Data received August 2024

Full-time employees


Median pay


Average pay


Streets Department

Employees by pay range

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median pay, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.


Click on one of the headers below to sort a column. Data shown reflects actual gross pay for 2023, except where noted otherwise.


Name ↑

Position Gross pay Date hired
Allen, Tijuana Telecommunicator $57,804 June 28, 2007
Allison, Kevin M. Street and Traffic Inspector $60,307 Nov. 8, 2020
Burke, Michael G. Street and Traffic Inspector $42,121 Sept. 19, 2005
Capraro, Emma T. Administrative Assistant I $48,945 April 21, 2014
Colvin, Sandra Administrative Assistant III $74,309 Oct. 24, 1994
Dusold, Mary Executive Secretary II $82,711 May 14, 1981
Emsweller, Twestly C. Telecommunicator $71,712 Dec. 10, 2017
Fields, Eric Street and Traffic Inspector $47,800 June 16, 1997
Fortune, Zachary E. Program Manager II $77,476 Oct. 30, 2006
Gales, Wesley J. Street and Traffic Inspector $35,369 Aug. 28, 2022
Hamlin, Kenya Clerk Typist $22,075 Oct. 22, 2023
Hogan, Tony B. Street and Traffic Inspector $45,396 April 10, 2000
Lambert, Leland J. Accountant $67,288 Nov. 13, 2018
Marnati, Angelo Street and Traffic Inspection Supervisor $47,910 Sept. 1, 2011
Matthews, Earl F. Street and Traffic Inspector $37,775 Feb. 16, 2020
Morreale, Stephan Street and Traffic Inspector $42,970 May 11, 2010
Peay, Nicole R. Street and Traffic Inspector $29,789 June 19, 2022
Stainback, Cory Labor Foreman I $68,702 Feb. 14, 2000
Stayton, Shonnell L. Payroll Specialist $59,843 Dec. 18, 2000
Tibbs, Paula R. Clerk Typist $36,999 May 16, 2005
Torrence-Webber, Robin L. Payroll Specialist $60,468 April 17, 2023
Tyler, Larry A. Street and Traffic Liaison $46,469 May 14, 2007
Waters-Jones, Jennifer D. Traffic Engineer $79,668 Aug. 19, 1985
Weir, William B. Accountant $62,888 May 17, 2010
Williams, Betherny J. Director of Streets $137,617 Oct. 4, 2021

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median pay, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.