Data received May 2024

Full-time employees


Median pay


Average pay


Information Sciences

Employees by pay range

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median pay, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.


Click on one of the headers below to sort a column. Data shown reflects actual gross pay for 2023, except where noted otherwise.


Name ↑

Position Gross pay Date hired
Ackley, Benjamin William Grad Assistant $22,466 Aug. 16, 2022
Adler, Rachel Assoc Prof $62,567 Aug. 16, 2023
Alicea, Bradly John Adj Lecturer $25,753 Jan. 1, 2023
Alteri, Suzan Assistant Dir Child Bks $21,250 Sept. 5, 2023
Alvarez, Barbara Ann Adj Lecturer $61,456 Jan. 1, 2020
Ames, Penny Jo Adm & Rec Coord (Lu) $35,581 Nov. 7, 2006
Anderson, Jennifer Willhite Info Rsrsc Mgr $84,121 July 16, 2005
Ashwill, Cynthia Jayne Sr Assistant Dean Comnc & Mktg $113,315 Sept. 21, 1993
Au, Wesley Grad Teaching Assistant $33,707 Aug. 16, 2020
Bak, Chaewon Grad Res Assistant $28,855 Aug. 27, 2021
Balasubramaniam, Gowri Saini Grad Teaching Assistant $27,742 Aug. 18, 2021
Ban, Yikun Grad Res Assistant $35,558 Aug. 19, 2019
Bao, Wenxuan Grad Res Assistant $34,837 Jan. 1, 2021
Bashir, Masooda N. Assoc Prof $119,408 Jan. 14, 2008
Batzloff, Brandon Tch Assistant Prof $92,204 Aug. 16, 2022
Bernstein, Dainy Postdoc Res Assoc $20,000 Aug. 16, 2023
Besser, Stephanie Annette Adj Lecturer $78,919 Jan. 1, 2021
Beth, Matthew Charles Mgr of Instrn Technol $80,959 June 21, 2003
Betts-Green, Crystal Dawn Adj Lecturer $30,741 May 16, 2022
Bickers, Hope L. Office Manager $41,797 June 16, 2022
Blake, Catherine Lesley Prof $205,476 July 16, 2009
Bonn, Maria Stella Assoc Prof $124,050 Aug. 16, 2013
Bosch, Philip N. Assistant Prof $169,762 Jan. 17, 2017
Brooks, Ian S. RES SCI $93,208 March 12, 2002
Brya, Cynthia Ann Dir of Comm & Content Strategy $86,992 Aug. 21, 1993
Capitanu, Boris Sr Res Devlpr $110,018 Jan. 2, 2008
Carvalho Do Amaral, Janaynne Postdoc Res Assoc $58,167 Sept. 26, 2022
Chan, Anita Assoc Prof $124,936 Aug. 16, 2009
Charles, David S. Tch Assistant Prof $105,387 Aug. 16, 2022
Chen, Si Grad Res Assistant $30,168 Aug. 16, 2019
Cheng, Haocong Grad Teaching Assistant $23,642 Aug. 16, 2020
Cheng, Siyao Grad Res Assistant $28,133 May 16, 2021
Chin, Chieh-Li Res Prgm Mgr $76,000 April 16, 2016
Chin, Jessie Assistant Prof $115,232 Aug. 16, 2007
Choi, Inkyung Teaching Assistant Prof $47,536 Aug. 16, 2019
Choi, Yeonjung Grad Teaching Assistant $29,906 Aug. 16, 2022
Choudhry, Abhinav Grad Teaching Assistant $29,188 Aug. 16, 2020
Comstock, Sharon L. Tch Assistant Prof $88,036 Aug. 16, 2019
Cordell, Ryan Charles Assoc Prof $137,422 Aug. 16, 2021
Cox, Eugene Malcolm Grad Teaching Assistant $29,804 May 16, 2019
Dahlen, Sarah Park Assoc Prof $137,426 Aug. 16, 2021
Darch, Peter Thomas Assoc Prof $115,050 Aug. 16, 2015
Delgado Ramos, Daniela Grad Teaching Assistant $25,308 Aug. 16, 2018
Desai, Smit Apurva Grad Teaching Assistant $27,949 Sept. 21, 2016
Diekman, Linda Mary Adj Lecturer $38,965 Jan. 1, 2021
Diesner, Jana Assoc Prof $212,702 Jan. 16, 2012
Dollahon, Bri Marie Bus/Adminv Assoc $60,957 Jan. 17, 2022
Downie, John Stephen Prof $236,031 Aug. 21, 1998
Driskell, Troy Erin Office Manager $46,012 March 27, 2017
Dubin, David Scott Teaching Assoc Prof $116,515 Aug. 21, 1996

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median pay, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.