This is an old edition of the Public Pay app. See the latest edition here.

Current as of July 2021

Full-time employees


Median salary


Average salary


Business Administration

Employees by salary range

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.


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Name ↑

Position Salary Date hired
Ahsen, Mehmet Eren Assistant Prof $178,000.00 June 16, 2019
Anand, Gopesh Jankinath Assoc Prof $196,095.00 Aug. 16, 2006
Baddam, Swathi Reddy Tch Assistant Prof $119,500.00 Aug. 6, 2020
Bao, Ying Assistant Prof $186,000.00 June 16, 2020
Barbeau, Aimee Tch Assistant Prof $130,687.50 Aug. 16, 2014
Bednar, Michael Kay Assoc Prof $194,507.00 Aug. 16, 2008
Bruce, Joshua Robert Assistant Prof $172,000.00 June 16, 2019
Bucheli, Marcelo Assoc Prof $185,000.00 Oct. 29, 2005
Chattopadhyay, Shinjinee Assistant Prof $163,000.00 Jan. 1, 2013
Clougherty, Joseph A PROF $198,385.00 Jan. 16, 2010
Cockrell, Adam Lamar Clin Assistant Prof $139,410.00 Sept. 15, 2019
Dahl, James Gregory Tch Prof $154,775.00 Aug. 1, 2012
Derr, Darcy Lynn Office Manager $57,291.00 Nov. 1, 1993
Esfahani, Hadi S PROF $172,867.62 Jan. 16, 2021
Feng, Yilang Assistant Prof $179,000.00 June 16, 2020
Fulton, Brian Robert Dir of Admn $102,000.00 Jan. 12, 2004
Garimella Annapurna, Ananda Aravinda Assistant Prof $168,300.00 Aug. 16, 2018
Ghosh, Avijit PROF $429,520.00 Aug. 21, 2001
Ghoshal, Abhijeet Assistant Prof $177,000.00 June 16, 2019
Goncalo, Jack PROF $224,821.00 July 22, 2016
Graebner, Melissa Emily PROF $237,500.00 June 16, 2019
Guggenheim, David Ross Tch Assistant Prof $122,736.51 Aug. 16, 2019
Han, Rongqing Assistant Prof $179,000.00 June 16, 2020
Han, Wencui Assistant Prof $169,000.00 Aug. 16, 2015
Haran, Vidya Tch Assistant Prof $123,659.16 March 17, 2014
Isserman, Noah J Vst Assistant Prof $160,181.70 Jan. 1, 2012
Ivanov, Anton Assistant Prof $175,000.00 Aug. 16, 2018
Keating, Kari H Tch Assoc Prof $136,000.00 Aug. 16, 2007
Kertcher, Zack Clin Assistant Prof $135,000.00 Aug. 16, 2016
Khandelwal, Ashish Postdoc Res Assoc $60,000.00 Dec. 17, 2018
Khessina, Olga Assoc Prof $193,891.00 July 22, 2016
Kim, June-Young Clin Assistant Prof $126,592.92 Jan. 1, 2016
Kim, Min Jung Assistant Prof $179,000.00 June 16, 2020
Kim, Myoung Hee Clin Assistant Prof $126,316.80 Sept. 4, 2013
Koo, Minkyung Assistant Prof $166,585.00 Aug. 16, 2009
Kraatz, Matthew S PROF $240,000.00 May 21, 1994
Kurtz, Jeffrey M INSTR $114,301.70 Aug. 21, 2000
Kwon, Hyok-Jon Dharma Assoc Prof $190,000.00 Aug. 16, 2008
Larson, Eric Tch Assoc Prof $171,604.50 June 16, 2012
Liang, Hongyan Lecturer $124,230.00 Aug. 21, 2017
Liu, Yunchuan Assoc Prof $188,291.00 June 16, 2006
Loewenstein, Jeffrey PROF $266,200.00 June 16, 2011
Logue, Adrienne Lincoln Office Manager $40,318.20 Feb. 12, 2018
Love, E Geoffrey Assoc Prof $178,460.00 Aug. 21, 2002
Loyd, Denise Lewin Assoc Prof $190,000.00 June 16, 2013
Luckman, Elizabeth Clin Assistant Prof $130,810.00 Aug. 20, 2018
Mahoney, Joseph T PROF $239,623.00 Jan. 6, 1988
Martinez, Candace Agrella Clin Assoc Prof $149,525.88 Aug. 16, 2015
Mecum, Kipling Pike Business/Adminv Associate $59,179.90 March 30, 2015
Mehrotra, Mili Assoc Prof $184,000.00 June 16, 2019

Note: To learn how the Post-Dispatch calculates figures such as the number of full-time employees or median salary, as well as other important explanations and caveats, please see the About page.