

Full-time educators


Median years in district


Median salary



Click on one of the headers below to sort a column. Data shown reflects pay for the 2023-2024 school year, as reported by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Only full-time credentialed educators are included; other employees are not listed in this year's edition of Public Pay.



Position Regular salary Total pay Years in
Years in
Thomas, Antwan Aide $29,925 $29,925 5 5
Harris, April Teacher $83,584 $83,584 9 9
Rainwater, April Teacher $71,945 $71,945 12 12
Collins, Arial Aide $32,775 $32,775 1 1
Carver, Ariauna Aide $32,775 $32,775 2 2
Neal, Ariel Other $45,600 $45,600 5 5
Wright, Ariel Teacher $60,151 $60,151 12 12
Phillips, Arletha Aide $48,450 $48,450 2 2
Gottlob, Ashlee Teacher $62,778 $62,778 7 7
Scaglione, Ashlee Teacher $60,022 $60,022 11 11
McLean, Ashleigh Aide $48,450 $48,450 1 1
Axelson, Ashley Teacher $54,873 $54,873 8 8
Camden, Ashley Other $51,300 $51,300 1 1
Cooley, Ashley Aide $32,775 $32,775 1 1
Crosby, Ashley Teacher $55,955 $55,955 4 4
Grigery, Ashley Aide $47,025 $47,025 9 9
Haar, Ashley Teacher $68,959 $68,959 9 9
Kulich, Ashley Aide $31,350 $31,350 2 2
Luther, Ashley Teacher $56,187 $56,187 11 11
Mims, Ashley Aide $39,900 $39,900 5 5
Mitchell, Ashley Aide $38,475 $38,475 3 3
Morgan, Ashley Other $42,750 $42,750 4 4
Petter, Ashley Teacher $65,817 $65,817 15 15
Pfeiffer, Ashley Other $41,325 $41,325 5 5
Pinkerton, Ashley Teacher $57,500 $57,500 12 12
Roesch, Ashley Teacher $62,521 $62,521 5 5
Silverman, Ashley Teacher $65,946 $65,946 7 7
Sneed, Ashley Teacher $58,530 $58,530 2 2
Tharbs, Ashley Teacher $58,633 $58,633 1 1
Gravatte, Ashlyn Aide $32,775 $32,775 3 3
Ramsingh, Ashmika Teacher $50,469 $50,469 3 3
Mihova, Assia Aide $38,475 $38,475 5 5
Mitchell, Atrina Aide $32,775 $32,775 2 2
Berry, Audra Aide $51,300 $51,300 11 11
Strelo, Audrea Teacher $73,196 $73,196 7 7
Dixon, Audrey Aide $48,450 $48,450 4 4
Levinson, Audrey Teacher $46,246 $46,246 1 1
Patterson, Audrey Aide $52,725 $52,725 23 23
Stumborg, Audrey Aide $31,350 $31,350 2 2
Hill, Austin Teacher $57,500 $57,500 2 2
Casey, Autumn Other $98,214 $98,214 14 14
Olson, Autumn Other $41,325 $41,325 1 1
Henderson, Awrey Teacher $89,221 $89,221 27 27
Springborn, Ayse Aide $54,150 $54,150 23 23
Kolawole, Babjide Aide $52,725 $52,725 6 6
Gorman, Bailey Aide $32,775 $32,775 2 2
Benton, Barbara Aide $39,900 $39,900 5 5
Caverly, Barbara Teacher $100,867 $100,867 13 13
Halpern, Barbara Teacher $100,867 $100,867 31 38
Harsley, Barbara Teacher $100,867 $100,867 29 29

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median pay, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.