

Full-time educators


Median years in district


Median salary



Click on one of the headers below to sort a column. Data shown reflects pay for the 2023-2024 school year, as reported by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Only full-time credentialed educators are included; other employees are not listed in this year's edition of Public Pay.



Position Regular salary Total pay Years in
Years in
Garner-Brooks, Amanda Teacher $60,595 $60,595 3 28
Bryant, Angela Other $86,628 $86,628 18 18
Lee, Angelica Teacher $49,668 $49,668 1 1
Sam, Assane Teacher $65,902 $65,902 2 14
Sweet, Bennett Teacher $65,051 $65,051 2 15
Bextermueller, Bradley Teacher $62,484 $62,484 5 21
Heigert, Christina Library $83,498 $83,498 20 20
Meyer, Christopher Teacher $49,362 $49,362 3 3
Brandon, Clifton Central Office Admin. $121,262 $121,262 23 23
Anderson, Courtney Teacher $52,891 $52,891 6 6
Gregory, Crystal Guidance $49,856 $49,856 1 4
Wallace, Darvetta Aide $27,690 $27,690 2 2
Dobyns, David Teacher $51,352 $51,352 1 5
Shobe, Debra Teacher $65,051 $65,051 3 15
Weaver, Dexter Ancillary $71,082 $71,082 6 20
Burford, Dorothy Teacher $86,628 $86,628 23 29
Boles, Elaine Guidance $77,673 $77,673 4 22
Gibbs, Garry Teacher $86,628 $86,628 8 26
Fitzpatrick, Heather Teacher $64,985 $67,485 29 29
Hamilton, Heather Teacher $49,856 $49,856 2 2
Moore, Irma School Principal $131,774 $131,774 17 17
Pinkley, Jacob Teacher $48,908 $48,908 5 5
Hooker, Jacqueline Teacher $64,985 $64,985 17 17
Spruell, Janece Teacher $83,498 $83,498 23 23
McGee, Jerry Teacher $67,001 $67,001 14 15
Cooper, Johnnie Aide $34,041 $34,041 7 9
Franke, Kenneth Teacher $83,498 $85,998 20 20
Mershon, Kenton Teacher $56,093 $56,093 5 5
Kelly, Kimberly Teacher $76,398 $76,398 5 23
Smith, Kristin Teacher $56,896 $56,896 12 12
Potter, Larry Teacher $64,985 $64,985 11 32
Singleton, Latricia Teacher $62,118 $64,618 12 12
Cummins, Lisa Teacher $69,012 $69,012 5 18
Edison, Lisa Teacher $76,398 $76,398 5 28
Hemby, Lisa Aide $57,796 $57,796 11 11
Johnson Haire, Lisa Other $89,914 $89,914 19 19
Huggins, Lydia Teacher $48,389 $48,389 1 1
Smith-Butler, Machalene Guidance $52,891 $52,891 6 6
Phillips, Marilyn Aide $35,091 $35,091 11 11
Hieke, Matthew Teacher $71,082 $71,082 16 17
Kerns, Matthew Teacher $63,155 $63,155 2 2
Molohon, Michael Guidance $61,316 $61,316 1 11
Kemp, Morgan Teacher $49,362 $49,362 1 3
Brown, Neidra Teacher $53,584 $53,584 4 7
Scharenberg, Nicholas Teacher $84,846 $84,846 18 19
Petty, Riebeil Teacher $63,982 $63,982 3 3
Schoene, Risa Teacher $83,498 $83,498 25 25
Prather, Rodney Guidance $51,352 $51,352 4 7
Markl, Roger Teacher $48,389 $48,389 1 1
McGregor, Sajorice Teacher $62,484 $62,484 6 20

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median pay, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.