

Full-time educators


Median years in district


Median salary



Click on one of the headers below to sort a column. Data shown reflects pay for the 2022-2023 school year, as reported by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Only full-time credentialed educators are included; other employees are not listed in this year's edition of Public Pay.



Position Regular salary Total pay Years in
Years in
Adams, Megan Aide $25,380 $25,380 6 6
Cole, Melanie Other $34,161 $34,161 13 13
Seigler, Melissa Aide $26,686 $26,686 4 4
Taylor, Nicole Teacher $73,400 $73,400 21 21
Theolus, Rachel Teacher $58,475 $58,475 14 14
Plaisance, Robin Aide $35,013 $35,013 25 25
Christopher, Robyn Aide $35,013 $35,013 18 18
Klemp, Sara Aide $25,280 $25,280 2 2
Forneris, Sarah Other $66,100 $66,100 17 17
Kern, Sarah Other $67,400 $67,400 6 11
Sullivan, Sarah Other $8,287 $8,287 2 2
Spalinger, Sherri Aide $25,280 $25,280 15 15
Dick, Stacy Ancillary $80,900 $80,900 20 20
Hettich, Stephanie Aide $23,830 $23,830 5 5
Brown, Taylor Ancillary $59,675 $59,675 7 7
Schwaegel, Tiffany School Principal $115,000 $115,000 1 13
Harris, Trisha Aide $26,033 $26,033 9 9
Hoette, Valerie Teacher $55,725 $55,725 9 9

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median pay, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.