Photo by Micah Usher
Pint Size Bakery
Pint Size Bakery founder Christy Augustin once told me her baking aesthetic, as described by her husband, is “punk-rock grandma.” I’m equally unqualified to say what is punk rock and what is grandma, but I kind of see her husband’s point. Both at its original broom closet of a location and now at its bigger, brighter home, Pint Size Bakey has felt both warmly welcoming in its embrace of such old-school treats as cookies, muffins, and sweet and savory scones and also transgressive in its embrace of these classic items over more modern, Instagram-friendly baubles. Pint Size is a bakery you want to return to as often as a favorite song, punk or otherwise.
Hours: 7 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday-Friday, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday (closed Sunday-Monday)
Last year’s ranking: Rest of the Best
Opened: 2012
Must order: Oatmeal cream pie ($2.50)