

Full-time educators


Median years in district


Median salary



Click on one of the headers below to sort a column. Data shown reflects pay for the 2022-2023 school year, as reported by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Only full-time credentialed educators are included; other employees are not listed in this year's edition of Public Pay.



Position Regular salary Total pay Years in
Years in
Farmer, Adrienne Teacher $54,198 $54,198 14 14
Tullock, Alicia Teacher $58,224 $58,224 9 9
Schoeffel, Alyse Teacher $58,787 $58,787 11 11
Tilley, Amy Teacher $64,894 $64,894 8 11
Bachelier, Angela Teacher $87,850 $87,850 24 24
Dunsford, Angela Teacher $75,192 $75,192 18 18
Martin, Anna Teacher $63,007 $63,007 8 11
Gastreich, Anne Teacher $85,500 $88,000 23 25
Streicher, Ashley Teacher $60,551 $60,551 12 12
Moeckel, Brian School Principal $117,520 $117,520 1 18
Turek, Carrie Teacher $85,500 $85,500 22 22
Bushman, Christine Teacher $83,211 $83,211 16 16
Hoeing, Clementine Teacher $49,456 $49,456 2 2
Besancenez, Colleen Teacher $61,170 $61,170 10 10
Keutzer, Elizabeth School Principal $101,908 $101,908 26 26
Dudenhoeffer, Emily Other $45,037 $48,737 5 5
Fowler, Emily Teacher $59,679 $59,679 9 9
Niebur, Gina Guidance $59,679 $59,679 6 6
Madrid, Jean Teacher $85,500 $85,500 23 23
Marcuzzo, Jennifer Teacher $55,682 $55,682 12 12
Ulrich, Jennifer Other $59,679 $59,679 3 3
Zwart, Jennifer Teacher $80,592 $80,592 21 21
Franklin, Jessica Other $68,400 $68,400 8 8
Gierse, Jessica Teacher $50,812 $50,812 11 11
McGovern, Kaitlyn Teacher $58,787 $62,850 1 9
Goedde, Katherine Teacher $78,057 $78,057 19 19
Boyd, Kimberly Teacher $83,211 $83,211 16 16
Garcia, Linda Teacher $54,198 $54,198 27 27
Troske, Lindsey Library $51,707 $51,707 6 6
Calza, Linsey Teacher $60,551 $61,551 2 2
Carson, Lisa Teacher $80,592 $82,092 16 22
Cooksey, Margaret Teacher $95,300 $95,300 27 27
Schrick, Marikate Teacher $61,170 $61,170 10 10
Holtmann, Meredith Teacher $59,679 $59,679 9 9
Fogle, Olivia Teacher $44,000 $44,000 3 3
Herrman, Rachel Guidance $54,325 $54,325 5 8
Ratermann, Rebecca Teacher $80,592 $81,342 17 18
Zide, Rebecca Teacher $58,787 $58,787 1 1
Rohr, Samuel Teacher $46,587 $46,587 1 4
Jaeger, Sarah Teacher $44,969 $45,969 3 3
Russell, Tammy Teacher $85,500 $85,500 24 24
Hickel, Tara Teacher $78,057 $78,057 8 19
Loos, William Teacher $73,219 $73,219 17 17

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median pay, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.