This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.



Full-time educators


Median years in district


Median salary



Click on one of the headers below to sort a column. Data shown reflects pay for the 2022-2023 school year, as reported by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Only full-time credentialed educators are included; other employees are not listed in this year's edition of Public Pay.



Position Regular salary Total pay Years in
Years in
Missouri ↑
Mallinckrodt, Shirley Teacher $48,552 $48,552 1 1
Durrett, Izabella Aide $18,816 $18,816 1 1
Manner, Kylie Other $40,342 $40,342 1 1
Klouse, Allison School Principal $141,625 $141,625 1 1
Hinkebein, Grace Teacher $42,221 $42,221 1 1
Borgschulte, Juliet Aide $20,369 $20,369 2 2
Woldengen, David Teacher $51,523 $51,523 1 3
Bundy, Emily Aide $19,152 $19,152 3 3
Silzle, Christopher Teacher $56,885 $56,885 1 3
Ellison, Lindsay Aide $21,114 $21,114 3 3
Johnson, Lynnet Aide $19,735 $19,735 3 3
Hendrix, Andrea Teacher $70,871 $70,871 4 4
Bowen, Erica Aide $19,735 $19,735 4 4
Millner, Samantha Guidance $50,513 $55,697 2 4
Karsten, Julie Teacher $69,481 $69,765 4 4
Hagerty, Ashley Teacher $53,604 $53,604 4 4
Zellers, Brianna Teacher $46,615 $46,615 1 5
Wagner, Megan Teacher $46,615 $46,615 1 6
Ruth, Jason Teacher $62,931 $66,542 6 6
Molloy, Crystal Teacher $58,270 $58,270 6 6
Sandknop, Katharine Teacher $53,604 $53,604 7 7
Landrum, Charles Teacher $53,604 $53,604 7 7
Fraser, Shanny Teacher $59,435 $59,435 1 7
Holden-Nims, Nancy Teacher $53,604 $56,144 2 9
White, Kimberly Teacher $53,545 $56,085 9 9
Clark, Jonathan Teacher $62,931 $64,707 9 9
Harmon, Daniel School Principal $95,500 $95,500 4 10
Ulm, Ann Teacher $70,871 $70,871 11 11
Crawford, Marc Teacher $47,547 $47,547 10 11
Ledbetter, Anne Teacher $64,190 $65,966 10 11
Paris, Cathy Other $45,458 $45,458 11 11
Courter, Christina Teacher $59,435 $59,435 7 11
Kinder, Hannah Teacher $65,474 $68,177 5 12
Schmidt, Justin Teacher $65,474 $73,616 13 13
McLaughlin, Buffy Teacher $54,676 $57,182 13 13
Mantle, Stephanie Teacher $56,885 $56,885 10 13
Baird, Elisabeth School Principal $66,798 $74,713 14 14
Jung, Jessica Teacher $61,836 $61,836 5 14
Charlton, Kaitlyn Teacher $56,885 $56,885 1 14
Cole, Angela Teacher $68,119 $71,119 14 14
Redford, Jennifer Teacher $63,073 $63,073 9 15
Menchaca, Marcelo Guidance $68,119 $74,675 15 15
Darks, Ryan Teacher $69,481 $71,257 17 17
Lippert, Anthony Guidance $73,935 $73,935 17 17
Caldwell, William Teacher $72,288 $72,288 9 18
Williams, Kelly Teacher $72,288 $72,288 5 18
Dodson, Susan Teacher $62,805 $67,089 19 19
Kuehner, Anita Teacher $81,408 $81,408 19 19
Ellis, Andrea Teacher $73,734 $75,741 19 19
Nuckolls, Dustin Teacher $79,195 $79,195 13 19

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median pay, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.