This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.



Full-time educators


Median years in district


Median salary



Click on one of the headers below to sort a column. Data shown reflects pay for the 2022-2023 school year, as reported by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Only full-time credentialed educators are included; other employees are not listed in this year's edition of Public Pay.



Position Regular salary Total pay Years in
Years in
Maxwell, Morris Aide $29,694 $29,694 7 7
Reich, Murry Aide $24,393 $24,393 5 5
Thornton, Myesha Teacher $44,900 $44,900 1 1
Smith, Mynita Teacher $52,700 $52,700 2 2
Otanez, Myrtelina Teacher $71,065 $71,065 17 17
Franklin, Myrtle Aide $24,886 $24,886 8 8
Johnson, Nadine Aide $39,480 $39,480 23 23
Zimmers, Nancee Teacher $71,549 $71,549 7 7
Adams, Nancy Aide $24,886 $24,886 1 1
Briggs, Nancy Aide $39,480 $39,480 4 4
Crews, Nancy Aide $39,480 $39,480 13 13
Daake, Nancy Aide $24,886 $24,886 8 8
Linhoff, Nancy Teacher $68,550 $68,550 7 7
Medearis, Nancy Ancillary $62,181 $62,181 19 19
Mozier, Nancy Aide $39,480 $39,480 23 23
Murphy, Nancy Teacher $68,249 $68,249 13 13
Nations, Nancy Aide $39,480 $39,480 22 22
Pierce, Nancy Teacher $98,899 $98,899 40 44
Pierson, Nancy Aide $39,480 $39,480 5 5
Henson, Nannette Teacher $68,550 $68,550 3 3
Lancaster, Naomi Teacher $62,125 $62,125 2 2
Baban, Nasrin Aide $29,694 $29,694 4 4
Clark, Natalie Teacher $98,899 $98,899 22 22
Martin, Natalie Teacher $49,549 $49,549 5 5
Mertens, Natalie Aide $26,508 $26,508 1 1
Mirbaha, Natalie Ancillary $71,549 $71,549 13 13
Rodriguez, Natalie Aide $39,480 $39,480 1 1
Mallory, Natasha Teacher $45,899 $45,899 2 2
Cyr, Nathan Aide $24,393 $24,393 4 4
Hardee, Nathanael Teacher $98,899 $98,899 21 21
Asghar, Naushaba Aide $39,480 $39,480 13 13
Payne, Neileigh Teacher $71,549 $71,549 11 11
Manning, Neisha Aide $29,694 $29,694 10 10
El Nokrashy, Neveen Aide $39,480 $39,480 3 3
Havrilka, Niccole Ancillary $98,899 $98,899 29 31
Burns, Nicholas Teacher $88,565 $88,565 17 20
Keim, Nicholas Aide $24,393 $24,393 1 1
Wurthmann, Nicholas Aide $24,393 $24,393 4 4
Jodlowski, Nicholaus Aide $24,393 $24,393 2 2
Dimartino, Nickolas Aide $24,393 $24,393 4 4
Albarado, Nicole Teacher $98,899 $98,899 25 25
Bell, Nicole Teacher $75,555 $75,555 3 3
Bramer, Nicole Teacher $56,925 $56,925 7 7
Declue, Nicole Teacher $59,624 $59,624 9 9
Gebel, Nicole Aide $39,480 $39,480 12 12
Goodenough, Nicole Teacher $71,065 $71,065 2 2
Jean, Nicole Aide $39,480 $39,480 1 1
Kassing, Nicole Aide $24,393 $24,393 7 7
Koester, Nicole Aide $24,393 $24,393 1 1
Luitjohan, Nicole Teacher $55,450 $55,450 4 4

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median pay, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.