This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.



Full-time educators


Median years in district


Median salary



Click on one of the headers below to sort a column. Data shown reflects pay for the 2022-2023 school year, as reported by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Only full-time credentialed educators are included; other employees are not listed in this year's edition of Public Pay.



Position Regular salary Total pay Years in
Years in
Cotner, Kristen Teacher $64,190 $64,190 11 12
Hudson, Lance Teacher $76,713 $76,713 21 21
Paden, Laura Teacher $73,734 $73,734 6 19
Borman, Lauren Teacher $59,435 $59,435 6 11
Brewer, Lawanda Teacher $62,075 $65,075 22 22
Grigorian, Lyudmila Aide $23,163 $23,163 18 18
Gehner, Madison Teacher $46,123 $46,123 3 3
Gresco, Megan Teacher $66,783 $71,293 14 14
Riley, Megan Aide $18,816 $18,816 3 3
Haynes, Melanie Aide $19,152 $19,152 10 12
Glenn, Melody Teacher $60,367 $60,367 17 17
Jolly, Michelle Ancillary $77,388 $77,388 15 15
Olson, Natalie Teacher $43,065 $43,065 2 2
Leibner, Rachel Teacher $66,783 $66,783 6 12
Pray, Rainah Teacher $72,288 $79,288 18 18
Weiss, Rebecca Teacher $53,604 $53,604 1 8
Axelrod, Samantha Teacher $42,221 $42,221 1 1
Jeter, Samantha Aide $18,816 $18,816 3 3
Williams, Sandra Aide $22,629 $22,629 16 16
Stark, Sara Teacher $59,183 $63,125 16 16
Thomas, Sharon Teacher $78,247 $78,247 22 22
Smallwood, Sheryl Teacher $68,119 $68,119 13 15
Thakadiyil, Shina Aide $19,735 $19,735 3 3
Villar, Shirley Aide $18,816 $18,816 1 1
Thorpe, Sidney Teacher $42,221 $42,221 1 1
Burkemper, Sommer Teacher $72,288 $72,288 6 16
Adams, Susan Teacher $98,470 $98,470 33 33
Gilstrap, Teresa Teacher $78,091 $83,460 30 32
Winkler, Theresa Ancillary $85,765 $85,765 30 30
Edelen, Traci Ancillary $46,561 $46,561 14 14
Ingui, Valeri Teacher $46,615 $46,615 2 6
Shangraw, Yvonne Other $48,758 $48,758 19 19

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median pay, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.