School teacher pay in the St. Louis region

Find earnings information for credentialed teachers and principals.

Data shown reflects pay for the 2023-2024 school year, except where noted otherwise.

Comparison of pay to experience

This chart shows the relationship between median salary and median years of experience in Missouri for full-time educators at St. Louis-area school districts and charter schools.

Years of experience in Missouri

St. Louis-area school districts and charter schools

The salary data in this section comes from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and it only includes full-time credentialed educators. Please see the About page for other important explanations and caveats.

District Year FT teachersteachers Median salary Median years
in district
Median years
in Missouri
Top earner
Affton School District 2023-2024 240 $57,998 6.0 11.0 $229,968
Atlas Public Schools 2023-2024 44 $49,187 2.0 4.5 $175,000
Bayless School District 2023-2024 143 $58,426 6.0 9.0 $213,000
Brentwood School District 2023-2024 104 $69,768 8.0 15.5 $207,818
City Garden Montessori 2023-2024 67 $42,972 2.0 6.0 $110,268
Clayton School District 2023-2024 310 $87,664 9.0 18.0 $250,755
Confluence Academies 2023-2024 276 $55,934 4.0 8.0 $156,933
Crystal City School District 2023-2024 66 $44,860 5.5 5.5 $120,000
De Soto School District 2023-2024 278 $45,623 6.0 11.0 $161,883
Dunklin School District 2023-2024 196 $49,250 7.0 9.0 $183,500
Elsberry School District 2023-2024 85 $44,030 8.0 12.0 $126,507
Ferguson-Florissant School District 2023-2024 786 $68,643 9.0 15.0 $259,172
Festus School District 2023-2024 293 $60,750 10.0 16.0 $180,250
Fort Zumwalt School District 2023-2024 2,057 $57,440 9.0 12.0 $205,000
Fox School District 2023-2024 1,117 $58,148 11.0 12.0 $229,175
Francis Howell School District 2023-2024 1,676 $62,517 9.0 13.0 $225,000
Franklin County School District 2023-2024 19 $40,800 9.0 10.0 $85,000
Gateway Science Academy/St. Louis 2023-2024 176 $54,500 4.0 8.0 $99,800
Grandview School District 2023-2024 68 $35,500 4.0 6.0 $169,500
Hancock Place School District 2023-2024 124 $69,825 17.0 18.0 $269,760
Hazelwood School District 2023-2024 1,412 $65,006 6.0 16.0 $293,438
Hillsboro School District 2023-2024 289 $51,500 10.0 13.0 $188,436
Jefferson County R-VII School District 2023-2024 112 $50,513 7.5 13.0 $139,000
Jennings School District 2023-2024 160 $77,728 8.0 20.0 $205,000
Kairos Academies 2023-2024 50 $50,192 2.0 3.0 $92,229
KIPP St. Louis Public Schools 2023-2024 310 $47,113 2.0 3.0 $110,000
Kirkwood School District 2023-2024 541 $74,621 10.0 14.0 $265,691
Ladue School District 2023-2024 411 $77,224 9.0 15.0 $263,836
Lafayette Preparatory Academy 2023-2024 33 $50,100 4.0 6.0 $151,709
Lift for Life Academy 2023-2024 112 $45,275 2.0 5.0 $145,530
