included; other employees are not listed in this year's edition of Public Pay.



Position ↑ Regular salary Total pay Years in
Years in
Lind, Jeffrey Aide $25,131 $25,131 12 12
Sutton, Dana Aide $20,530 $20,530 4 5
Perreault, Lori Aide $28,410 $28,410 18 18
Cofield, Christopher Aide $19,723 $19,723 4 4
Wells, Ryan Aide $16,517 $16,517 1 1
Marchenko, Maria Aide $21,729 $21,729 7 8
Whitley, Dana Aide $19,405 $19,405 4 4
Grier, Johna Aide $17,814 $17,814 2 2
Unger, David Aide $15,983 $15,983 1 1
Bennett, Jennifer Aide $26,758 $26,758 15 15
Wilmering, Mary Aide $24,751 $24,751 11 11
Fanter, Nicole Aide $24,666 $24,666 10 10
Eubanks, Ashley Aide $19,723 $19,723 4 4
Farley, Tammy Aide $26,366 $26,366 15 15
Collings, Andrea Aide $27,455 $27,455 17 17
Clark, Kelly Aide $20,946 $20,946 12 12
Williams, Tychica Aide $21,007 $21,007 6 6
Bishop, Angela Ancillary $83,270 $83,270 25 25
Vandervort, Nancy Central Office Admin. $79,770 $79,770 17 22
Litzinger, Jennifer Guidance $57,310 $60,425 11 11
D'Antonio, Laura Guidance $57,310 $60,425 10 10
Burke, Cheryl Guidance $83,270 $91,261 20 25
Carroll, Julie Guidance $54,265 $57,214 7 8
Drake, Julia Library $88,386 $91,268 31 31
Thompson, Heather Other $44,684 $44,684 14 14
Jones, Bridget Other $59,805 $59,805 15 15
Farrar, Jill School Principal $105,725 $105,725 15 27
Stille, Michael School Principal $113,380 $113,380 24 27
Voyles, Kellie School Principal $104,540 $104,540 8 10
McQuerrey, Dan School Principal $130,840 $130,840 16 29
Dillon, Mary Teacher $61,707 $64,857 14 19
McGillycuddy, Mary Teacher $88,220 $92,164 29 29
Wilkerson, Melissa Teacher $82,837 $82,837 22 27
Rhodes, Laura Teacher $85,393 $85,393 26 30
Walsh, Laura Teacher $79,770 $83,235 22 22
McLean, Lindsey Teacher $53,070 $53,070 10 10
Cribbin, Lisa Teacher $79,270 $79,270 19 21
Klaus, Leonard Teacher $78,390 $78,816 21 22
Steinbruegge, Lauren Teacher $57,710 $57,710 16 16
Helleny, Maria Teacher $41,200 $41,200 1 1
Jacobwith, Lori Teacher $73,837 $73,837 15 15
Bettcher, Lisa Teacher $57,710 $57,710 9 9
Woods, Maria Teacher $85,393 $85,393 30 30
Maliszewski, Mary Teacher $73,837 $73,837 19 20
Raible, Naomi Teacher $46,680 $46,680 1 1
McCormack, Oksana Teacher $59,830 $59,830 16 16
Hoeft, Sara Teacher $56,625 $56,625 15 15
Queen, Shannon Teacher $51,085 $51,085 4 23
Strathman, Shannon Teacher $58,770 $58,770 16 16
Peaslee, Sherry Teacher $85,270 $85,270 23 25

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median pay, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.