Ian Froeb’s STL 100 (2018 archive)

Photo by Micah Usher

Pint Size Bakery

Pint Size Bakery founder Christy Augustin once told me her baking aesthetic, as described by her husband, is “punk-rock grandma.” I’m equally unqualified to say what is punk rock and what is grandma, but I kind of see her husband’s point. Both at its original broom closet of a location and now at its bigger, brighter home, Pint Size Bakey has felt both warmly welcoming in its embrace of such old-school treats as cookies, muffins, and sweet and savory scones and also transgressive in its embrace of these classic items over more modern, Instagram-friendly baubles. Pint Size is a bakery you want to return to as often as a favorite song, punk or otherwise.

Hours: 7 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday-Friday, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday (closed Sunday-Monday)

Last year’s ranking: Rest of the Best

Opened: 2012

Must order: Oatmeal cream pie ($2.50)

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