Municipal government pay in the St. Louis region

Find earnings information for mayors, city managers, police and firefighters.

Data shown reflects actual gross pay for 2023, except where noted otherwise.


Agency ↑ Year FT employeesempl. Median pay Median experience Top earner
Arnold 2024 119 $70,198 8.0 $143,627
Ballwin 2024 143 $61,727 6.0 $184,172
Bel-Nor 2024 12 $40,921 5.5 $65,116
Bel-Ridge 2024 13 $2,400 5.0 $62,057
Bella Villa 2024 10 $1,600 8.0 $55,961
Bellefontaine Neighbors 2024 54 $44,362 3.0 $111,979
Belleville 2024 338 $70,498 8.0 $142,518
Berkeley 2024 101 $71,374 4.0 $138,428
Beverly Hills 2024 6 $3,600 13.0 $33,423
Black Jack 2024 17 $20,000 7.0 $50,637
Breckenridge Hills 2024 30 $40,788 3.0 $70,071
Brentwood 2024 116 $75,095 4.0 $179,744
Bridgeton 2024 120 $71,961 7.0 $146,361
Calverton Park 2024 16 $31,190 7.0 $81,180
Charlack 2024 6 $4,800 7.5 $51,228
Chesterfield 2024 223 $62,998 5.0 $204,407
Clarkson Valley 2024 8 $1,200 2.5 $96,739
Clayton 2024 201 $73,787 6.0 $201,235
Cool Valley 2024 11 $3,000 1.0 $60,506
Country Club Hills 2024 12 $36,351 8.0 $86,869
Crestwood 2024 85 $73,932 4.0 $170,000
Creve Coeur 2024 104 $71,616 5.0 $213,801
Crystal Lake Park 2024 6 $500 Not provided $41,065
Dellwood 2024 25 $22,267 5.0 $75,625
Des Peres 2024 110 $80,360 8.5 $178,828
Edmundson 2024 22 $61,669 3.5 $110,151
Edwardsville 2024 194 $74,690 6.5 $166,069
Ellisville 2024 70 $64,534 6.0 $187,404
Eureka 2024 75 $57,801 6.0 $137,215
Fenton 2024 31 $43,916 3.0 $122,869
Ferguson 2024 125 $63,112 4.0 $118,809
Flordell Hills 2024 6 $3,900 14.0 $24,880
Florissant 2024 240 $57,793 9.0 $146,906
Frontenac 2024 56 $98,673 13.0 $146,653
Glendale 2024 40 $71,109 10.5 $102,470
Grantwood Village 2024 5 $5,400 10.0 $6,000
Green Park 2024 10 $3,000 5.0 $66,210
Greendale 2024 7 $1,200 Not provided $9,000
Hanley Hills 2024 15 $5,640 7.0 $46,193
Hazelwood 2024 182 $73,884 4.5 $152,116
Hillsdale 2024 9 $26,099 4.0 $52,517
Jennings 2024 40 $40,550 3.0 $66,080
Kinloch 2024 6 $13,913 5.0 $67,826
Kirkwood 2024 273 $84,768 7.0 $239,543
Ladue 2024 84 $97,328 10.0 $154,413
Lakeshire 2024 13 $4,511 3.0 $66,345
Manchester 2024 87 $65,144 5.0 $146,998
Maplewood 2024 84 $93,448 7.5 $161,569
Marlborough 2024 6 $3,000 Not provided $53,394
Maryland Heights 2024 198 $70,418 6.0 $200,487
Moline Acres 2024 14 $35,280 7.5 $55,186
Normandy 2024 46 $41,221 1.0 $93,990
Northwoods 2024 32 $29,657 4.0 $61,859
Norwood Court 2024 9 $200 Not provided $17,845
O'Fallon, Mo. 2024 440 $65,420 7.0 $192,491
Oakland 2024 9 $2,220 6.0 $68,000
Olivette 2024 90 $67,021 6.0 $125,867
Overland 2024 92 $55,959 7.0 $119,890
Pacific 2024 54 $49,724 4.0 $85,167
Pagedale 2024 32 $46,666 4.0 $84,381
Pasadena Hills 2024 5 $2,000 4.0 $6,000
Pasadena Park 2024 5 $3,000 Not provided $3,000
Pine Lawn 2024 15 $6,000 4.0 $65,000
Richmond Heights 2024 118 $70,870 7.0 $167,750
Riverview 2024 23 $21,170 1.0 $63,178
Rock Hill 2024 40 $52,147 8.0 $113,880
Shrewsbury 2024 67 $70,083 5.0 $129,585
St. Ann 2024 117 $50,637 5.0 $155,763
St. Charles city 2024 447 $77,560 6.0 $242,659
St. John 2024 51 $46,248 5.0 $122,997
St. Louis Board of Aldermen 2024 61 $39,994 2.0 $108,248
St. Louis Circuit Attorney 2024 113 $47,894 2.0 $114,706
St. Louis city 2024 4,433 $68,702 10.0 $269,026
St. Louis Collector of Revenue 2024 87 $47,579 8.0 $221,876
St. Louis Firemen's Retirement System 2024 3 $117,242 8.0 $149,809
St. Louis License Collector 2024 27 $41,600 4.0 $130,686
St. Louis Medical Examiner 2024 16 $55,115 4.0 $134,824
St. Louis Police Retirement System 2024 6 $50,368 2.5 $141,750
St. Louis Public Administrator 2024 5 $42,502 4.0 $114,076
St. Louis Recorder of Deeds 2024 34 $52,038 4.0 $108,553
St. Louis Sheriff 2024 160 $42,145 6.0 $135,734
St. Louis Treasurer 2024 96 $40,126 9.0 $141,753
St. Peters 2024 462 $64,171 11.0 $197,888
Sunset Hills 2024 83 $57,668 8.0 $139,880
Sycamore Hills 2024 5 $1,620 Not provided $2,400
Town and Country 2024 65 $69,619 6.0 $179,750
Twin Oaks 2024 7 $3,600 7.0 $77,032
University City 2024 248 $70,441 5.0 $190,463
Uplands Park 2024 3 $3,050 2.0 $3,050
Valley Park 2024 35 $52,854 4.0 $85,000
Velda City 2024 15 $24,300 1.0 $95,310
Velda Village Hills 2024 7 $13,800 8.0 $51,999
Vinita Park 2024 69 $59,952 2.0 $108,713
Warson Woods 2024 16 $2,100 4.0 $100,056
Webster Groves 2024 125 $78,516 7.0 $209,731
Wellston 2024 12 $7,500 2.0 $51,692
Wentzville 2024 270 $74,206 6.0 $189,394
Wilbur Park 2024 6 $2,484 4.5 $3,500
Wildwood 2024 45 $53,101 4.0 $190,212
Winchester 2024 9 $5,040 Not provided $83,454
Woodson Terrace 2024 42 $51,553 5.5 $94,980