Lindbergh Schools 2023-2024 550 $64,076 8.0 12.0 $250,508
Lonedell School District 2023-2024 43 $43,238 5.0 7.0 $121,346
Maplewood-Richmond Heights School District 2023-2024 171 $68,071 6.0 15.0 $204,599
Mehlville School District 2023-2024 903 $65,875 8.0 13.0 $225,000
Meramec Valley School District 2023-2024 339 $49,406 7.0 12.0 $180,828
Missouri School for the Blind 2023-2024 28 $57,360 6.5 9.0 $109,200
Momentum Academy 2023-2024 85 $48,483 2.0 5.0 $175,000
New Haven School District 2023-2024 58 $40,738 5.0 12.5 $112,000
Normandy Schools Collaborative 2023-2024 270 $57,771 6.0 10.0 $200,000
North Side Community School 2023-2024 51 $55,000 2.0 4.0 $119,892
Northwest School District 2023-2024 628 $49,635 6.0 9.0 $184,500
Orchard Farm School District 2023-2024 290 $56,650 7.0 8.0 $200,655
Parkway School District 2023-2024 1,652 $72,250 11.0 16.0 $294,825
Pattonville School District 2023-2024 632 $69,660 8.0 13.0 $253,540
Premier Charter School 2023-2024 143 $49,610 4.0 7.0 $158,804
Ritenour School District 2023-2024 508 $68,510 7.0 13.0 $293,924
Riverview Gardens School District 2023-2024 473 $55,591 3.0 3.0 $265,204
Rockwood School District 2023-2024 1,738 $67,289 11.0 14.0 $264,562
Silex School District 2023-2024 49 $37,800 4.0 8.0 $101,200
Special School District of St. Louis County 2023-2024 4,828 $60,022 9.0 9.0 $274,560
Spring Bluff School District 2023-2024 23 $49,100 8.0 14.0 $99,584
St. Charles School District 2023-2024 662 $58,562 8.0 10.0 $225,914
St. Clair School District 2023-2024 281 $43,553 4.0 8.0 $152,801
St. Louis Language Immersion School 2023-2024 60 $53,956 2.0 9.0 $162,739
St. Louis Public Schools 2023-2024 1,690 $50,433 5.0 5.0 $268,000
St. Louis Voices Academy 2023-2024 12 $50,250 1.0 9.0 $121,000
Strain-Japan School District 2023-2024 10 $36,156 4.5 14.5 $63,925
Sullivan School District 2023-2024 236 $47,775 8.0 11.0 $155,570
Sunrise School District 2023-2024 43 $41,100 4.0 9.0 $156,615
The Biome 2023-2024 26 $51,619 2.0 4.0 $125,525
The Leadership School 2023-2024 8 $44,500 1.0 3.0 $60,000
The Soulard School 2023-2024 18 $45,000 3.5 5.0 $72,075
Troy School District 2023-2024 835 $48,024 5.0 6.0 $234,741
Union School District 2023-2024 323 $50,850 6.0 11.0 $200,304
University City School District 2023-2024 256 $61,902 6.0 9.0 $163,369
Valley Park School District 2023-2024 83 $72,500 9.0 13.0 $207,151
Warren County R-III School District 2023-2024 324 $47,460 6.0 10.0 $169,793
Washington School District 2023-2024 458 $53,640 8.0 13.0 $202,680
Webster Groves School District 2023-2024 384 $73,443 8.0 15.0 $260,040
Wentzville School District 2023-2024 1,910 $63,954 7.0 11.0 $250,000
Windsor School District 2023-2024 304 $53,200 11.0 12.0 $160,148
Winfield School District 2023-2024 172 $43,200 4.0 5.0 $136,586
Wright City School District 2023-2024 199 $51,890 4.0 9.0 $183,456

