Data received May 2024 • Positions, full-time/part-time status not provided. Data covers fiscal year (July-June), not calendar year.

Full-time employees


Median pay


Average pay


State Public Defender

Employees by pay range

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median pay, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.


Click on one of the headers below to sort a column. Data shown reflects actual gross pay for 2023, except where noted otherwise.


Name ↑

Position Gross pay Date hired
Eid, Marissa $35,994 Aug. 9, 2021
Eldred, Mandi $55,600 Aug. 18, 2005
Elia, Kaitlyn $63,802 Aug. 9, 2021
Ellis, Benjamin $63,802 May 24, 2021
Epulle, Ariel $71,464 Feb. 8, 2021
Esparza, Jeffrey $97,820 Aug. 28, 2017
Esposito, John $64,421 Nov. 9, 2020
Euler, Richard $35,249 July 19, 1993
Ezell, Dillon $63,802 April 26, 2021
Faust, Susan $86,230 Feb. 7, 1994
Feldman, Daniel $78,646 Sept. 12, 2016
Fenstermacher, Eric $92,102 Nov. 17, 2008
Ferneau, Curtis $20,007 Aug. 14, 2023
Finney, Justine $86,230 Jan. 24, 2011
Fisher, Kyle $80,914 Oct. 11, 2016
Fisher, Rachel $80,914 Oct. 17, 2016
Flack, Thomas $100,851 Feb. 3, 2019
Fleener, Timothy $92,102 Aug. 20, 2001
Fleetwood, Edward $34,063 Sept. 6, 2022
Fleming, Rebecca $42,003 Feb. 1, 2022
Fleming, Robert $86,230 Aug. 9, 1982
Flores, Samantha $63,802 Aug. 11, 2021
Flottman, Ellen $103,634 May 15, 1989
Flynn, Sean $63,802 Aug. 15, 2021
Foland, Valerie $63,802 Nov. 15, 2021
Fonke, Erich $80,914 May 15, 2017
Fossell, Shelly $34,738 Dec. 1, 2021
Foster, Jessi $34,844 Aug. 8, 2022
Fox, Andrew $63,802 Aug. 12, 2021
Fox, Erica $99,230 Aug. 12, 2013
Fox, Mary $162,559 June 1, 1981
Franklin-McMurry, Nike $39,710 May 20, 1991
French, Dana $50,510 Sept. 20, 2021
Friend, Robin $39,710 Dec. 11, 2003
Frysztak, Elizabeth $23,702 July 29, 2019
Fuchs, Lydia $21,156 Aug. 15, 2023
Garingan, Leonardo $43,598 Dec. 5, 2022
Garner, Darryl $71,464 Sept. 26, 2022
Garrison, Kevin $63,784 Dec. 6, 2016
Garrity, Daniel $43,925 April 4, 2022
Garza, Lisa $27,234 July 28, 2023
Gautieri, Robin $35,994 Aug. 14, 2018
Gearhart, Samuel $36,804 Nov. 30, 2015
Geissal, Emily $20,641 Aug. 7, 2023
Gerwitz, Marisa $64,235 Nov. 9, 2020
Gillam, Jana $39,710 Nov. 23, 2015
Gilmore, Allison $48,046 May 27, 2015
Gotviagehya, Renee $103,480 Nov. 6, 2006
Gozalez, Susana $39,710 May 5, 2014
Gray, James $103,480 Sept. 21, 2009

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median pay, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.