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median pay, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.

Top earners at each agency

Name Agency ↑ Position Gross pay Years at agency
Carroll, Brian Arnold Police Chief $143,627 23
Sterman, Eric M. Ballwin City Administrator $184,172 3
Ford, Scott C. Bel-Nor Police Administra $65,116 22
Herndon, Cary Bel-Ridge Director $62,057 15
Allen, Timothy Bella Villa Chief of Police $55,961 2
Bewig, Joe A. Bellefontaine Neighbors Police Officer $111,979 6
Eiskant, Matthew S. Belleville Chief of Police $142,518 22
Mai-Lombardo, Nathan Berkeley City Manager $138,428 Not provided
Andrews, Marina Beverly Hills City Clerk $33,423 13
Braselman, Kittrel Black Jack Director of Public Works $50,637 5
Robinson, Darin Breckenridge Hills Chief $70,071 32
Akande, Abimbola Brentwood City Administrator $179,744 12
Bookout, Kevin L. Bridgeton Not provided $146,361 7
Amos, Scott Calverton Park Emergency Management $81,180 12
Daub, Peter Charlack Public Works Director $51,228 23
Geisel, Michael Chesterfield City Administrator $204,407 34
McMahon, Michele Clarkson Valley City Clerk $96,739 28
Gipson, David R. Clayton City Manager $201,235 3
Yahn, Elizabeth Cool Valley PA Clerk $60,506 27
Owens, Derek C. Country Club Hills Police $86,869 10
Simpson, Kris Crestwood City Administrator $170,000 7
Perkins, Mark C. Creve Coeur City Administrator $213,801 24
McCormick, Angela Crystal Lake Park City Administrator $41,065 9
Wilson, Terry Dellwood City Administrator $75,625 1
Harms, Douglas Des Peres City Administrator $178,828 38
Phelps, Ronda F. Edmundson City Clerk $110,151 20
Milton, Brett Edwardsville Firefighter Lieutenant $166,069 21
Schwer, William Ellisville City Mgr./City Eng./Dir. of PW $187,404 17
Sabo, Craig Eureka City Administrator $137,215 29
Andrea, Finkbiner Fenton City Administrator $122,869 16
Hampton, John Ferguson City Manager/Fire Chief $118,809 27
Noeth, Joseph R. Flordell Hills Mayor / Maintenance $24,880 14
Lowery, Timothy Florissant Mayor $146,906 34
Guttmann, Mark Frontenac Chief $146,653 33
Declue, Ben Glendale City Administrator $102,470 5
Kelso, Kevin Grantwood Village Trustee, Chairman $6,000 10
Mello, James Green Park City Adminitrator/City Clerk $66,210 6
Smith, Donnell Greendale City Attorney $9,000 Not provided
Matthews, Dorothy J. Hanley Hills City Clerk $46,193 7
Zimmerman, Matthew Hazelwood City Manager $152,116 9
Bernsen, John E. Hillsdale Police Chief $52,517 4
Brandon, Willie M. Jennings Parks and Recreation Director $66,080 5
Blue, Justine Kinloch City Manager $67,826 11
Hawes, Russell Kirkwood Chief Administrative Officer $239,543 9
Kroenung, Scott Ladue Finance Director $154,413 1
Sullivan, Timothy M. Lakeshire Police Chief $66,345 15
Will, Scott Manchester Chief of Police $146,998 4
Reese, Michael Maplewood City Manager $161,569 2
Johnson, Patti Marlborough Village Clerk $53,394 Not provided
Anderson, Tracey Maryland Heights City Administrator $200,487 6
Deshay, Dennis Moline Acres Code Enforcer Director $55,186 16
Sanders, Tameika R. Normandy Chief of Police $93,990 13