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time teachers or median pay, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.

Top earners at each district

Name District Position Total pay Years at district
Bracht, Nathan Affton School District Central Office Admin. $229,968 12
Heckendorn, Colby Atlas Public Schools Central Office Admin. $175,000 3
Ruzicka, Amelia Bayless School District Central Office Admin. $213,000 16
Lane, Dale Brentwood School District Central Office Admin. $207,818 7
Isom, Crystal City Garden Montessori School Principal $110,268 4
Patel, Nisha Clayton School District Central Office Admin. $250,755 3
Hopper, Shane Confluence Academies Supervisor $156,933 5
Reiter, Crystal Crystal City School District Central Office Admin. $120,000 1
Isaacson, Josh De Soto School District Central Office Admin. $161,883 12
Freeman, Clinton Dunklin School District Central Office Admin. $183,500 7
Reller, Tim Elsberry School District Central Office Admin. $126,507 14
Davis, Joseph Ferguson-Florissant School District Central Office Admin. $259,172 9
Ruess, Nicholle Festus School District Central Office Admin. $180,250 17
Myers, Paul Fort Zumwalt School District Central Office Admin. $205,000 25
Fregeau, Paul Fox School District Central Office Admin. $229,175 3
Roumpos, Kenneth Francis Howell School District Central Office Admin. $225,000 4
Oetterer, Kathy Franklin County School District Central Office Admin. $85,000 28
Sagnak, Murat Gateway Science Academy/St. Louis Central Office Admin. $99,800 11
Zoph, Matthew Grandview School District Central Office Admin. $169,500 24
Carl, Kevin Hancock Place School District Central Office Admin. $269,760 13
Collins-Hart, Nettie Hazelwood School District Central Office Admin. $293,438 8
Isaacson, Jonathan Hillsboro School District Central Office Admin. $188,436 16
Haug, David Jefferson County R-VII School District Central Office Admin. $139,000 13
Knight, Paula Jennings School District Central Office Admin. $205,000 3
Patel, Nilesh Kairos Academies Teacher $92,229 5
Littleton, Dierre KIPP St. Louis Public Schools Central Office Admin. $110,000 1
Ulrich, David Kirkwood School District Central Office Admin. $265,691 4
Wipke, James Ladue School District Central Office Admin. $263,836 5
Ranney, Sarah Lafayette Preparatory Academy School Principal $151,709 10
Noble, Katrice Lift for Life Academy Central Office Admin. $145,530 19
Lake, William Lindbergh Schools Central Office Admin. $250,508 6
Ulrich, Jenny Lonedell School District Central Office Admin. $121,346 15
Jamison, Bonita Maplewood-Richmond Heights School District Central Office Admin. $204,599 3
Haug, Jeffrey Mehlville School District Central Office Admin. $225,000 1
Schwierjohn, Carrie Meramec Valley School District Central Office Admin. $180,828 6
Barney, Geoffrey Missouri School for the Blind Central Office Admin. $109,200 9
Ming, Miranda Momentum Academy Central Office Admin. $175,000 4
Hoener, Joshua New Haven School District Central Office Admin. $112,000 11
Triplett, Michael Normandy Schools Collaborative Central Office Admin. $200,000 1
McGull, Martine North Side Community School School Principal $119,892 12
Hecktor, Jennifer Northwest School District Central Office Admin. $184,500 2
Steinhoff, Wade Orchard Farm School District Central Office Admin. $200,655 13
Marty, Keith Parkway School District Central Office Admin. $294,825 13
Nelson, Barry Pattonville School District Central Office Admin. $253,540 27
Frugo, Julie Premier Charter School Central Office Admin. $158,804 24
Kilbride, Christopher Ritenour School District Central Office Admin. $293,924 25
Pruitt-Adams, Joylynn Riverview Gardens School District Central Office Admin. $265,204 3
Cain, Curtis Rockwood School District Central Office Admin. $264,562 2
Heggemann, Nicholas Silex School District Central Office Admin. $101,200 2
Keenan, Elizabeth Special School District of St. Louis County Central Office Admin. $274,560 5
Jenkins, Jeannie Spring Bluff School District Central Office Admin. $99,584 17
Sefrit, Jason St. Charles School District Central Office Admin. $225,914 8
Kruse, Kyle St. Clair School District Central Office Admin. $152,801 8
Hill, Meghan St. Louis Language Immersion School Central Office Admin. $162,739 12
Scarlett, Keisha St. Louis Public Schools Central Office Admin. $268,000 1
Russell-West, Hollie St. Louis Voices Academy Central Office Admin. $121,000 1
Vandegriffe, Kathy Strain-Japan School District Central Office Admin. $63,925 4
Thornsberry, Jana Sullivan School District Central Office Admin. $155,570 28
Spurgin, Armand Sunrise School District Central Office Admin. $156,615 10
Harris, Julie The Biome School Principal $125,525 4
Harris, Trilinda The Leadership School Teacher $60,000 1
Bishop, Shenika The Soulard School School Principal $72,075 4
Penny, Mark Troy School District Central Office Admin. $234,741 13
Hayes, Scott Union School District Central Office Admin. $200,304 8
Spiller, Gary University City School District Central Office Admin. $163,369 9
Dilg, Timothy Valley Park School District Central Office Admin. $207,151 5
Klinginsmith, Gregg Warren County R-III School District Central Office Admin. $169,793 10
Kephart, Jennifer Washington School District Central Office Admin. $202,680 3
Simpson, John Webster Groves School District Central Office Admin. $260,040 19
Tormala, Danielle Wentzville School District Central Office Admin. $250,000 2
King, Jason Windsor School District Central Office Admin. $160,148 2
Hamlett, Rod Winfield School District Central Office Admin. $136,586 2
Berger, Christopher Wright City School District Central Office Admin. $183,456 4