This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.



Full-time educators


Median years in district


Median salary



Click on one of the headers below to sort a column. Data shown reflects pay for the 2022-2023 school year, as reported by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Only full-time credentialed educators are included; other employees are not listed in this year's edition of Public Pay.



Position Regular salary Total pay Years in
Years in
Missouri ↑
Lopez, Patrick Teacher $55,339 $55,339 13 13
Lowe, Rachel Teacher $63,139 $63,139 3 15
Mason, Chantell Teacher $66,660 $66,660 6 15
Wells, William Teacher $70,794 $70,794 4 15
Atterberry, Jeffrey School Principal $119,739 $119,739 15 15
Pleban, Lauren Teacher $73,070 $73,070 15 15
Groene, Teresa Teacher $92,998 $92,998 16 16
Warneke, Jessica Teacher $73,070 $73,070 10 16
Shaughnessy, Jennifer Teacher $76,446 $76,446 11 16
Jones, Jarrod Teacher $71,070 $71,070 7 16
Hudson, Rebecca Teacher $84,407 $84,407 16 16
Nazemi, Beth Teacher $27,670 $27,670 1 17
Day, Kendra Teacher $77,309 $77,309 7 17
Meyer, Dawn Teacher $92,175 $92,175 15 17
Vogt, Aimee School Principal $106,835 $106,835 17 17
Conners, Eric Teacher $72,847 $72,847 10 18
Tokos, Emily Teacher $85,440 $85,440 18 18
Doner, Matthew Teacher $85,407 $85,407 18 18
Stevison, Joseph Teacher $85,440 $85,440 19 19
Hazelton, Michael School Principal $106,835 $106,835 5 19
Hannel, Jennifer Teacher $82,027 $82,027 16 20
Goosen, Elizabeth Teacher $73,070 $73,070 7 21
Oliver, Elizabeth Teacher $90,050 $90,050 21 21
Hill, Stacey Teacher $99,512 $99,512 22 22
Mahacek, Andrew Teacher $84,423 $84,423 16 22
Wells, Sheri Teacher $98,512 $98,512 22 22
Mitchell, Dana Teacher $98,925 $98,925 23 23
McGinnis, Timothy Teacher $97,925 $97,925 23 23
Williams, Kelly Teacher $90,050 $90,050 13 24
Hobold, Terrie Teacher $86,335 $86,335 24 24
Rachal, Randall Teacher $95,625 $95,625 22 24
Hayes, Eric Teacher $98,341 $98,341 24 24
Finocchiaro, Bridget Teacher $92,998 $92,998 18 24
Gibson, Bryan Teacher $85,440 $85,440 24 24
Raymond-Rachal, Sherri Teacher $99,930 $99,930 19 26
Burton, Christen Teacher $97,044 $97,044 18 26
Childress, Mollie Teacher $94,625 $94,625 18 26
Washington, Pamela Teacher $101,842 $101,842 26 27
Reif, Lynne Guidance $98,512 $98,512 23 30

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median pay, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.