This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.

Data received July 2023



Number of schools


Full-time educators


Median years in district


Median salary


Top salary


Wentzville School District

Educators by pay range

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time educators or median pay, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.


Click on one of the headers below to sort a column. Data shown reflects pay for the 2022-2023 school year, as reported by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Only full-time credentialed educators are included.


FT educatorseducators Enrollment Median salary ↑ Top salary Median years
in district
Median years
in Missouri
Barfield Early Childhood Center 81 0 $46,052 $144,388 7.0 8.0
Journey Elementary 64 550 $52,471 $125,157 4.5 7.0
Prairie View Elementary 85 708 $54,374 $106,517 5.0 10.0
Stone Creek Elementary 73 581 $55,101 $106,517 7.0 9.0
Wentzville Middle 86 795 $55,744 $126,341 4.0 10.0
Peine Ridge Elementary 60 531 $55,842 $120,925 5.0 10.5
Central Office 129 0 $57,148 $235,000 6.0 9.0
North Point High 106 1,081 $57,249 $125,421 4.0 11.0
Heritage Primary 91 491 $57,249 $114,612 6.0 11.0
Boone Trail Elementary 87 534 $57,249 $106,517 8.0 12.0
Duello Elementary 80 644 $57,970 $114,612 6.0 10.0
Crossroads Elementary 83 617 $58,016 $123,761 7.0 13.0
Heritage Intermediate 72 490 $58,690 $125,861 8.5 12.0
Lakeview Elementary 76 633 $58,691 $141,441 7.5 10.0
Wabash Elementary 81 775 $59,583 $144,388 7.0 9.0
Frontier Middle 119 1,256 $61,902 $140,228 7.0 12.0
Liberty High 145 1,596 $61,902 $146,704 8.0 12.0
Green Tree Elementary 73 616 $61,902 $148,225 6.0 12.0
North Point Middle 90 1,031 $63,432 $156,305 8.0 12.0
Discovery Ridge Elementary 71 611 $63,573 $131,665 8.0 12.0
Wentzville South Middle 97 1,131 $63,573 $159,639 11.0 15.0
Emil E. Holt Senior High 123 1,287 $65,175 $156,265 9.0 14.0
Timberland High 169 1,677 $66,470 $146,704 11.0 14.0

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time educators or pay salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.