Shireff, Dennis A. Northwoods Cheif of Police $61,859 2
Jones, Robert E. Norwood Court Town Attorney (independent contractor) $17,845 Not provided
Snowden, Michael O'Fallon, Mo. City Administrator $192,491 4
Starr, Helmut Oakland City Admin/Clerk $68,000 34
Mann, Darren Olivette Finance Director $125,867 9
McConachie, John J. Overland City Administrator $119,890 15
Melies, Scott. A. Pacific Chief of Police $85,167 2
Huckleberry, Anthony Pagedale Chief $84,381 6
McCarthy, Cynthia Pender Pasadena Hills Mayor $6,000 8
Hubbard, Michael Pasadena Park Trustee $3,000 Not provided
Eunice, Lillian Pine Lawn City Administrator $65,000 2
Hamilton, Amy Catherine Richmond Heights City Manager $167,750 23
Tumbrink, Tom Riverview Police Officer $63,178 2
Meyer, Ronald L. Rock Hill Public Works Superintendent $113,880 38
Amenn, Chris Shrewsbury Fire Chief $129,585 7
Conley, Matthew K. St. Ann City Administrator $155,763 19
Dobrosky Jr., Lawrence S. St. Charles city Director of Administration $242,659 7
Connell, Robert St. John City Administrator and Chief of Police $122,997 21
Kennedy, Terry St. Louis Board of Aldermen Chief Aldermanic Clerk $108,248 34
Teer, Marvin St. Louis Circuit Attorney Chief Trial Assistant $114,706 Not provided
Hamm-Niebruegge, Rhonda K. St. Louis city Director of Airports $269,026 13
Daly, Gregory F. St. Louis Collector of Revenue Collector of Revenue $221,876 16
Brewer, John St. Louis Firemen's Retirement System Executive Director $149,809 8
Thompson, Mavis St. Louis License Collector License Collector $130,686 9
Rick, Tara M. St. Louis Medical Examiner Executive Director for Operations $134,824 26
Lawson, Mark St. Louis Police Retirement System Executive Director $141,750 3
Rapp, Sean M. St. Louis Public Administrator $114,076 1
Butler, Michael St. Louis Recorder of Deeds Recorder of Deeds $108,553 4
Betts, Vernon St. Louis Sheriff Sheriff $135,734 6
Rukcic, Shirley J. St. Louis Treasurer Chief of Staff & Counsel $141,753 15
Malach, William St. Peters City Administrator $197,888 24
Dodge, Stephen Sunset Hills Chief of Police $139,880 6
Fitzgerald, Robert Sycamore Hills Trustee - Chairman $2,400 Not provided
Shelton, Robert Town and Country City Administrator $179,750 5
Johnson, Frank Twin Oaks City Administrator $77,032 3
Rose, Gregory University City City Manager $190,463 5
Inwenfou, Henry Uplands Park Trustee $3,050 2
Schauf, Nathan Valley Park City Administrator $85,000 Not provided
Paulino, Daniel Velda City Chief of Police $95,310 4
Turner, Diane Velda Village Hills Court Clerk $51,999 10
Buchannan, John E. Vinita Park Police Officer $108,713 8
Stanczak, Robert Warson Woods Police Chief $100,056 34
Peoples, Ina Marie Webster Groves City Manager $209,731 2
Trigg, Janice M. Wellston City Administrator $51,692 19
Lee, Douglas Wentzville City Administrator $189,394 19
Vohsen, Neal Wilbur Park Trustee $3,500 6
Vujnich, Joseph Wildwood Director Planning/Parks $190,212 27
Beckett, Barbara Winchester City Administrator $83,454 Not provided
Zaiz, Douglas Woodson Terrace City Administrator / Director of Public Works $94,980 14